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Avoiding spontaneous explosions upon entering physics?


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I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing issues where craft spontaneously explode upon doing things like touching the ground or loading a quicksave. 


This here is an experimental ascent vehicle built for the Whirligig world of Derbin, and has experienced this issue in a variety of forms. 



Here it is with a Big-S delta wing spontaneously detaching moments after loading a quicksave. Normally the entire craft spontaneously ceases to exist, but in this case I managed to somewhat mitigate that outcome by pausing immediately after quickloading and unpausing after a few seconds. Turns out that every single time I quickload this particular instance, the Big-S inevitably falls off after a few seconds. 
Also to note, this craft used to completely destroy itself half the time I teleported it to Derbin's surface.  The flight logs indicated that the wheels had collided into the fuel tanks (to be fair, they were clipped into each other, but the catastrophic collapse only happened about half the time.)

Paradoxically, I managed to (so far, anyways) completely prevent this from happening by moving the rear landing gear outboard, which apparently prevents the landing gear from "colliding" with any other part of the craft. 
I am no physics expert in this game, but I thought the collisions were taking place due to a part falling off and then colliding with another part. In contrast to this hypothesis, just moving the gear outwards,  which should have made a structural failure more likely since it was now attached to an outboard wing, completely solved the issue.

Spontaneous disassemblies also happen when staging, though I suspect that one is probably from the staged parts grazing against the accelerating craft. 

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Weird stuff unfortunately happens reloading vessels traveling at high speed in dense atmosphere. I think of it as connections being under stress at the time of save, some details of that stress not being fully written into a savefile, then reloading can trigger problems.

Here are things that I've done about the problem:

  • During high speed atmo flight, save often, and use a new savefile each time. If one save explodes and can't be worked around try a prior save.
  • Use alt-f12 cheat to turn on unbreakable joints before reloading a problematic save.
  • Kerbal Joint Reinforcement mod can fix some of these problems. One of the forks (I think KJR-Next) has been updated for KSP 1.12.3. Note that KJR can introduce other issues especially during EVA construction and docking, so save just before doing those things.


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