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Vessel not holding on a node during time warp?


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On 3/2/2023 at 9:40 PM, EngineerinSquid said:

don't quite know if this is a bug or not, but youd think that RCS and SAS should still be working during timewarp to hold onto a manuever node or pro/retro grade nav symbol 

Actually, no.  It doesn't do that in KSP, and I don't expect it to work in KSP 2.  It does depend on which kind of timewarp is going on.  It does work in Physics warp in KSP 1, and when I've been doing acceleration during timewarp in KSP 2 it seems to work as well.

It is because of the way non-physics timewarp works.  Essentially, it freezes everything and just moves the clock faster.  So SAS/RCS isn't working because everything is frozen.

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It's true that this works the same as in KSP 1, but KSP 2 does have thrust in time part so being able to hypothetical hold on node suddenly becomes a much more useful feature. 

As it stands using ion drives to get out of Kerbin orbit is still a pain in the current system.

So adding this would be a great improvement.

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3 minutes ago, MarcAbaddon said:

It's true that this works the same as in KSP 1, but KSP 2 does have thrust in time part so being able to hypothetical hold on node suddenly becomes a much more useful feature.

It would also be nice if the maneuver node vector wasn't a static vector, relative to the universe. It would be better if it was relative to the pro-grade direction of whatever part of the orbit you're currently in. So for example you make a pro-grade vector, as you go round the orbit the vector direction changes. This means we'd be able to do the spiralling-outwards burns with ion drive probes, for example.

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1 hour ago, Mutex said:

It would also be nice if the maneuver node vector wasn't a static vector, relative to the universe. It would be better if it was relative to the pro-grade direction of whatever part of the orbit you're currently in. So for example you make a pro-grade vector, as you go round the orbit the vector direction changes. This means we'd be able to do the spiralling-outwards burns with ion drive probes, for example.

Do you have an image to explain your idea please?

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6 minutes ago, Vl3d said:

Do you have an image to explain your idea please?

No sorry, but I'll try explaining more clearly.

Lets say you're an ion probe with slow acceleration, and you want to keep burning pro-grade for a long time to increase your orbit height. You'd need to keep rotating to point pro-grade.

Currently in KSP2, maneuver nodes assume you'll keep pointing in exactly the same absolute direction for the duration of the burn. This means if you're pointing pro-grade at the start of the burn, and eventually you get to the opposite side of the orbit, at that point you're pointing retro-grade.

Ideally you'd be able to make a maneuver node that's say 1000m/s pro-grade, and the maneuver node vector would always rotate with the orbit to continue pointing pro-grade.

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4 hours ago, Mutex said:

No sorry, but I'll try explaining more clearly.

Lets say you're an ion probe with slow acceleration, and you want to keep burning pro-grade for a long time to increase your orbit height. You'd need to keep rotating to point pro-grade.

Currently in KSP2, maneuver nodes assume you'll keep pointing in exactly the same absolute direction for the duration of the burn. This means if you're pointing pro-grade at the start of the burn, and eventually you get to the opposite side of the orbit, at that point you're pointing retro-grade.

Ideally you'd be able to make a maneuver node that's say 1000m/s pro-grade, and the maneuver node vector would always rotate with the orbit to continue pointing pro-grade.

To be fair, even that is quite suboptimal. It'd have you slowly spiral out from Kerbin. But ideally you would want to burn at roughly the same place in your orbit every time to not waste delta-v for what is effectively a lot of unnecessary circularizations. Maybe that could be done with some sort of scripting like what was modded into KSP 1. 

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The idea also has a downside of having to rotate your vessel for you during time warp. What if your vessel is incapable of rotation? It'd be rotating anyway, magically, unless there's some (probably complex) check that your vessel is capable of rotating fast enough. And I'm sure the maths for calculating your trajectory while burning towards a maneuver vector gets even more complex if the direction is dynamic.

Also it'd probably be really complex for the player to understand.

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9 hours ago, MarcAbaddon said:

As it stands using ion drives to get out of Kerbin orbit is still a pain in the current system.

In the current system, huh? I’d have said it’s a PITA or perhaps a PITN, but if it hits you in the current system, then yikes! Maybe see a urologist for that?

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