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Looking for a robotic arm control mod


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I have a question about the existience of a very particular mod. The mod in question is one that gives better contol of robotic arms. I was thinking somthing that allowed somekind of keyboard controls with inverse kinematics. Back in 2017 there was an inverse kinematics mod that didn't work super great and was not very user friendly. Im returing to KSP after quite a few years now so im not really up to date on the newest mods. Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this :) 

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Hello, and welcome back! :)

(We've taken the liberty of moving your post to the right place for this sort of question.)

5 hours ago, EpicPants said:

I have a question about the existience of a very particular mod. The mod in question is one that gives better contol of robotic arms. I was thinking somthing that allowed somekind of keyboard controls with inverse kinematics. Back in 2017 there was an inverse kinematics mod that didn't work super great and was not very user friendly. Im returing to KSP after quite a few years now so im not really up to date on the newest mods.

Well, for one thing, there's a little mod that I wrote which somewhat simplifies robotic arm control... but it's not inverse kinematics at all, so I'm not sure whether it's what you're looking for or not.

Caveat: it's not under active develoemt and at this point it's unlikely I'll be going back to add stuff to it, fix bugs, etc. AFAIK there's no reason why it shouldn't work on current KSP, but I haven't actually run it myself since KSP 1.8 or thereabouts, so I don't actually know that for sure.

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1 hour ago, Snark said:

Hello, and welcome back! :)

(We've taken the liberty of moving your post to the right place for this sort of question.)

Well, for one thing, there's a little mod that I wrote which somewhat simplifies robotic arm control... but it's not inverse kinematics at all, so I'm not sure whether it's what you're looking for or not.

Caveat: it's not under active develoemt and at this point it's unlikely I'll be going back to add stuff to it, fix bugs, etc. AFAIK there's no reason why it shouldn't work on current KSP, but I haven't actually run it myself since KSP 1.8 or thereabouts, so I don't actually know that for sure.

Thank you. gonna test it out when i find the time. It's not exactly what i had in mind but i think i have to accept that my dreams are crushed. The mod i am imagining would have a UI something like this:

 you would control for the point if view of the end effector. The big arrows would be up, down, left, right and the small ones would be roll clockwise and counter clockwise and two more for forward backward. this is a big ask i know, but i think many people would find it very usefull. At any rate this would require som kind of inverse kinematics to figure out how each part would move and such. anyway thanks again

Edited by EpicPants
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