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Has anyone managed to get an ion/jet ssto working?

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KSP2 nerfed ion engines from 2 kN vacuum thrust to 0.2 kN vacuum thrust. Relying on them to do more than a few dozen m/s of final orbital insertion is unlikely to succeed.

They're really meant for ultra-long burns under timewarp in this iteration of the game. (Which, by the way, isn't properly implemented yet, so their use is very limited at the moment.)

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Yes if you are able to get enough speed (jet engine), or enough engines/lower mass (ion engines). another thing is the ion engines are ineficient especialy in ksp 2, so you will need a very small battery, seat,xenon fuel tank and a engine (obviously) and maybe a ramjet plane to get high up. so get that ramjet high up and deploy the 2 maybe 3 if you feel rowdy engined ion plane. make sure you are high and fast, and get that thing to orbit. never tried it but im hoping it works

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