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The Sky's the limit: Road to1900m/s in KSP2


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One lonely Tuesday night, as Jeb stuffed his face with crisps, it occurred to him that he should break the sound barrier.

The very next morning, Jeb met with KSC Engineers to tell them about his newest, brightest idea. The engineers pretended to listen attentively, and then reminded Jeb that this was the fourth time this week he told them about this plan. 

It must have been Sun-Tzu... Or maybe Abraham Lincoln... Who said something along the lines of "Never say never" to the tune of a cheery pop-song. Now, Jeb didn't remember what the EXACT quote was, but he sure lived by it. 

Jeb didn't care that KSC was under a chronic parts shortage, or that a mysterious case of the Kraken-Flu was afflicting every piece of machinery in existence. Jeb was going to go hypersonic, even if it was the last thing he... crashed.


                                                     Jeb shows his work to the KSC Engineering Department - TimeStamp: [03-26-23] [06:30] [definitely before breakfast, I assure you]


Jeb loaded his pick-up truck with as many struts and rolls of duct-tape as he could find, and got to work. For the following 24 hours, he would work himself to the bone and construct the greatest, fastest flying machine EVER. In hindsight, Jeb probably should have given himself more than 24 hours.




Jeb was amazed by his handiwork.

Admittedly, he had fallen asleep around hour 17 of his 24 hour shift (and when he woke up the craft was practically finished). And he had overheard the KSC Engineers taking pity on him during lunch break...

But nah, he totally did it all by himself. Jeb is so cool.





Unfortunately, Jeb collapsed from exhaustion when it was time to launch the Jet-aircraft thing. So, the KSC Engineers got an intern to fly it.

Everyone say hello to Hentrey Kerman! He might not be getting paid for this, but I am sure he can put this 'experience' on his CV/resume... Or something like that.




Henry was a good Kerbal, he will be dearly misse-  I mean Hentrey.

Hentrey was a good Kerbal. His sacrifice was not in vain. He reached a whopping 1541 m/s! That is 4.5 MACH, and all with only air-breathing engines.


Jeb will continue to build, test, and fly Jet-aircraft until he reaches his 1900m/s goal. Stay tuned!

( Ask me if you want the craft file!)

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Jeb's new record: 1763m/s 

Jeb used to be a Jet-Engine purist. If the engine wasn't under the "Jet-Engines" tab, it wasn't a jet engine.

Then, he met The CR-7 R.A.P.I.E.R. 

Suffice it to say, Jeb came out of the VAB that day as a changed, uh, man-kerbal-thing.


                   Jeb's aircraft lost one of it's wings due to a terrible surprise Kraken attack. Thankfully, his craft was "gliding" by then. Not really. It was tumbling down.


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