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Mun showing "atmosphere" behavior starting around ~20k from ground


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  • KSP Version
  • Operating System and version  (Windows 10, Windows 11)
    Windows 11
  • CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant
    i7 12700F with RTX 3060 Ti
  • Description of the bug.  
    • Expected Behavior
      Apoapsis and Periapsis values should not change when orbiting Mun with all engines deactivated.
    • Observed Behavior
      Apoapsis and Periapsis values are changing when orbiting Mun with all engines deactivated.
  • Steps to Replicate
    - Happens when try to orbit Mun
  • Fixes / Workarounds (if known..)
    - Unknown
  • A list of ALL mods.  If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window.
    - NO MODS
  • Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..) 
    Same bug seems to be happening on Minmun

You can see in this video below apoapsis and periapsis start to go crazy when ship is at 20.440m (second 17)

That's why I think Mun has some kind of atmosphere bug.

In the video below, when I open the landing gear near the Mun ground (~20km) at speed ~500m/s, the landing gear breaks.


Edited by vianna77
added another video
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