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Before We Do This...


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 I feel like now is the time to put this up:

I know people are ticked about EA, and the System Specs; but speaking for myself: I didn't start playing this game seriously until I saw this trailer. I learned how to play from YouTube channels; and got my questions answered by you fine people, and now I play every day. It's been a long, exciting journey. Far longer for almost everyone else here, I know. But this forum made me feel welcome, taught me to be patient, and celebrated with me when I finally started to find my feet

Don't let perfect become the enemy of awesome; and don't forget that all of us are here because we dream of the day when all of this is real life, and not a computer game. KSP1 raised and inspired a generation of NASA and SpaceX engineers, and those guys are finally getting somewhere.

My father was less than half my age when Armstrong put footprints on the moon. Starship will be taking it's first orbital flight as soon as next month. We were born decades too late for Apollo, and a decade too soon for Artemis; let alone Mars. For us, there is dreaming, inspiring, imagining, and creating.

If it takes another year to get what we were expecting, it'll be a year spent among fellow fans, space enthusiasts, content creators, YouTube teachers, modders; and people who wish they could live on their favorite starships.  A year spent watching as things get corrected, suggested, innovated; patched, expanded, and everyone races to find out where we can go, and what we can see with every new option.

We are Wanderers with nowhere to go... yet.

Those of you who start playing tomorrow? You're the ones helping prepare the way for the rest of us. The ones who are waiting to make upgrades to our machines, or cannot be there on day one due to cost, or those waiting for EA to pass.

We appreciate it. This game has been the full time jobs of many people we've not met. And if any of those people are reading this, let me say thanks for all the time you've invested into this already. Until something better than this world arrives, you're keeping the flame alive.

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