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Mod to enable part shadows from light sources other than the sun?


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Craft parts do not cast shadows except when lit by the sun. If you believe otherwise, look again. You may be surprised.  Some examples...

#1 This ship has a large thermal radiator panel and lights shining downward on it. The Mun surface has no shadow from the ship lights on the radiator panel. The landing legs have faint shadows from the sun (it's up to the left) under the ship, but none from the other lights. In KSP 1.10 or 1.11?


#2 Bob is standing on top of a Mk2 plane on Kerbin. His helmet light shines through every part of the plane onto the ground. There are no shadows. KSP 1.12.5


#3 More direct test... the first fin should shadow the other fins. Looks so weird. KSP 1.12.5


Here's the bug report I put in but it wasn't addressed.  https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/25693

I expect the devs designed it this way as a performance compromise. Multiple lights would probably cause a large performance hit especially 10+ years ago. But considering how far the other visual mods have progressed, I wonder if a mod could enable all shadows and how much FPS would drop. 

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