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Story suggestion for why KSP 2 exists at all

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Why doesn't KSP 2 start in a far-away star system?

Intro should show us a couple of stranded Kerbals, probably even flung there by a space kraken.

Now they want to go home, making interstellar travel the huge goal of KSP 2 and:

- It Pushes one big new feature of KSP 2, allows for a very simple star system at least for the early access times, it could be fleshed out for proper release.

- It allows completely redesigning the parts catalogue

- It allows changes on the physics engine which might break current game assets, but the small system size, small parts catalogue would allow quick turnaround. It would even allow reselecting and rewriting the physics engine one last time, but this time properly. Only when the systems are rock-solid should the artists roll in and flesh out the assets.


KSP 2 is, from my point of view, being worked on just the wrong way around. It appears it is being art-driven, not tech-driven, but it is supposed (at least many forum users thing so) to be a space sandbox/vehicle builder first, a vfx-feast last. Maybe I am wrong. But in no project of mine (not a game dev) would I have set the artists to polish up every little detail before the software was as good as ready. Even in pre-releases that you run parallel to existing to-be-replaced sytems for testing you see to that the UI works and systems are working and not too ugly to use, but polishing everything up is simply not necessary in that phase and would even work against the processes, as throwing UI systems, assets etc. is harder when many hours have been spent on them.

I think the community is ready for a reset - freeze up everything, reduce scope to something new (interstellar travel), work on the foundation properly, without having sacrificing expensive assets again.

Edited by dr.phees
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A few stranded Kerbals, who need to go home; but it's a project that takes decades. The new worlds are explored, Colonies are built, resources harvested, new generations born, while Interstellar drives are tested, judged, redesigned...

Isn't this the plot to 'Lightyear'? ^_^

Edited by stephensmat
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I like the plot idea, but it means the endgame reward for all of your explorations, learning, science and decades or centuries of kerbal interstellar travel is... Somewhat similar analogues to solar system planets, the same planets we've already explored in KSP1. They won't have any new physics or exploration challenges to overcome, compared to what we would have gone through to reach them.

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No, not really. Interstellar travel opens up the way back home but also to other planets. The story  could provide a "choice". Once the technology is developed, the Kerbals can go home or simply decide to send a probe with that technology to Kerbol system and explore other systems. Depending on how KSP will handle it, you might be able to send two ships, even. Or make a quick visit at Kerbin collect resources, Kerbals, equipment and move on to somewhere else. The arrival in Kerbol system would be a great milestone. The stranded would come, bring interstellar travel and would be greeted as heroes!


This approach opens up a proper reset (where necessary) of KSP, which KSP 2  currently does not deliver. Plus: A cool new star system to explore, then a nice visit home, then exploration of further systems.

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