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Big fan of KSP 1 and not a hater for KSP 2.  Early Access <> Finished, and some folks can't see that.  

Should have gotten a screen shot, but did an optimal gravity turn on the Mun (i.e. barely above the ground) and the game about had a stroke switching between some mode or other as I cruised along at a couple of km above the surface.  Auto: Ground, Auto: Orbit were flashing in sequence literally hundreds/thousands of times.  It didn't stop until I was high enough above the ground for non-physics time warp to kick in.

Polite suggestion - I like the big weird bubble + entrance/exit targets UI addition for encounters, but I can't figure out how to get the piece of my orbit that is involved in the encounter to be shown relative to the surface of the target.  Desired behavior: If I have a Mun encounter, the piece of my orbit within Mun's SOI is shown beside the Mun rather than just a weirdly shaped bit of my orbit around Kerbin.  (If that's currently possible, would love to know how.)

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I have a Station Core that ive put into orbit, i undock it from the second stage, the game brings up flight report then the craft starts spinning uncontrollably. the game says I don't have com net access even disabling com net in the settings, however after a while the game reverts the setting to the default "on" position. it also looks like my pitch roll and yaw are forced to maximum. here is a clip of the bug https://medal.tv/games/requested/clips/WPleXVAWLMsbD/d1337TspeIpN?invite=cr-MSwzaXEsNTQ0MTY0NTIs , no clipped parts, and com net access is not required for control(i also have an omni directional antenna on the station

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While launching and circularizing my orbit from sub-orbital, the focus started to be further and further out, with middle-button "pan" doing little, until ultimately the ship disappeared. At the same time, the models of the kerbinauts in their profile pics in the top-right began to get weird, with their skins detaching as they shook under acceleration. No amount of using "[" or "]"  or using the tracking station to try to re-establish focus would help. In the same event, the SAS stopped responding. I could move the ship manually, but hitting "prograde" or anything would barely do anything.  Unfortunately I didn't grab a screen shot or video capture. 


I went back to the main menu, and loaded the last auto-save - and control resumed, and all of the non-map feed was working, but now my orbital prediction is just gone.



  On 2/24/2023 at 11:19 PM, subitan said:

While launching and circularizing my orbit from sub-orbital, the focus started to be further and further out, with middle-button "pan" doing little, until ultimately the ship disappeared. At the same time, the models of the kerbinauts in their profile pics in the top-right began to get weird, with their skins detaching as they shook under acceleration. No amount of using "[" or "]"  or using the tracking station to try to re-establish focus would help. In the same event, the SAS stopped responding. I could move the ship manually, but hitting "prograde" or anything would barely do anything.  Unfortunately I didn't grab a screen shot or video capture. 


I went back to the main menu, and loaded the last auto-save - and control resumed, and all of the non-map feed was working, but now my orbital prediction is just gone.




Reverting to launch seems to have fixed it, FWIW. 

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When I got out of a capsule in parachute, and I can plant a flag and stand on "ground" I eventually jump off of the ground to die.

I get out of a capsule in parachute, and I can plant a flag and stand on "ground" I eventually jump off of the ground to die.


A part explodes on a hill. The parts fall through the ground and fall towards the singularity at the center of Kerbin, obstructed only by air resistance


With multiple fairings only one can open through either staging or by directly selecting the fairing. Also, if the stuff in the fairing is separated, it goes through the fairing.


The capsule in retrograde orientation experiences low or negative drag. The low/negative drag was also observed in other craft flying through the atmosphere with a retrograde orientation.


The kerbals boots allow him to stick to and walk along space craft in eva.

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  On 2/24/2023 at 11:19 PM, subitan said:

While launching and circularizing my orbit from sub-orbital, the focus started to be further and further out, with middle-button "pan" doing little, until ultimately the ship disappeared. At the same time, the models of the kerbinauts in their profile pics in the top-right began to get weird, with their skins detaching as they shook under acceleration. No amount of using "[" or "]"  or using the tracking station to try to re-establish focus would help. In the same event, the SAS stopped responding. I could move the ship manually, but hitting "prograde" or anything would barely do anything.  Unfortunately I didn't grab a screen shot or video capture. 


I went back to the main menu, and loaded the last auto-save - and control resumed, and all of the non-map feed was working, but now my orbital prediction is just gone.



Reverting to launch seems to have fixed it, FWIW. 


Some amount of the control problems may have been from being on a mild time-warp without me noticing. 

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The launch stage of my rocket was firmly attached to my vessel after staging (decoupler and next stage engine were in the same stage). This persisted until entering and leaving time warp, at which point the launch stage was violently ejected backwards with no damage to the rest of my craft.

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Maneuver planning while focused on another body does not show the trajectory within that body's SOI.


Communotron DTS-M1 prohibits a constructed fairing from intersecting its deployed volume, even when the antenna is not deployed.

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Manuever nodes are not working for a sub-craft decoupled from a main craft (orbiter probe decoupled from lander, for example) [see #1 in attached figure; 4000+ retrograde dV and no deviation of trajectory line]. Delta-V display is also 0 for that craft [see #2 in figure] despite active engines and plenty of fuel mass [see #3 in figure].

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On launching a spaceplane, the default camera sometimes starts rolled 90 degrees to the right, as if in orbit:

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The ocean and atmosphere occasionally is visually missing. When it is, you can crash into the seabed. The jet engine functions as if the atmosphere was present and drag affects the craft. Reverting to launch restores the atmosphere and ocean.

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Reverting to launch skips the countdown when re-launching.


The flowers are texture maps on a flat plane:



SAS flutter/overcorrections in level flight with stock aircraft at >300 m/s under 500 meters of altitude.


Can't pan camera side to side with MMB, only up and down. Attempting to pan with MMB pressed yaws the camera instead.

Edited by nivvydaskrl
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Sometimes in the middle of playing the game looses all of my saved craft, the ability to save anything (including the save that I'm on), and the ability to launch craft. If I quit to the main menu and try to load the save again the menu UI just disapears leaving the background playing. I have no idea what causes this, and i have no idea how to fix this.

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  On 2/24/2023 at 3:51 PM, Silvia Dragoness said:

Paused/unpaused notifs stacking up is a known issue.

No idea about the outline.

From watching Scott Manley's stream just now, apparently the bottom of the Mohole has no collision; he fell through, let it keep falling down to the "singularity kraken" at the gravitational center, and the kraken went YEET and spat him out with enough velocity to escape the Kerbol system.



At high time compression, I had a probe go inside the Mun instead of crashing into it. This is probably a common thing across the board and I expect it to be on their to-do list already.

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