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Strange camera shadow on bodies in map view

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Hey everyone, I'm having a strange issue I can't figure out regarding there being a shadow on celestial bodies when zoomed in far enough in the map view. I've provided a few screenshots to show what I mean and what it's supposed to look like.

I am playing on a modded installation, however the issue doesn't appear to be caused by EVE or Spectra as I've now removed those. I also have:

  • AVP
  • Parallax
  • Scatterer

And several other mods that affect gameplay but not cosmetics. Has anyone experienced a similar issue before? 

The issue while zoomed way in:



The issue while zoomed farther out:



How it's supposed to look:


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13 minutes ago, Caerfinon said:

Do you use TUFX?  If so, try setting config for map mode to default-empty. See if that clears it.

I do! I must have forgotten I had it installed - thanks for your response.

I took a look in the config in-game and also poked around the files for the mod, but was unable to find the config you mentioned. I'm sure I missed it somewhere; do you happen to know the path for this or if it's a setting in-game I can change?

Thanks again!


Edit: Nevermind! I found how to change the config. Thanks a lot for your help, it was really immersion breaking for me.

Edited by sweatbox
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