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Game play glitch?

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The game loads ok but the game play is wrong. None of my fuel powered engines work, the planes roll backwards off the runway and the engines will not activate because the option to either activate or shut down is not there. Yet the solid rocket boosters work fine.  I've tried restarting twice, one was shutting down my pc and rebooting.  Do I need to do a reinstallation? I don't know how to share a screen shot.

Edited by kellerlk4
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Did you install any mods? Uninstall any?

You could try and do a new install in a different location, then run it to verify it works right.

Then try copying your saves folder to the new install and see if that works.

You might also be able to compare the new install to the old one and see if any folders or files look different.

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1 hour ago, kellerlk4 said:

None of my fuel powered engines work, the planes roll backwards off the runway and the engines will not activate because the option to either activate or shut down is not there. Yet the solid rocket boosters work fine.

Solid rocket boosters can be activated just by pressing the spacebar, but liquid fuel engines are more complicated.

  • Is your throttle set to maximum? (Pressing the Z key does that.)
  • Do your rocket engines have both liquid fuel and oxidizer?
  • Do your jet engines have liquid fuel and air intakes?
1 hour ago, kellerlk4 said:

Do I need to do a reinstallation?

I don't think so, especially not if your solid rocket boosters work properly.

1 hour ago, kellerlk4 said:

I don't know how to share a screen shot.

Pictures are usually shared here using Imgur.

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