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This is a post to raise awareness of the reputation system in KSP forum

We all have seen it. A green bar above the user's picture that show his reputation. But what is it anyway?

Reputation is a way that forum users are ranked, but most users have literally none, but why?

On the low left of any posted thread or reply there is a star, hard to see isn't it? :P


When one clicks on it, the poster's reputation augments by a small amount. :)

So everytime you really like a post, CLICK THAT STAR, you'll be helping anyone that is organized, clear, intelligent, or has good grammar. :cool:

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Just click on the little black star at the bottom of a person's post. You can, if you wish, add a note to say what you liked about the message. A P.M. will be sent informing him that he has received a reputation boost, and his rep indicator (the green bar just under his forum title) will increment fractionally.

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So everytime you really like a post, CLICK THAT STAR, you'll be helping anyone that is organized, clear, intelligent, or has good grammar. :cool:


If a post is well written and intelligent then how does having a high number attached to the corner benefit it at all?

I'd rather see the system removed, if we want clear posts then better an uncluttered forum to read them in.

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The thing that drives me nuts is that for months now I can't give anyone a point because the interface complains I need to spread the love around some more. I'm not trying to just give points to the same people, and I don't remember who I did and did not give points to. Since it's been weeks since it allowed me to give anyone a point, I've pretty much forgotten it's there at all.

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