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Install working fine and suddenly freezing after no changes- always freezing during load and always on a "../parts/@thumbs/..." file

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Ok so i have one of my favorite installs that i've been playing on for a few months now. Its heavily loaded with mods. 134 to be exact. It originally took me awhile to get it perfect but i did and have been playing with it for awhile. I have added no new mods or made ANY changes in weeks and suddenly my game startted freezing during boot. 


I noticed something wierd and that every time it froze up, it was always on a file in a "/GameData/xxxxxxx/parts/@thumbs.." file.


Whatever file it froze up on, I would remove that entire mod and any dependeencies if it had any. And then i try to boot again and the game freezes again and freezes on another random "/GameData/xxxxxxx/parts/@thumbs.." file from a different mod. Again I would remove that mod now and dependencies if any, and try the same thing again. And then- i kid you not- it would freeze up AGAIN on another "/GameData/xxxxxxx/parts/@thumbs.." file from somewhere else.


So its like its ONLY freezing up during boot/loading and always when a "/GameData/xxxxxxx/parts/@thumbs.." file file is on the bottom of the screen. I looked around for any type of part thumbnail cache or icon cache to clear out and try but i couldnt find anything and did want to mess anything up.


Does anyone have any suggestion as to why my game is suddenly freeziong up during boot and only freezing on random GameData/xxx/Parts/@thumbs files? This seems oddball to me. I have no clue what causing it but it seems like there may be an actualy fix to this.


Someone please help if possible.


Otherwise im just gonna keep the install but remove all mods and slowly add them back one-by-one again like i did in the beginning and start all over and pray my saves work by the time i reach the point with the same mods added back.


**Reminder- install was working fine for weeks; Didnt add any mods; Didnt make any chages; Havent even started any new saves; Game just started this all of a sudden

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How do you know what file is hanging: are you looking at the name on the bottom of the loading screen, or looking at the logfile? Do you have Making History installed?

The game might not actually be freezing on the file shown on the loading screen. Based on a frustrating debug experience I had a while ago, the loading screen can show the prior file opened, with KSP dying on the next file it tries to load. Deleting a mod might change the order things load next time so you'll see a different filename each time even though the same file keeps causing the crash.

That debug experience taught me the logfile can reveal which file is actually hanging. Share your logfile and someone might be able to provide more advice. See the "How to get support" thread if needed.


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