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Maneuver node not showing

Dunas Only Moon

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So i am trying a minmus landing and it has become a mission failure because i cannot use the maneveur node, when i move it prograde, retrograde, normal, anti- you get the point, i dont see anything, it shows i need to use delta v but its not showing that i will move my orbit, due to this my mission is broken and i have even tried restarting the game, and when i add a maneuver node it removes the acending and decending nodes. i have tried moving it around but it does nothing. Help

Edit: cannot show picture due to it not showing anything when i take a screenshot and post it here... not gonna try anymore


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Please take a screenshot and share it here so we can see what you see.  Even if no node is showing up, we need to see what you see to help.

Also, if you can get a copy of the log file and link to it here, that will allow us to help track down what might be happening.

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