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Eeloo Terrain - Buggy Collision Detection


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Overview: Terrain on Eeloo is struggling to detect collisions.

  • Expected: For my rover's wheels and my Kerbal's feet to touch the terrain on Eeloo. 
    Reality: Sent a rover (Bulldog Pod), and the wheels frequently would get stuck halfway underground, unable to move (w/ lag spikes every 2 seconds when it would happen). My rover could produce lift, so I was able to fly, move somewhere else, and land on top of the ground a couple of times. This fix would only last for a minute or two. My Kerbal was also unable to land while on EVA, making him seemingly levitate. On the bright side, this meant that you could jetpack/slide across Eeloo's surface at 100+ m/s with your Kerbal and get mad air off of Eeloo's hills/cliffs. 

How to Replicate: Try sending a rover to Eeloo - I don't have the heart to do that again at the moment.
Save Game File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cJBDv7FNdRaOYanY81pIHdVeU1dHEP9t/view?usp=sharing


Windows 11
Ryzen 9 5900x
RTX 3080

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Same on Dres, just trying to right-click the camera around was almost impossible.

Didn't have a rover, but was using aircraft landing gear, you can see the wheels sunk.

And poor Lodfield Kerman is stuck. Can't walk or jump. The only way to move him is to enable the jetpack.

Lol, wish I'd thought of ski jumping him at the time.
Win 11 22H2
RAM    32.0 GB
RTX 3080 Ti




Edited by Filed.Teeth
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