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Is there an in-game tool tool for planet information?


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Hey guys

Recently started KSP. Successfully crashed a couple of probes on Mun and was setting my eyes on Minmus. There  is a problem however. I cant seem to find information regarding planets in game anywhere. I even upgraded my tracking station to max level in hopes of getting some useful stuff, but it seems to have been a mistake.

Question: Is there information anywhere IN GAME where I can know orbit periods, aka how many Kerbin days does planet/moon(in this case Minmus) take to rotate around planet/sun. Yes I CAN technically smash the time warp button, watch and make an excel spreadsheet. But cmon, it would be completely insulting! + Missions are time limited so its not like time is free. I know that "haha funny Kerbals are dumb", but I would expect at least this information to be provided somewhere.

P.S.: "Lol go read wiki" is an expected answer and by that point there is no reason to be playing the game. The entire fun proposition of the game is figuring out stuff by yourself. Im just really hoping for minimal convenience factor.

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On 2/24/2023 at 11:28 PM, Vanamonde said:

There is not much in-game. The original idea was that players would discover such things for themselves. 

Welcome to the forum. :)

Appreciate the response. That's a shame :(
In the meantime I discovered the maneuvertool that talks about "transfer windows" which I suppose is the exact thing I was looking for, to forecast planet movement in order to plan and schedule launches. But is seems so be broken :| It offered to get me to Minmus in 96 days when I (with painstaking node adjustment)  found a "transfer window" in just 3h from my orbit.

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The trial and error is kinda part of the KSP 1 experience.

There were a lot of rockets that fell back to Kerbin, stranded in space, crashed on the Mun, stranded on the Mun, stranded in space again before I got my Kerbal back to Kerbin safely from the Mun.

Some mods and the Wiki help though.

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