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Persistent icons in VAB

Kim Hanson

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The wrench icons can persist on your screen in the VAB.  They are independent of their proper location in the VAB but instead stay locked to your screen so no matter where you look the icon persists.  Not only that they highlight blue when you mouse over them but are otherwise ineffective.  When you do need to access a wrench icon it can be difficult to find the live one instead of the persistent one.

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I've had this also. To assist the devs, I've completed the necessary doco below.

KSP Version -

  • Operating System and version  (Windows 10, Windows 11) - Windows 10
  • CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant - Intel i7 4930K, 32GB Ram, 980 Ti GFX.
  • Description of the bug. - Seems to happen when you remove the Fairing from your project, separate your Fairing from your project, or move the fairing from one area of the VAB to another that the Wrench remains where the Fairing once was .
    • Expected Behavior - Not remain where it once was :D  
    • Observed Behavior - Happens when the Fairing is moved from your project the Wrench icon remains in the VAB. Saving or loading a Project doesn't remove the Wrench icon bug.
  • Steps to Replicate - Pretty easy to replicate. Make a project with a Fairing, move the Fairing, separate the Fairing and move it back will easily give you problem of the Wrench staying on the screen in the VAB.
  • Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) - Only workaround for a player is to exit the VAB, and return to VAB where the additional Wrench icons will dissappear.
  • A list of ALL mods.  If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window. - No mods installed, totally vanilla.
  • Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..) - None attached.
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This happens to me all the time, especially with wings and control surfaces -- after moving them around, and sometimes even deleting the parts altogether, the wrench icons are still in the original location of the parts. Small bug but definitely quite annoying as I end up clicking them by accident multiple times.

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Reported Version: v0.1.2 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Win 11 | CPU: 12th Gen i7 12700H | GPU: 3070 8GB | RAM16GB

As pictured, the buttons to edit wings just appear, and don't disappear when removing wings. They stay fixed to the display itself, not attached to the base/root of the wing, as is normal.

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