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[1.12.x] Parallax - PBR Terrain and Surface Objects [2.0.8]


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42 minutes ago, Rocketry101 said:

if there is an avp2 make custom parallax configs

What's wrong with the ones I've made? :( 

24 minutes ago, Rocketry101 said:

Question: if i have opm and install stock textures will this causes Bugs? what is this incompatible with 

OPM should work fine with Parallax despite configs not existing for those planets. Let me know if you encounter any issues!

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@Gameslinx Would parallax or its dependency, possibly have anything to do with a missing monolith and radio tower at the Baikerbanur site? I'm using Kerbinside and Kerbal Konstructs, and I thought that they were responsible, but I've been coordinating with another player in that forum and that person and I are both using the same version of Kerbinside/KK and the monolith and radio tower are there for him, and Parallax is the only other mod I'm running that affects visuals and terrain, everything else is parts packs and gameplay effectors, KAS,KIS, autopilot, mechjeb, etc. It's not a game breaking thing, just an oddity that I'm kind of casually trying to nail down. 

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Cool mod.  When on a surface, my fps seems to go back and forth between pretty smooth and very low.   Like driving around on Mun or near KSC.  Sometimes if I just sit still a while the fps jumps up.  Amount of parts doesn't seem to matter.   I'm not sure what's causing that.  Is there any game settings that I could test out that might help?

Quick question is: do only the stock wheels react to the collisions?  I tried the Feline rover wheels and they didn't seem to react like the stock ones do.


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8 hours ago, vardicd said:

Would parallax or its dependency, possibly have anything to do with a missing monolith and radio tower at the Baikerbanur site?

No, all I change is the terrain. I don't touch buildings

6 hours ago, mcbmaestro said:

When on a surface, my fps seems to go back and forth between pretty smooth and very low.

What is your GPU? If you have anything above a GT 970M you should expect 60fps (if no other visual mods are installed).

6 hours ago, mcbmaestro said:

Is there any game settings that I could test out that might help?

Turn off terrain scatters in the main menu - Kopernicus has utterly destroyed them and causes them to lag to an almost unnplayable level. 

If you have PlanetShine, uninstall it - same reason.

You can also change settings in the ParallaxGlobal.cfg which will change the shader quality

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Turning off Reflection Refresh Mode in settings fixed the low fps problem for me (CPU bottleneck). I get near identical FPS with Parallax on or off now.

I have a few planes act funny and flip over on the runway (especially prop-driven ones), but most act fine. Wheels break very easily compared to vanilla, but that makes terrain feel like an actual threat now. I can't expect to travel 200m/s in a 1000t plane, taking off on an alien world anymore, because it lacks strong VTOL engines for a slower take off. 

The way it is right now makes the game more challenging, realistic, and prettier.




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10 hours ago, Gameslinx said:

No, all I change is the terrain. I don't touch buildings

Yeah, I poked around in a couple of forums and found out there's apparently a bit of a soft conflict between Kerbal Konstructs and Kopernicus/bleeding edge that sometimes causes game objects to spawn inside of other objects or clip beneath  the ground. guy over there said he was using GEP [whatever that is] and that his  launchpad was clipped into VAB with the spawn point was on the roof of it. He implied that it's a known issue, and claimed it's suspected to be on kerbal konstructs end, as it hasn't been officially updated since 1.8. No idea how accurate the information is.

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I tried changing the Tessellation quality to low and it gave me a massive boost to what must be near 60fps, or whatever I had before this mod.    Most of all it completely got rid of the up and down with the fps and made it consistant.

My card is a GTX960 with 2gb ram.   Not cutting it for most games anymore thus I was planning to get a new one back in August before they all sold out indefinitely.   

I might play around with a few more settings but right now runs really good and still a huge improvement over stock shaders but I'm a tweaker so I can't leave good enough alone hehe.  Will also turn off the terrain scatters though they seem to be making no real difference.   Other mods I'm running are Scatterer, Kopernicus, mech jeb and a few parts mods(spaceX parts and Feline rover parts)

BTW I'm changing my original statement from nice mod to amazing mod.    I love most the tactile feel of driving over terrain now.  Feels more real.  You can no longer race across the ground like Bonneville Salt Flats.  You actually have to really keep your eye on the bouncing.  It pairs incredibly well with the new wave interactions in scatterer!

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not sure what went wrong, but I tried this mod on my modded game and my backup stock game. the mun is white, and crafts go through surfaces by a meter. Kopernicus is also telling me its not compatible and got that stupid nyan cat all over the loading screen. I am using 1.11

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1 minute ago, MrChittyChad said:

not sure what went wrong, but I tried this mod on my modded game and my backup stock game. the mun is white, and crafts go through surfaces by a meter. Kopernicus is also telling me its not compatible and got that stupid nyan cat all over the loading screen.

Are you using Kopernicus BE 1110?

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