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Release KontrolSystem2 (0.4.2)


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I used KontrolSystem2 extensively in my Duna mission for the weekly challenge.  I still need to work on the SSTO de-orbit and Auto landing scripts, so I had to do some manual flying there.


I appreciate all your work!

Mission report:


Edited by Soda Popinski
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Hi Untoldwind,

Unfortunately I'm having trouble installing the mod - I have installed it *exactly* as per the instructions given. I have the most recent install of BepInEx and SpaceWarp and most up to date version of Kontrol System but is still not working.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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8 hours ago, RieceJ said:

Unfortunately I'm having trouble installing the mod - I have installed it *exactly* as per the instructions given. I have the most recent install of BepInEx and SpaceWarp and most up to date version of Kontrol System but is still not working.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Please take a look at the log files in the game folder:

BepInEx/LogOutput.log (there should be some entries related to kontrolsystem2)

Ksp2.log (mostly game related, but look out for anything starting with "[EXC")


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I can not change AE without PE changing too. Also when using the "Launch Craft" feature. All works except it always put me in about 100KM AE. I had changed it to 200KM. Also when it is doing the Circular feature, the AE holds good until PE reaches about -200 and then AE starts to increase. Once PE reaches 80KM is seems to stop increasing but AE continues to increase.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just released 0.3.3 which should fix the incompatibility with concerning maneuver node creation.

Also added activation_stage and decouple_stage to vessel part and slightly improved the resource transfer implementation.

As for CKAN: Found the slightly hidden toggle ... give me a heads up if it still does not appear

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On 4/14/2023 at 8:58 PM, Safety84 said:

This mod is great. Does anyone have a location to download scripts?

It probably would be a good idea to separate the `std::` lib (i.e. all the stuff in the `to2` folder) from the mod itself and move it too its own repository.

On 4/15/2023 at 7:41 PM, Safety84 said:

Any scripts to assist with rendezvous and docking would be much appreciated

This is most certainly on my wish-list as well. I have some old versions that where kind of working for KSP1: https://github.com/untoldwind/KontrolSystem/tree/master/GameData/KontrolSystem/to2/std/rendezvous

But these will most certainly need some tweaking to work with the current version.

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On 4/19/2023 at 4:12 AM, Jhaxxar said:

I tried both V0.3.3.1 and V0.3.3.2 and neither will fire up. When I select "MODS" at startup, it is not present either. The only version that loads and works for me is V0.3.2.

Please check "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\LogOutput.log" for errors.

I noticed that there is now a dependency to SpaceWarp 1.1.3 (most likely because I recently updated to that version myself). I will check if that can be downgraded a bit.

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Wow, this is a fantastic mod for KSP and a worthy successor to KOS. As an engineer, getting really into the math and physics of the game as a player makes the game so much valuable for me. I thought I had to wait a long while for a KOS alternative to appear, now its even one of the first mods out there! I really love the telemetry feature, especially the json-export. Fantastic work! Just three remarks.

  1. Would be useful to have the colors of the buttons tickmarks in the telemetry screen and the colors of the graphs the same. Currently, its difficult to keep up with whats plotted where in the graph if one uses multiple graphs at the same time. Would that be possible?
  2. Is it possible to change the font size of the mod? Together with MicroEngineer, my screen gets clogged really quickly (still playing on a 24 inch 1080p monitor :-/)
  3. Some of the scroll bar buttons disappear for me.

Regarding the perspective ot this one: I can envision this mod integrated with a mech-jeb-like gui,  where a default configuration is provided, however the user can modify the commands and add new ones. Would be kind of cool to have MechJeb on top of this mod. Your architecture seems sufficiently scaleable to do something like this.

Edited by drunkeNNN
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I have a problem that I can not seem to resolve. I have both the Steam version and the website download version of KSP2. With the Steam version, I was able to install Bepinix+SpaceWarp and Krontrol works great. So I did the same thing for the website download version. Neither BepInIx+SpaceWarp or Krontrol will function under the Website Version. Is BepInIX+SpaceWarp and Kontrol built for the Steam Version only?

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The last days I had a tunnel-vision to prepare the pre-release of 0.4.0, which will introduce an UI overhaul.

Here is a short demonstration video how it looks like: 

The pre-release is currently only available on github: https://github.com/untoldwind/KontrolSystem2/releases/tag/v0.4.0
Documentation of the new ksp::ui module can be found here:  https://kontrolsystem2.readthedocs.io/en/ui_rewrite/reference/ksp/ui.html
And all the example scripts used in the video here: https://github.com/untoldwind/KontrolSystem2/tree/ui_rewrite/examples/ui_demos

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On 4/26/2023 at 10:57 AM, drunkeNNN said:


  1. Would be useful to have the colors of the buttons tickmarks in the telemetry screen and the colors of the graphs the same. Currently, its difficult to keep up with whats plotted where in the graph if one uses multiple graphs at the same time. Would that be possible?
  2. Is it possible to change the font size of the mod? Together with MicroEngineer, my screen gets clogged really quickly (still playing on a 24 inch 1080p monitor :-/)
  3. Some of the scroll bar buttons disappear for me.

Regarding the perspective ot this one: I can envision this mod integrated with a mech-jeb-like gui,  where a default configuration is provided, however the user can modify the commands and add new ones. Would be kind of cool to have MechJeb on top of this mod. Your architecture seems sufficiently scaleable to do something like this.

Thanks for the praise.
1), I totally agree that there should be something of a "legend" to the diagrams. I will eventually fix this in the 0.4 trunk (as pretty much everything UI related has changed under the hood ;) )
2) In 0.4 I already added an option of tweak the size of the console font (as well as the font itself), it should be possible to do that for the standard UI font as well (though I'm currently using the Bepinex configmanager, which is somewhat clunky)
3) ... that should (hopefully) work now in 0.4

And I will certainly provide an API for other mods to use, though this probably has to wait until there is something of an "official" mod support.


22 hours ago, Jhaxxar said:

I have a problem that I can not seem to resolve. I have both the Steam version and the website download version of KSP2. With the Steam version, I was able to install Bepinix+SpaceWarp and Krontrol works great. So I did the same thing for the website download version. Neither BepInIx+SpaceWarp or Krontrol will function under the Website Version. Is BepInIX+SpaceWarp and Kontrol built for the Steam Version only?

I currently only own the Steam version, so this is kind of guesswork:
As far as I know BepInEx is pretty generic and should work with any Unity based game. The main trick though is the "winhttp.dll", which is a wrapper for the real "winhttp.dll", the idea is that Unity needed to do something http-related, therefore has to load the "winhttp.dll", which then serves as a "Backdoor" for BepInEx to modify the game at a very early stage of the loading process.
Here are some things to check:
* "winhttp.dll" has to be in the same folder as the KSP2_x64.exe executable (because DLLs are first searched there)

* Try to run KSP2_x64.exe directly (if possible via commandline in the game directory)

If it still is not working: There is a BepInEx "Hardpatcher", which alters the executable itself. Presonally I'd only use that method if there is really no alternative.


3 hours ago, LeroyJenkins said:

@Untoldwind Very cool stuff, well done! Just one question, with Multiplayer functionality in the game in the future, will the two player be able to play Pong against each other? :D

From the technical point of view: If there will an be internal API for mods in different game clients to send arbitrary messages to each other ... sure, why not.

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Untoldwind     Thank you for the reply.   I now have it working in the Website download version.   Talking about the "winhttp.dll" was the key.   Like my KSP1 files , I created a folder called "KSP2_Mods".   In it I put the zip files for the mods.   I then unzip them into folders under this folder.   This way I manage the Mods.  What happen is I did a Copy/Paste from the KSP2 Mods folder to the Website game folder.  I accidentally forgot to include this file in the Copy/Paste.    As result, the BepInEx+SpaceWarp would not fire up. Upon coping over the "winhttp.dll" file and running the game, it all installed correctly.    I then copied the Mods from my Steam Version to the Website Version and all of the mods now show up under the MD Tab and the App file under launch.   I also discovered that  I had to use the latest BepInEx+SpaceWarp in order for the latest Kontrol version to work.   IMHO, I would not make it backward compatible because I am sure there are benefits of using the latest BepInEx+SpaceWarp.    Again thank you for you quick response but I do have a problem with the latest Krontrol.   If I attempt to change the Altitude to anything higher than the default 100KM, it will cause my craft to stage on launch and the second stage fire off instead of the entire vehicle.

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I notice that doing the "Control from Here" on the approaching craft docking port and setting "Target" on the other craft docking port. Then clicking the Target tab that the approaching craft attempts to align itself but just can not do it. I would think with a little tweaking that Docking could be done under Krontrol2.

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I am still trying to figure out how "Control from here" is working internally and how exactly it changes the "control_frame" of the vessel.

... so yes, it is a bit buggy in this regard.

As for problems with the launch script: This is really hard to reproduce, is there  a way you can provide the vessel you are testing with.

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Just want to add that this is amazing -- I can't see myself playing KSP2 without some form of mechjeb replacement, and it looks like this has all the building blocks.

From some field testing everything worked great (for the most part). Was able to successfully plot an intercept with Duna and visit both itself and the moon.

Desperately needed are...

1. Choice of either AP or PE or [in x time] for circularization script
2. Better interception (between two satelites, return from a moon, transfer to a moon, )
3. A "match planes with target" script
4. Docking autopilot

Edited by starspy
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Yes, yes, yes! Automation for KSP2! That's better news than KSP2 release. Oh, what a crapload of kOS (and load of crap kOS) code there is to port over. 

Thank you very much, @Untoldwind, as you gave me a reason, or should I say an urge, to try out KSP2 again. Although I bought and installed it on day 0, for me KSP 2 alone has yet too few to offer to even think about playing it. Seemingly things have changed now. I am really looking forward to playing around with TO2. :)

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