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A controller for everyone!


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Hi everyone, I’m an engineer and I wonder why there is no controller available on market for KSP. It’s a such a cool and fun way to play KSP!

So do you think that is a good idea to lunch a development for this kind of product ?

We can probably start with a Kickstarter to collect some money in order to start development.

Personally, I’m good with hardware and software (microcontroller side) for electronic, but I’m going to need others skills to make it like mechanical and software (PC side for API).

So, the idea is to finance those 2 parts with the money from Kickstarter and lunch a first small batch.

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There are few DIY consoles with buttons and switches made by players, but that's about it. Flight sims have been there for decades and those have a lot of enthusiasts. KSP is still niche, and such controller would indeed have to be built for fans by fans.

Trouble is, my experiences with kickstarter tell me that the ride is usually more bumpy than terrain on Pol.

But don't let that stop you, maybe there will be some interested in such thing.

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First, there are already free mods that utilize arduino and Pi to interface with KSP to make custom controllers for the game.  These have been around for ~10 years or so, and numerous examples of them can be found here in the forums. 

Secondly, and most importantly, we don’t allow advertising of commercial products, which this would be, on the forums without prior approval from the CM’s    As such, we will have to contact them before we can unlock this thread.


Edited by Gargamel
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