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It would be nice to have some form of communication like, say, what the factorio devs did, the friday update.

The game was released in a state that, well, it shouldn't have beem it's even lacking basics like proper joystick support, which, well, that kind of shocked me.

And yeah, I get it, it's early access, I remember when I had bought KSP1 when it was still only 15$ and wasn't available on steam. I'm not stranger to EA, but even that release had joystick support.

It would go a long way to sate people to get things like weekly dev logs, or things like that

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3 hours ago, The Aziz said:

Where have you been for the last two days? Community managers have been very active here. And the update on an update is present.

Plus we had the official statement from the KSP Twitter yesterday


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