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Different Celestial Body Properties are Presented In the Tracking Station, Why?


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Now that KSP2 is out for early access, I've been looking through the tracking station for any changes to the properties of celestial bodies to update some of my Python scripts to help plan missions.

One of the things that is new, is that circumference is given, instead of radius. While the value of the body radius can be calculated simply from circumfrence, which is needed for many orbital calculations (at least for perfect spheres), I do wonder why the change.

I guess the main question that stands is, what drove the changes in the displayed data in the tracking station, and for non-spherical bodies (dres has a nasty protrusion at the equator, but for future bodies that may be more oblate than not) how do the devs plan to communicate the details to the player (average radius, equitorial radius, etc). Side note: I am absolutely in love with the added precision for the values that are given!

Pictures are of KSP1 vs. KSP2 Kerbin Parameters


Maybe I'm just being too OCD about this, I'd love to know other players thoughts, especially those who love the mission planning side of things.



Also, the term "Atmosphere" In KSP2 is slightly confusing
In aerospace, atm is a unit of pressure (1atm = 101,325 Pa), however given the value of 1.225, I think they are referring to density.

Unless kerbin in KSP2 does have a 1.225 atm. at Sea Level, which corresponds to a pressure of 124.12 KPa

Edited by ShadoxFilms
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8 minutes ago, Chilkoot said:

I noticed earlier today that Kerbin's gravity is 1.00034 m/s^2, rather than 1.00034 g.  I can only assume that's a typo?

Good Catch! You can see the comparison in my pictures, I think you're right. Honestly I didn't even notice.

14 minutes ago, J.Random said:

Sidenote: do devs measure time in m/s? No wonder fizzicks is so weird.

Yeah, units seem to be whack in the new tracking station
(sidereal period is a measurement of how much time it takes to complete 360 degrees rotation in a fixed reference frame, in units of seconds, but tracking station reports units of m/s)

Edited by ShadoxFilms
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