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Um, Actually | Correcting Inaccuracies

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Could we use a pedantic thread about inaccuracies currently present that should be changed at some point? I say so.

• To start off, as mentioned in older threads, the velocity indicator is correctly in units of m/s, but the altimeter's units are labeled with "M" for meters or "KM" for kilometers. Those should be "m" and "km" respectively.

• This one's personal and almost nobody seems to agree with me, but I'm objectively correct. "Kilometers" should be pronounced "KIL-oh-meters" rather than "kil-AH-meters". The former fits the convention for the kilo- prefix for other units (KIL-oh-grams, KIL-oh-kelvins, etc). The latter makes it sound like a device that measures kills, in the same way that a therm-AH-meter measures thermal energy and a bar-AH-meter measures bars

• P.A.I.G.E. has never been to film school; clearly, this move is not a pan
XADzQw9.png DII71Rf.png

Edited by whatsEJstandfor
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Point one is reasonable and should probably be fixed at some point.
Points two and three have 0% chance they will ever be fixed. This is just the way people speak, whether it's objectively correct or not. Plus, I doubt they have the voice actor on call to amend the recordings.

Edited by MilongaDelAngel
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Even camera people don't use those terms (source: am a professional camera operator). We don't "dolly" in or out, we "track" in or out or left or right (because dollies run on tracks, see?) "Pan" to track annoys me as a pedant, but I know a lot of software uses it that way, and especially in a game aimed at kids it's fine.


As far as units, I'm all for getting the units as correct as possible. km, Wh (I know engineers prefer Ah, but since there's no voltages in KSP but there is power, Wh makes more sense at some magical hidden voltage), Gs or m/s^2 but not both in the same context. I'd even go so far as to say kg instead of t (it's easier to think about a probe at 239kg and a rocket at 239,000kg than a probe at .239t and a rocket at 239t).


I also really, really wish that, since we've named "Methane" we could name "Oxidizer." Why should the fuel be named but not the oxidizer? It's so weird.

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i think we can all agree that volts is wrong. im throwing my lot in with watt hours. voltages seen on solar panels and batteries can vary considerably based on configuration, environmental conditions, temperature, sunlight, state of discharge, etc. everything is going to have its own regulation to bring it up to the bus standard, which is essential for proper distribution. if you use watts you don't need to bother knowing the particulars of any of that, you can just treat every part of your power system as a black box and ignore the intricacies of how each works. ksp is not a circuit simulator. 

i remember having this discussion wrt ksp1. 

Edited by Nuke
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