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Docking Ports won't connect on Space Station


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I've been working on my Space Station in Kerbin Orbit and wanted to add a tube to connect the two outer halfes of the Station together. The big Part in the middle won't allow any transfer of crew or resources so I need to add the tube part. Its really just some structural tubes and a docking port at each end. when I wanted to dock the tube it docked on one side. I then used the EVA construction option to aligne the second port but it just doesnt want to dock. I tried wiggeling the Station with the SAS but that didnt help.


Do you guys have any idea what causes that or how I could fix it?


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Ok, Idk what just happened but it worked now. just disconnected the whole left part of the station and tried only docking the lower port and connect the other one with struts. When I docked again both ports were connected. I guess the way I did it first wasn't the ideal way.

Edit: Well it's not moving anymore but only one of the ports seems to register docked and I cant transfer crew. Recources work for some reason.

Edited by -NTrN-DarkHawk
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