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Cannot Load/Start Campaigns. Freeze at "Pumping Sim Once"


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I got the same issue with pumping sim once. Found the logs. It seems it tries to load the sim object with empty key. Following the stack trace i found:


[WRN 20:17:57.566] [Debug] FindSimObjectByNameKey() called with null or empty name key!  Returning null!
[LOG 20:17:57.571] [Debug] Kerbin - Scaled-Space Load Finished. 0.3016s
[EXC 20:17:59.530] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
    System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) (at <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0)
    System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () (at <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationStudio.QualityManager.SetDensityQualityLevel (System.Int32 index, System.Boolean forceRefresh) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationStudio.QualityManager.SetQualityLevel (System.Boolean forceRefresh) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationStudio.QualityManager.Awake () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
[EXC 20:17:59.532] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
    System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) (at <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0)
    System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () (at <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationStudio.QualityManager.SetDensityQualityLevel (System.Int32 index, System.Boolean forceRefresh) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationStudio.QualityManager.SetQualityLevel (System.Boolean forceRefresh) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationStudio.QualityManager.Awake () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationStudio.QualityManager.Init () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationSystem.VegetationSystemPro.LoadSettingsFromQualityManager () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationSystem.VegetationSystemPro.GetQualityManager () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.PrefabSpawner.RuntimePrefabSpawner.SetupRuntimePrefabSystem () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.PrefabSpawner.RuntimePrefabSpawner.OnEnable () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
[EXC 20:17:59.550] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
    System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) (at <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0)
    System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () (at <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationStudio.QualityManager.SetDensityQualityLevel (System.Int32 index, System.Boolean forceRefresh) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationStudio.QualityManager.SetQualityLevel (System.Boolean forceRefresh) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationStudio.QualityManager.Awake () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationStudio.QualityManager.Init () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationSystem.VegetationSystemPro.LoadSettingsFromQualityManager () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationSystem.VegetationSystemPro.OnEnable () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
[EXC 20:17:59.559] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    AwesomeTechnologies.Common.VisibleVegetationCellSelector.Dispose () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.PrefabSpawner.RuntimePrefabSpawner.DisposeRuntimePrefabSystem () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.PrefabSpawner.RuntimePrefabSpawner.SetupRuntimePrefabSystem () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.PrefabSpawner.RuntimePrefabSpawner.OnRefreshVegetationSystem (AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationSystem.VegetationSystemPro vegetationSystemPro) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationSystem.VegetationSystemPro.RefreshColliderSystem () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationSystem.VegetationSystemPro.AddCamera (UnityEngine.Camera aCamera, System.Boolean noFrustumCulling, System.Boolean renderDirectToCamera, System.Boolean renderBillboardsOnly) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationSystem.VegetationSystemPro.AdapterAddCamera (UnityEngine.Camera cam) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Sim.ViewAdapters.impl.VegetationSystemProAdapter.Init (UnityEngine.GameObject targetRoot, KSP.Sim.IUniverseView universe, KSP.Sim.ViewObjectComponent ownerBehavior) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Sim.ViewAdapters.impl.VegetationSystemProAdapter.Init (KSP.Sim.IUniverseView universe, KSP.Sim.ViewObjectComponent ownerBehavior) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Sim.impl.CelestialBodyBehavior.OnLocalSpaceViewInstantiated (UnityEngine.GameObject obj) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Assets.AssetProvider+<>c__DisplayClass7_0`1[T].<CreateAsync>b__0 (UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations.AsyncOperationHandle`1[TObject] handle) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    DelegateList`1[T].Invoke (T res) (at <b48ee3083389430880e6cd5d8026a153>:0)
[EXC 20:17:59.584] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQSRenderer.RenderPQS (Unity.Collections.NativeList`1[T] PQs, Unity.Collections.NativeList`1[T] addedQuads, Unity.Collections.NativeList`1[T] changedEdges, Unity.Collections.NativeList`1[T] changedSubdiv, Unity.Collections.NativeList`1[T] changedCollapsed, Unity.Collections.NativeQueue`1[T] quadCache, Unity.Collections.NativeHashSet`1[T] uniqueQuadCache) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQSRenderer.OnPQSUpdated (Unity.Collections.NativeList`1[T] PQs, Unity.Collections.NativeList`1[T] destroyedQuads, Unity.Collections.NativeList`1[T] addedQuads, Unity.Collections.NativeList`1[T] changedEdges, Unity.Collections.NativeList`1[T] changedSubdiv, Unity.Collections.NativeList`1[T] changedCollapsed, Unity.Collections.NativeQueue`1[T] quadCache, Unity.Collections.NativeHashSet`1[T] uniqueQuadCache) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQJob.RenderJob (KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQS pqs, KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQJob+UpdateSubdivisions& job, KSP.Rendering.Planets.IPQSRenderer renderer, KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQS+StatCollection stats) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQJob.EndJob (KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQJob+PQSJobHolder h, KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQS pqs, KSP.Rendering.Planets.IPQSRenderer renderer, KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQS+StatCollection stats) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQS.UpdateQuads () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQS.UpdateQuadsInit () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQS.ActivateSphere () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQS.Start () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
[WRN 20:17:59.815] Internal: JobTempAlloc has allocations that are more than 4 frames old - this is not allowed and likely a leak
[WRN 20:18:05.167] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_astronautcomplex" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.167] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_astronautcomplex" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.167] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_astronautcomplex" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.171] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_trackingcenter" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.171] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_trackingcenter" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.172] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_trackingcenter" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.172] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_trainingcenter" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.172] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_trainingcenter" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.173] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_trainingcenter" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.174] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_vab" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.174] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_vab" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.174] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_vab" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.175] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_airtraffic" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.175] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_airtraffic" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.176] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_airtraffic" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.176] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_researchcenter" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.176] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_researchcenter" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.177] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_researchcenter" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.187] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_roads_runway_A" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.187] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_roads_runway_A" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.187] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_roads_runway_A" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.188] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_roads_runway_B" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.188] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_roads_runway_B" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.188] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_roads_runway_B" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.194] key set on UIValueBinder "LC_Flametrench" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.194] key set on UIValueBinder "LC_Flametrench" but could not locate bind root


Edited by 18Watt
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I also have this issue. The game crashes to desktop after a few seconds showing "Pumping Sim Once". 

The last few lines from the log file are:

[LOG 19:16:48.703] [System] Kerbal Manager completed in 0.1161s.
[LOG 19:16:48.724] [System] Aero GUI completed in 0.0186s.
[LOG 19:16:48.727] [System] Creating ViewController completed in 1.9340s.
[LOG 19:16:48.762] [System] Pumping Sim Once completed in 0.0033s.

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17 minutes ago, Chris Bolland said:

Still getting the same issue, no solution, but it's only like a few hours after launch, in an alpha game. we expected a night unplayable mess. Very Kerbal.

I feel like it's wrong though to release something that costs 50 and a lot of people can't even load.

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Hey. Saw a few other people had this issue so I'll start up a thread for it. I appear to have been lucky enough to get a good few minutes of gameplay, but after a restart I began encountering this issue.

Upon starting a new campaign or loading an existing one, game loading is fine until it hits the infamous "Pumping Sim Once". Then it freezes. Leaving it for a few minutes eventually brings me to a different frozen screen with a broken debug UI window. Restarts, reinstalls, starting without the launcher, all that doesn't affect it. 

Would love to get more than 10 minutes of gameplay in!

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40 minutes ago, mcwienerli said:

I got the same issue with pumping sim once. Found the logs. It seems it tries to load the sim object with empty key. Following the stack trace i found:

  Reveal hidden contents

[WRN 20:17:57.566] [Debug] FindSimObjectByNameKey() called with null or empty name key!  Returning null!
[LOG 20:17:57.571] [Debug] Kerbin - Scaled-Space Load Finished. 0.3016s
[EXC 20:17:59.530] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
    System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) (at <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0)
    System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () (at <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationStudio.QualityManager.SetDensityQualityLevel (System.Int32 index, System.Boolean forceRefresh) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationStudio.QualityManager.SetQualityLevel (System.Boolean forceRefresh) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationStudio.QualityManager.Awake () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
[EXC 20:17:59.532] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
    System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) (at <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0)
    System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () (at <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationStudio.QualityManager.SetDensityQualityLevel (System.Int32 index, System.Boolean forceRefresh) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationStudio.QualityManager.SetQualityLevel (System.Boolean forceRefresh) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationStudio.QualityManager.Awake () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationStudio.QualityManager.Init () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationSystem.VegetationSystemPro.LoadSettingsFromQualityManager () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationSystem.VegetationSystemPro.GetQualityManager () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.PrefabSpawner.RuntimePrefabSpawner.SetupRuntimePrefabSystem () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.PrefabSpawner.RuntimePrefabSpawner.OnEnable () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
[EXC 20:17:59.550] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
    System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) (at <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0)
    System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () (at <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationStudio.QualityManager.SetDensityQualityLevel (System.Int32 index, System.Boolean forceRefresh) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationStudio.QualityManager.SetQualityLevel (System.Boolean forceRefresh) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationStudio.QualityManager.Awake () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationStudio.QualityManager.Init () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationSystem.VegetationSystemPro.LoadSettingsFromQualityManager () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationSystem.VegetationSystemPro.OnEnable () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
[EXC 20:17:59.559] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    AwesomeTechnologies.Common.VisibleVegetationCellSelector.Dispose () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.PrefabSpawner.RuntimePrefabSpawner.DisposeRuntimePrefabSystem () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.PrefabSpawner.RuntimePrefabSpawner.SetupRuntimePrefabSystem () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.PrefabSpawner.RuntimePrefabSpawner.OnRefreshVegetationSystem (AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationSystem.VegetationSystemPro vegetationSystemPro) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationSystem.VegetationSystemPro.RefreshColliderSystem () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationSystem.VegetationSystemPro.AddCamera (UnityEngine.Camera aCamera, System.Boolean noFrustumCulling, System.Boolean renderDirectToCamera, System.Boolean renderBillboardsOnly) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    AwesomeTechnologies.VegetationSystem.VegetationSystemPro.AdapterAddCamera (UnityEngine.Camera cam) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Sim.ViewAdapters.impl.VegetationSystemProAdapter.Init (UnityEngine.GameObject targetRoot, KSP.Sim.IUniverseView universe, KSP.Sim.ViewObjectComponent ownerBehavior) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Sim.ViewAdapters.impl.VegetationSystemProAdapter.Init (KSP.Sim.IUniverseView universe, KSP.Sim.ViewObjectComponent ownerBehavior) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Sim.impl.CelestialBodyBehavior.OnLocalSpaceViewInstantiated (UnityEngine.GameObject obj) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Assets.AssetProvider+<>c__DisplayClass7_0`1[T].<CreateAsync>b__0 (UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations.AsyncOperationHandle`1[TObject] handle) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    DelegateList`1[T].Invoke (T res) (at <b48ee3083389430880e6cd5d8026a153>:0)
[EXC 20:17:59.584] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQSRenderer.RenderPQS (Unity.Collections.NativeList`1[T] PQs, Unity.Collections.NativeList`1[T] addedQuads, Unity.Collections.NativeList`1[T] changedEdges, Unity.Collections.NativeList`1[T] changedSubdiv, Unity.Collections.NativeList`1[T] changedCollapsed, Unity.Collections.NativeQueue`1[T] quadCache, Unity.Collections.NativeHashSet`1[T] uniqueQuadCache) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQSRenderer.OnPQSUpdated (Unity.Collections.NativeList`1[T] PQs, Unity.Collections.NativeList`1[T] destroyedQuads, Unity.Collections.NativeList`1[T] addedQuads, Unity.Collections.NativeList`1[T] changedEdges, Unity.Collections.NativeList`1[T] changedSubdiv, Unity.Collections.NativeList`1[T] changedCollapsed, Unity.Collections.NativeQueue`1[T] quadCache, Unity.Collections.NativeHashSet`1[T] uniqueQuadCache) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQJob.RenderJob (KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQS pqs, KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQJob+UpdateSubdivisions& job, KSP.Rendering.Planets.IPQSRenderer renderer, KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQS+StatCollection stats) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQJob.EndJob (KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQJob+PQSJobHolder h, KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQS pqs, KSP.Rendering.Planets.IPQSRenderer renderer, KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQS+StatCollection stats) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQS.UpdateQuads () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQS.UpdateQuadsInit () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQS.ActivateSphere () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Rendering.Planets.PQS.Start () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
[WRN 20:17:59.815] Internal: JobTempAlloc has allocations that are more than 4 frames old - this is not allowed and likely a leak
[WRN 20:18:05.167] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_astronautcomplex" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.167] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_astronautcomplex" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.167] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_astronautcomplex" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.171] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_trackingcenter" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.171] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_trackingcenter" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.172] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_trackingcenter" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.172] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_trainingcenter" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.172] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_trainingcenter" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.173] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_trainingcenter" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.174] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_vab" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.174] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_vab" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.174] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_vab" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.175] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_airtraffic" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.175] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_airtraffic" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.176] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_airtraffic" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.176] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_researchcenter" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.176] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_researchcenter" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.177] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_researchcenter" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.187] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_roads_runway_A" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.187] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_roads_runway_A" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.187] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_roads_runway_A" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.188] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_roads_runway_B" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.188] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_roads_runway_B" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.188] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_roads_runway_B" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.194] key set on UIValueBinder "LC_Flametrench" but could not locate bind root
[WRN 20:18:05.194] key set on UIValueBinder "LC_Flametrench" but could not locate bind root


After further review. just delete all gamefiles on your system under LocalLow\Intercept Games and it will work fine afterwards. you loose your progress... but there wont be much anyways as you probably only played for a few hours.


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13 minutes ago, mcwienerli said:

After further review. just delete all gamefiles on your system under LocalLow\Intercept Games and it will work fine afterwards. you loose your progress... but there wont be much anyways as you probably only played for a few hours.


Didn't work for me. I deleted all gamefiles under LocalRow\Intercept Games and it's still stuck on "Pumping Sim Once".

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28 minutes ago, mcwienerli said:

After further review. just delete all gamefiles on your system under LocalLow\Intercept Games and it will work fine afterwards. you loose your progress... but there wont be much anyways as you probably only played for a few hours.


Testing this hang on.... No dice, I deleted everything under the folder 'Intercept Games' in LocalLow, but nothing changed. Still go to create new save game, and the loading hangs on "pumping sim once".

Edited by Chris Bolland
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21 minutes ago, mcwienerli said:

After further review. just delete all gamefiles on your system under LocalLow\Intercept Games and it will work fine afterwards. you loose your progress... but there wont be much anyways as you probably only played for a few hours.


Did not work for me. Many of us are making it to different places in the loading sequence. Mine does not progress at all.

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I did remove the PD Launcher from AppData
I did choose PhysX to Auto-select in NVidia control panel
I did start the game by launching KSP2_x64.exe
Now I am watching the game "Pumping Sim Once"... again.
Nothing happens, just picture of Kerbal Space Center and music.
Deleted everything from LocalLow, still same result.
But I have found some logs too:


[System] Creating ViewController completed in 1.8355s.
[System] Pumping Sim Once completed in 0.0037s.
[Debug] Unable to determine starting SOI. Falling back to Kerbin...
[Debug] Loading Scaled Space Kerbol...
[Lighting] Adding FLIGHT lighting data: Kerbol
[Debug] Kerbol - Scaled-Space Load Finished. 0.1004s
[Debug] Loading Scaled Space Kerbin...
[Debug] Loading Local Space Kerbin...
[Lighting] Adding FLIGHT lighting data: Kerbin
[Debug] FindSimObjectByNameKey() called with null or empty name key!  Returning null!
[Debug] Kerbin - Scaled-Space Load Finished. 1.2169s
[Debug] Kerbin - Local-Space Load Finished. 5.0884s
d3d11: failed to create 2D texture id=3854 width=2048 height=2048 mips=12 dxgifmt=78 [D3D error was 887a0005]
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (120 x 67 fmt 1 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (120 x 67 fmt 1 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (120 x 67 fmt 39 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (120 x 67 fmt 39 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (120 x 67 fmt 39 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (120 x 67 fmt 39 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (120 x 67 fmt 53 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (120 x 67 fmt 1 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (120 x 67 fmt 1 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (30 x 16 fmt 1 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (120 x 67 fmt 1 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (120 x 67 fmt 39 aa 1), error 0x887a0005


Edited by azgar
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43 minutes ago, azgar said:

I did remove the PD Launcher from AppData
I did choose PhysX to Auto-select in NVidia control panel
I did start the game by launching KSP2_x64.exe
Now I am watching the game "Pumping Sim Once"... again.
Nothing happens, just picture of Kerbal Space Center and music.
Deleted everything from LocalLow, still same result.
But I have found some logs too:

  Reveal hidden contents

[System] Creating ViewController completed in 1.8355s.
[System] Pumping Sim Once completed in 0.0037s.
[Debug] Unable to determine starting SOI. Falling back to Kerbin...
[Debug] Loading Scaled Space Kerbol...
[Lighting] Adding FLIGHT lighting data: Kerbol
[Debug] Kerbol - Scaled-Space Load Finished. 0.1004s
[Debug] Loading Scaled Space Kerbin...
[Debug] Loading Local Space Kerbin...
[Lighting] Adding FLIGHT lighting data: Kerbin
[Debug] FindSimObjectByNameKey() called with null or empty name key!  Returning null!
[Debug] Kerbin - Scaled-Space Load Finished. 1.2169s
[Debug] Kerbin - Local-Space Load Finished. 5.0884s
d3d11: failed to create 2D texture id=3854 width=2048 height=2048 mips=12 dxgifmt=78 [D3D error was 887a0005]
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (120 x 67 fmt 1 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (120 x 67 fmt 1 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (120 x 67 fmt 39 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (120 x 67 fmt 39 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (120 x 67 fmt 39 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (120 x 67 fmt 39 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (120 x 67 fmt 53 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (120 x 67 fmt 1 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (120 x 67 fmt 1 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (30 x 16 fmt 1 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (120 x 67 fmt 1 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (120 x 67 fmt 39 aa 1), error 0x887a0005


Same as you. Im using laptop. Mine logs don't specify problem that much. It just ends kinda like that.  


[LOG 23:46:23.949] [System] EVA Input Manager completed in 0,0147s.
[LOG 23:46:23.965] [System] Spatial Registry Systems completed in 0,0157s.
[LOG 23:46:24.093] [System] Parts Manager completed in 0,1264s.
[LOG 23:46:24.096] [System] PartsManager-SortIndexData load completed in 0,0006s.
[LOG 23:46:25.030] [System] Action Group Manager completed in 0,9189s.
[LOG 23:46:25.212] [System] Trip Planner completed in 0,1668s.
[LOG 23:46:25.405] [System] Flight Report completed in 0,1896s.
[LOG 23:46:25.453] [System] Flag Site completed in 0,0464s.
[LOG 23:46:26.064] [System] Resource Manager completed in 0,6086s.
[LOG 23:46:26.193] [System] Kerbal Manager completed in 0,1151s.
[LOG 23:46:26.249] [System] Aero GUI completed in 0,0537s.
[LOG 23:46:26.255] [System] Creating ViewController completed in 2,6497s.
[LOG 23:46:26.287] [System] Pumping Sim Once completed in 0,0049s.

I'am very tired.. Just wanna to touch it already. 

Edited by kulzz
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Hello, I'm stuck on the loading screen too. I'll drop the logs below. I'm specifically stuck on "Loading Kerbal Roster Data" part.


[LOG 00:28:33.295] [System] Deserializing Save File Contents completed in 0,0121s.
[LOG 00:28:33.295] [System] Starting... completed in 0,0000s.
[LOG 00:28:33.299] [Debug] Difficulty options data not found in save data. Using default data.
[LOG 00:28:33.300] [Debug] Default difficulty options data not found in save data. Using default default data.
[LOG 00:28:33.300] [System] Loading session manager data completed in 0,0006s.
[LOG 00:28:33.305] [System] Set Loading Optimizations completed in 0,0000s.
[LOG 00:28:33.309] [System] Setup local player completed in 0,0003s.
[LOG 00:28:33.313] [System] Load Session Guid completed in 0,0002s.
[LOG 00:28:33.473] [System] Loading KSP2 mission base completed in 0,1539s.
[LOG 00:28:33.474] [System] Load Campaign Players completed in 0,0001s.
[LOG 00:28:33.478] [System] Load Agencies completed in 0,0001s.
[LOG 00:28:33.496] [System] Load Fixup Player And Agency completed in 0,0151s.
[LOG 00:28:33.500] [System] Setup OAB Part Seed Counter completed in 0,0001s.
[LOG 00:28:33.510] [System] Unload Main Menu completed in 0,0038s.
[LOG 00:28:33.840] [System] Validating Version Number completed in 0,0003s.
[LOG 00:28:33.848] [System] Initializing Session Data completed in 0,0047s.
[WRN 00:28:34.028] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '') is missing!
[ERR 00:28:34.094] [Debug] (GetAttributeRuleSet) failed to find attribute set called KERBALATTRIBUTES_EVA

[ERR 00:28:34.095] [General] Object reference not set to an instance of an object

  at KSP.Game.KerbalVarietySystem.GenerateCustomKerbalAttributesFromRawData (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] rawCustomKerbalData, KSP.Game.KerbalAttributes& kerbalAttributes, System.String attributeSetName) [0x00044] in <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0 
  at KSP.Game.KerbalVarietySystem.CreateCustomKerbalByName (System.String customKerbalName, System.String attributeSetName) [0x00026] in <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0 
  at KSP.Game.KerbalVarietySystem.TryCreateCustomKerbalByName (System.String customKerbalName, KSP.Game.KerbalAttributes& kerbalAttributes, System.String attributeSetName) [0x00000] in <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0 
  at KSP.Game.KerbalRosterManager.GenerateCustomKerbalLookups () [0x0005d] in <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0 
  at KSP.Game.KerbalRosterManager.OnUpdate (System.Single deltaTime) [0x00038] in <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0 
  at KSP.Game.GameInstance.Update () [0x000bf] in <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0 

[LOG 00:28:34.102] [System] Load required assets completed in 0,2467s.
[LOG 00:28:34.115] [System] Parsing resource assets completed in 0,0119s.
[LOG 00:28:34.119] [General] Resource Definition Database is now frozen; No new resource definitions may be added
[LOG 00:28:34.119] [System] Freezing resource definition database completed in 0,0042s.
[LOG 00:28:34.128] [System] Parsing procedural part assets completed in 0,0064s.
[LOG 00:28:34.129] [General] Procedural Part Definition Database is now frozen; No new procedural part definitions may be added
[LOG 00:28:34.129] [System] Freezing procedural part definition database completed in 0,0004s.
[LOG 00:28:34.131] [System] Loading Kerbal Prefab Data completed in 0,0003s.
[ERR 00:28:34.137] [Debug] (GetAttributeRuleSet) failed to find attribute set called KERBALATTRIBUTES_EVA

[EXC 00:28:34.144] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    KSP.Game.KerbalVarietySystem.GenerateCustomKerbalAttributesFromRawData (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] rawCustomKerbalData, KSP.Game.KerbalAttributes& kerbalAttributes, System.String attributeSetName) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Game.KerbalVarietySystem.CreateCustomKerbalByName (System.String customKerbalName, System.String attributeSetName) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Game.KerbalVarietySystem.TryCreateCustomKerbalByName (System.String customKerbalName, KSP.Game.KerbalAttributes& kerbalAttributes, System.String attributeSetName) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Game.KerbalRosterManager.GenerateCustomKerbalLookups () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Game.KerbalRosterManager.Load (KSP.Sim.SerializedKerbalRoster rosterFromSave) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Game.Load.LoadKerbalRosterDataFlowAction.DoAction (System.Action resolve, System.Action`1[T] reject) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Game.Flow.FlowAction.Do (System.Action`1[T] resolve, System.Action`2[T1,T2] reject) (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Game.Flow.SequentialFlow.NextFlowAction () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
    KSP.Game.Flow.SequentialFlow.Update () (at <8c5bdf369a8c45f68951f69eb825ef73>:0)
[LOG 00:28:34.194] [System] Loading Kerbal Roster Data completed in 0,0579s.
[ERR 00:28:54.579] Releasing render texture that is set as Camera.targetTexture!


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[LOG 00:51:41.097] [System] Loading Kerbal Roster Data completed in 0,0945s.
[WRN 00:52:40.927] [Backtrace]::Reponse code: 502, Response text: HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway
 Please check provided url to Backtrace service or learn more from our integration guide: https://support.backtrace.io/hc/en-us/articles/360040515991-Unity-Integration-Guide
[ERR 00:53:23.726] Releasing render texture that is set as Camera.targetTexture!
what am i going to do help me 

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Got past "Pumping Sim Once" by lowering game graphics settings. Was finally able to get the game to load by cutting down some of the game graphics settings to Med and also lowering resolution. Got into the VAB and started building but it crashed about 8 parts in. System is i7, 2070RTX, 16GB RAM and 1+TB free SSD space. Should be more than adequate to run this.

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Goodnight all !! For those who haven't fixed the sim pumping problem once, I have a solution for you to download the latest version of Microsoft Visual C++ for 2015-2022. this solved my problems. good evening to you all and very good games.

Edited by Geonovast
fixed formatting
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