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United Planet Pack (UPP)


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Hello, fellow kerbonauts, welcome to the forum page for United Planet pack!




Here, me and several relatively obscure (@TheOrios is not super obscure, but still) modders come together to make a planet pack!
So far, we are working hard in the back for some really cool stuff!
Here are some examples:


If you wanna be a part of this really cool project, please join the discord, where you can apply for being a modder! Otherwise, you can always stay and watch the big advance.
I am hoping to see you guys with some new and cool progress on this pack!


People who are working on it so far:

TheOrios (Endless Expansion creator)
Sushut | Creator of Something (name of mod not known)
Kramsies (SGAOS creator)
Techo (idk what he has made)
Xeol | actually no pack creator (idk about him either)
JcoolTheShipBuilder (Estrela Dobre creator)

Edited by NathlessOne
Forgot about stating the people
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