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Dres contracts

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I recently landed on Dres and have been setting up a science base.  While wandering around I came across this oddity.  Since landing I have gotten no contracts for Dress, but have already started getting some for Jool.  Anyway, a Kerbal can not interact with this thing and I'm wondering if it needs to be scanned or if there are no contracts for Dres.  I don't want to go to the effort of sending a rover with a scanner arm if it is not necessary.


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1 hour ago, miklkit said:

I recently landed on Dres and have been setting up a science base.  While wandering around I came across this oddity.  Since landing I have gotten no contracts for Dress, but have already started getting some for Jool.  Anyway, a Kerbal can not interact with this thing and I'm wondering if it needs to be scanned or if there are no contracts for Dres.  I don't want to go to the effort of sending a rover with a scanner arm if it is not necessary.


what do you mean by "necessary"?

if you're arrived to dres, by now you should have unlocked the full tech tree, and have virtually unlimited money, so nothing is really necessary.

if you are just asking "can I scan that stuff? is there scannable stuff on dres" then the answer is yes. I have never seen this specific rock formation, but i haven't been to dres in several updates; you may also have graphic mods. either way, dres has two scannable objects, so a rover arm will be useful.

I don't know why you didn't include one already; i see your rover has six of the biggest wheels, totaling 9 tons alone. plus the mk3 cockpit and a bunch of crew pods, that thing must be at least 30 tons. compared to that, the 300 kg of a rover arm make no significant difference, you may as well add one.

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Ah, so there are scannable things on Dres.  That makes the building of a rover carrier with that range necessary.  I thought I would already be seeing contracts for Dres, so thought there might not be any after the chatter about how boring Dres is.  I am finding it quite challenging in fact.

Yes I have completed the tech tree and money is not an issue and I am finding out just how far I can go now.  The only graphical mods I have are usual like EVE, Scatterer, and Waterfall. 

That is just a gas truck and is not meant for exploring.  They are on Mun, Minmus, Ike, and Duna where they sit around a base until a spaceplane drops in and needs refueling.  They typically weigh around 40 tons dry and 90 tons wet.  This one in the VAB and launching.



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8 hours ago, miklkit said:

Ah, so there are scannable things on Dres.  That makes the building of a rover carrier with that range necessary.  I thought I would already be seeing contracts for Dres, so thought there might not be any after the chatter about how boring Dres is.  I am finding it quite challenging in fact.


Reaching dres is fairly challenging, and expensive. Because it is so expensive to go to dres from anywhere and back, the place is virtually useless as refueling base. 

Once landed, it's basically mun without craters - and a more rugged terrain. It is the hardest place to drive a rover in the stock system, according to several rover junkies, because the irregular terrain breaks wheels easily. 

I think those are the main reasons dres is disliked; you can't use it for much, and after all the trouble of getting there it's very anticlimatic

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9 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

It is the hardest place to drive a rover in the stock system, according to several rover junkies,

I actually found Dres fairly easy to drive on.  It’s fairly easy to reach high speeds, which can be dangerous.  Personally, I found Moho, Gilly, Bop, and Pol to be more difficult to drive on.

9 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

Reaching dres is fairly challenging, and expensive.

This is very true.  In particular, Dres has an orbital inclination which makes it very expensive to get to or from.  It’s proximity to Jool’s orbit is more than offset by the inclination matching burns you will likely need to do.

2 hours ago, miklkit said:

Uh ohh, Dres is hard to get to from Jool?  I had hopes of using it as a refueling base.

It’s certainly possible to use Dres as a fuel stop.  I personally find Ike much more practical than Dres, mainly because of Dres’ mismatched inclination.  But I also do like to visit Dres.  And I’m usually low on fuel when I do manage to reach it.  So- having a refueling option there is handy for sure.

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5 hours ago, miklkit said:

Uh ohh, Dres is hard to get to from Jool?  I had hopes of using it as a refueling base. 

getting from jool to dres and viceversa is not too expensive, actually; from the outer moons of Jool (Bop and Pol) you can reach Dres with 1500 m/s. The problem is, why would you? Bop and Pol are both excellent refueling places, with their low gravity. If you're around Jool, you want to refuel there.

From Dres to Jool is cheaper, as little as 500 m/s, because you can use gravity assists to get captured. So if you want to use Dres as a refueling base, you need to spend 2 km/s just to get to/from there. And transfer windows between those two planets aren't exactly common, it may take a decade for a round trip.

If you're coming from the other direction, at Duna wanting to reach Jool, going directly is cheaper than going to dres. A duna-dres transfer always costs over 2 km/s, because inclination results in a large intercept speed at Dres. Conversely, from Duna you can reach Jool with 1 km/s, once more using gravity assists to get captured.

All this makes dres useless as a refueling base. If you want to go to jool from the inner system, it is cheaper to skip dres and go to jool directly. If you are already around Jool, it is more convenient to refuel around its outer moons. if you aim for eeloo, once more jool is a more convenient stop to refuel. And if you are around Jool/eeloo and want to return to the inner system, it is cheaper to go directly to Duna.


it's an unlucky position. I'm using rss, and ceres/vesta suffer from the same problems; even though they would in theory be viable spots, in practice it is better to go elsewhere.

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