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Universal 6x6 rover

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Was making a rover for the minmus challenge, and ended up making a pretty neat universal rover. Rovers can be pretty difficult to make since wheels seem to have basically no power (hopefully will be addressed by the devs), but this thing seems to handle most planets and moons fairly well.

It will do 100km/h on kerbin/laythe, climb 35o hills on the mun and pop wheelies on minmus.

I mostly designed it around being able to fit inside of the XL cargo bay.









Rover specs:

Weight: 15.25t

Parts: 84

Dimensions: 3.4 / 4.55 / 7.5m

Notes: Wheel friction needs to be adjusted based on the planet/moon youre driving on. Theese are the ones ive tested: Kerbin/Laythe - 0.2 (also benefits from stiffer suspension), Mun - 1.5 rear, 2.0 front, Minmus - 3

For best results, set cockpit reaction wheel to ''sas only'' when driving.

Craft file:


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