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VAB-Fairing Editor Prevents Drag/Drop Options


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KSP2. Patch 2

There is a UI problem with the drag/drop VAB operation when moving a fairings part.   The 'edit' fairing button captures the mouse click and prevents you from dropping the part being moved.

  1. Create a new ship
    1. Add the AE-FF500 Quahog fairing as the root component.  
    2. Attach something to it ( above or below) like a stabilizer component
  2. Click the Root fairing part to move it
  3. Move It 
  4. Click to Release it 
  5. The fairing editor is activated instead of releasing the part. 

You have to have to "throw it off" by dragging quickly and clicking while in motion to complete 'drop' operation.

I suspect that you should adjust the placement of the 'editor/settings' buttons so that they are not centered on the part origin, or disable part interactions while dragging. 

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I'd like to amend to this bug.

Also have the issue with throwing away a fairing. When you grab it you cannot put it in the trash. (v1.2.0).

When you move the mouse it lights up the red "trash" option but you cannot throw the part away when the mouse isn't moving. If you succeed in throwing it away it glitches th UI and leaves the fairing edit icon in screen

So please take a look at fairings in general. The bugs are very obvious.

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