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Can't Close COLOR MANAGER in VAB. No "X" button. ESC doesn't close windows. v0.1.1.0


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I've been having problems with the popup windows (Color Manager, Wing Shape, etc) in the VAB.  One was so bad the game froze.

The Color Manager just simply does not have the 'x' box in the corner to allow the player to close it once opened.

Also... Why doesn't ESC work to close the windows?


Edited by JoeSchmuckatelli
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It should close if you hit the "placement" mode button (cube with pointer cursor) - probably because it's technically a tool and not a window like kerbal manager or action group thing.  I agree it used to trip me up (still does, but it used to too.)

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13 minutes ago, Razor235 said:

It should close if you hit the "placement" mode button (cube with pointer cursor) - probably because it's technically a tool and not a window like kerbal manager or action group thing.  I agree it used to trip me up (still does, but it used to too.)

Went back after a reload... and yeah, that does work.

Odd... but a good workaround.  Thanks!

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