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Three Words Story!


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, Jeff Bridges. He


Relieve tense muscles to paddle his old and leaky boat mad of 100 year old chestnuts that smelled like the best of fine whine that is made from baby rats and ground up beef meat, which stank like a big rotten orange. Moons are great when sprinkled shaving of you that conduct portals when shot by quantum tunneling devices which emit deadly portals that are deadly. Lemon grenades that burn life’s house down are extremely combustible. Salt mines were closed when Cave Johnson lived in caves creating tests for “general testing purposesâ€Â, which everyone failed except Kerby, who peed his pants. Due to GLaDOS the tests became much much much much MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCHH harder. Harder, as in very very difficult hardness of “objects†such as bricks. 4chan wasn’t 5chan wasn’t 6chan wasn’t to the bathroom in Aperture Laboratories the creator of Kerbal Space Program. Kerby fell into a huge crater filled with soss and bumped his ASHPD on a rogue RCS module. The module spewed pudding all over his kerbal face causing space blindness and SPACE DEMENTIA and cancer pain. The cancer pain seems to spread to inappropriate areas like the nose of GLaDOS and the appendage of Dogs worldwide. Woosh! Said the expesive talking mayonnaise jar that wasn’t purple, blue, green, orange, or any other color that matches. Er, mah gurd! Said the little pink furry lizard that acted like it was a lusty Argonian maid wo brit hahnu, a famous yodeler who doesn’t really know how to stop yodeling forever and yodel cheez out of orifices of cheez watts. “Cheze isn’t cheeseâ€Â, said cheese curderler while eating a chezy cheese 'Cheese' related substance thing, that spewed a cheezy cheese cheez chooze lalooze thingamajig ahig ahig, mafia- “ZING ZANG ZOOBIDYBOP†using real words, Biel Kawsby wanted Jebs head because of his eyebrows being somewhat magentaish and the fact that the cake was Jeb. I lied about that, it wasn’t a cake at all it was Bill. Dressed as a fluffy puffy znuffy snazzy fur suit. The suit ate a big banana which tasted like furry alfredo cats and spicy “fluids†which gave him multiple cat attacks to his face . An underwater adventure involving underwater kerbals in pink underwear. That model underwear wearing ducks with rocket power unicycles. Defy physics magically, they said…†squeaked ichyyyyyERROR512WORDSNOTFOUNDERROR512WORDSNOTFOUND ERROR512WORDSNOTFOUNDERROR512WORDSNOTFOUND the little red riding cow said things about LIGHTHOUSES and assorted visages. LOLOLOLOLOLOL said wheatley, choking on wheat-thins made of tungsten and wheat flavored planet cancer pain caused back pains and pack bains and pack-rat brains and front pains and mild death followed by paien and palin and nothing else. Planetoids created by Chuck forest spontaneously taste like Test Chuckta, Tuckest Chta’s brother and sister somehow rapidly tasting cheeses. Zoom Zoom VROOM the kerbal said while licking feet, while falling from Mt. Keverest, a while later-ate custard mustard pustard rustard spat the kerbal. Nobody likes KSP; “IT IS SO BAD THAT IT MELTS MY COMPUTER!†said absolutely no-one, Ever. And ever. AND EVER! said Cat-man disguised as king Koopa, NOT Bowser, the internet browser attacked non-king bowser when he jumped off a bridge. Kerbal pudding is right below bridges, Jeff Bridges. He

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