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Everything posted by snkiz

  1. I fired up the game to see if my previously working ssto's could break mach 1 again. They do but, either I forgot how to fly them. Or the fuel bug witch is still present is worse. I build marginal stuff, with the bugs they are just on the wrong side of the margin. I think that was my final mission for ksp2. I can not deal with the impersicsion of the Dv calculations. There's not enough parts, the collisions still are unpredictable. I don't know what I was expecting, but playable final product was the hope. Guess I'll have to redo my mod pack for ksp1. The game within the game. I think this is my last post. At least on this game. It's been a ride. So long and thanks for all the fish.
  2. Wow that was more complex than thought. With the issue of things heating up inside fairings I assumed they weren't doing anything.
  3. Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: AMD ryzen 1600x | GPU: AMD RX 580 4gb | RAM: 32gb While looking for a craft file for another report I noticed a whole bunch a png's with no associated meta or JSON files. Mostly auto saves, but also crafts I know I deleted. My main save has over 1600 of these files totalling over 200mb of data. That doesn't sound like much. But it's also only the result of about a dozen or so complete crafts. This is just unacceptable, especially considering your save is located in the hidden by default AppData folder for your windows user. You are not encouraged to look at that folder directly by KSP or windows, ever. What I expect to happen: Deleted crafts remove all the files associated with them. What is happening: All of the PNG thimbnails are being left behind slowly filling my Boot drive with trash. Steps to replicate: naviagte to your workspace folder for a well used save here, C:\Users\youruser\AppData\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2\Saves\SinglePlayer\yoursave\Workspaces and count up the png's with no corresponding JSON file. Included Attachments: .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  4. I caught a shadow moving over my plane in the VAB. looked out the window and there was the sun, setting. Yup it sure does.
  5. Ran out likes again. That's my que to go to bed.
  6. This isn't the place to discuss that. And yes I've been here a long time. I know the whole story, as far as is publicly available. More than can be discussed on the forum. At the end of the day Intercept is the dev. Private division the inde label T2 created. For reasons best not discussed.
  7. You ever consider that T2 may have a boilerplate EULA, they just swap names in? They run gta after all.
  8. No not exactly, I never expected it to go smoothly. I'm one that understands the state of things. Many of those reviews don't. Even if they do the binary choice doesn't lend itself to that nuance. I believe Intercept is sincere, I have less faith in T2.
  9. Yup kyobashi maru. Can I steal your signature?
  10. I know, it just feels like dogpiling though. I had no intention of reviewing it before I see how progresses for a bit. Not everyone has that kind of reserve though. It wouldn't be good if they did anyway. I swear this EA is turning into a kobayashi maru. ( I can't believe google knows how to spell that.) @regex You don't need to defend your opinion here. It's just as valid as everyone else's.
  11. Just to be clear. I am not hating or complaining, I know what I signed up for. I paid 15 dollars for ksp1 and bought 3 more copies of it for my kids and friends. I'm worried there may end up being conqueneses for this from the higher ups. I never doubted Intercept (Nate.)
  12. There is that. and is your avatar a D6 in orbit? awsome!
  13. I'm copying this here because this is a more appropriate thread title.
  14. To late. and like I said the only reason I'd regret it is if it went on fire sale. Or this all implodes in the hands of T2. That's why I left the discord last week.
  15. Yup right now I'm justifying to myself knowing the price is gonna go up. At this this rate though I'm not so sure any more. Damage control might force their hand, Unless they pull a rabbit out of you know where with a few quick updates. If they drop the price I'm gonna be angry. I'm pretty sure most of us would be. Rock and a hard place. Nostalgia for the early days is not worth 50 (67 Cdn + tax) bucks IMO.
  16. TBH I wouldn't even recommend to fans. They have every right to review it. It's the price you pay for opening up sales. EA, or not. All the reviews are gonna have an EA asterisk. But really does that matter?
  17. The game is getting ratio'd quite hard. sitting a 50% as of now. I'm conflicted. I can't recommend this yet. I'm franky shocked at the amount of jank, and I was expecting quite a bit not quite meeting the min spec. If it was just chugging I'd brush it off happily. But there are sooo many things. I don't blame the reviews at all. At this time I can't in good conscience come up with anything to say that would allow me to Upvote it. But I don't want to downvote it on day 1. The binary choice is just not fitting. What's clear is, it was forced out the door. That makes me sad. It's too early to ra ra the team, but I feel their pain. I hope they get it together before this whole thing implodes.
  18. Please stop using this metric. Years is a meaningless number. How many people were working on it during that time? How much idle time was there? Did they start over after the incident? Years doesn't tell you anything about that. Man hours does. We can possibly make an estimate of that number but we'll never know. All I can say is T2 is marketing this as AAA. It isn't there yet, I'd hesitate to even call it beta yet. But many if not most AAA titles have five plus years in dev. Not counting those yearly games that only get minor tweaks year over year.
  19. The AMD app can do it, it's listed as radeon chill. And depending on card features, upscaling, downscaling, aliasing. A bunch of stuff to try and lessen the workload. I'm sure the NV app has equivents.
  20. It's a feature not a bug. It lights up your controls, shows the countdown on the keys. As you've found you have to use the logi app to disable it, just like every game with logi rgb support. That being said, it does not light up enough controls. I've never tried to make a game reactive RGB profile before. I'm not even sure that's a user facing ability. The countdown is fun but I might just use my KSP1 RGB profile.
  21. Fine controls didn't work, and there was no indication I could find that it was active. that's what did me in.
  22. Hey! Navi is my message chime on my phone.
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