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If you do not know who Raptor9 is, he was one of the best KSP craft builders. His rockets/planes/stations were very capable and easy to use. Sadly, as of December 20th 2022, his crafts are no longer available. He was a great helper for many people, including me, who has not found  an archive for his crafts. 

This is where we come in. Together, we can create something similar to Raptor9's massive catalouge.

The requirements are:
Kronal Vessel Viewer (KVV) is required to submit crafts. This mod allows you to take blueprint-like screenshots of your rockets while in the VAB
Rockets must be tested to confirm that they can complete their specified missions without regilar interruption or failure.
Part mods are allowed, but not recommended. The only one I will use is ReStock+.
If you do decide to use part mods, please look if the parts are somewhat stock or restock-like. Non-stocklike parts are still allowed, but not recommended at all.

Crafts by me will be coming to this post shortly after being posted.

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