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NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at PQS.BuildVertexMapCoords CTD

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The player.log file says it crashed with the following error with varying [0x0(insert number)] values...


NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at PQS.BuildVertexMapCoords (PQS+VertexBuildData data) [0x00195] in <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0 
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.<>c:<RegisterUECatcher>b__0_0(Object, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs)


This happens every launch regardless of mods or RAM usage. the CTD usually occurs on the 2nd-4th launch of a craft during the loading screen.

Sometimes it takes place when I hit "Resume saved game".

Edited by verniervonkerman
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  • 2 weeks later...

Post the full logs please? This is the unmodded section of the forums but you've mentioned mods so a mod list would also help if you're using any.

Keep Task Manager open next time you start KSP up and when it crashes look at the graphs for resource use, especially RAM.

Out of interest, did you install mods in the Steam copy of KSP? If so then try verifying the game files in Steam, and if that doesn't work:


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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

This is my new reality, unfortunately, and it came out of the blue with no changes to my installation.  I have not played in quite some time, and now it's unstable.  So, I've unloaded all mods, deleted ckan; hell I deleted everthing except the Saves folder and scorched earth.  Windows has all of its shots, graphics drivers are up to date, ram's not an issue:  I've got 64 tons of it...  Yeah, I'm scratching my head here.

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@verniervonkerman Have you had any issues since having the CPU swapped out?  What machine do you have?  Was it under warranty when you took it to the micro center?

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  On 7/10/2023 at 9:37 AM, Juanfeis said:

I'm having the same problem, I have no mods btw:





You have a asymmetric CPU (that E-Core & P-Core) thingies.

KSP (as a matter of fact, I think it's a Unity borkage) have problems while running os these CPUs, as something inside it assumes that all threads perform the same and in your CPU, code running in E-Cores will perform slower than when  running on P-Cores - it's a Russian Roulette, sooner or later something important will be run on a E-core while something else needing it will run on a P-Core.

Chech how to configure Affinity in your rig and tell Windows to use only E-Cores when running KSP.

I think this will solve your problem.

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Good Morning, @Lisias, good to hear from you.  You and JoeSmash popped up in the google algorithm last night, so I got to read those reports.  That was all good information.  Looking at this statement here is taking me down a new path of knowledge.  I had no idea this kind of processing was a thing; I need to catch up with the times.  I'm going to attempt implementing this.


I may have pulled generated some enmity by necromancing this thread; the intent was to keep similar information commonplace (and utilize the search function, like we're told to, no?) so if the moderators would like to split this off, that's approved.  I'm about to get a little more detailed here:

Problem:  Complete instability of Kerbal Space Program.
Details:   By my account, the game ran fine on this machine last October?  January?  Whenever the last time I ran it was, I did not notice these issues.  The game inconsistently exits to desktop and random times during gameplay.  Sometimes it hangs before getting to the main menu, and I need to close.  Sometimes it hangs when attempting to enter the space center scene.  The most consistent instability occurs during a scene change and is somehow related to PQS, but PQS is not the sole culprit any longer.  I may even be in orbit, and suddenly the game closes.  The only thing I have been able to narrow down is that the game will unexpectedly close at some point during gameplay.  It may last five seconds, it may last two hours.  One additional thing I have noticed I almost neglected to mention, sometimes toolbar icons (KSPedia, Alarms, etc.) are duplicated during a scene change.  This is occurring with and without mods, so as I've currently unloaded all mods from the game, I will be requested support as an unmodded install.
Troubleshooting Steps Attempted:  Removal of all mods.  Verification of up-to-date display drivers.  Verification of Windows updates.  BIOS update to manufacturer's September 2024 push.  Found xinput1_3.dll missing from KSPx64_Data folder; copied from \system32\.  Despite having 64GB of RAM, have allocated an additional 64GB to virtual.  Per Lisias' input above, am about to learn how to, and attempt setting KSP's affinity to, looks like my efficiency cores?  I'll report back on that.
Logs:  Unity has not seen fit to furnish me with crash dumps, so those are not available.  KSP and Player logs are however available here.

Most interesting NREs that caused CTD.

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I'll actively monitor this thread for the next week.  Daughter is starting to take an interest in all things space, so it would be benefiical to get this resolved.  If we can't, though, c'est la vie.

Thank You, everyone.  Please ping me with any additional information requests or test scenarios.

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I have taken the additional steps of disabling hyperthreading in Bios; disabling thread optimization in my Nvidia control panel, and setting the game's processor affinity to cores 0-5 (my performance cores; setting affinity to my efficiency cores resulted in seconds per frame vice frames per second.)  Unfortunately, we're still not stable over here.  We did, however, get a Unity crash, finally.  Here are the logs and crash dump.

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  On 11/17/2024 at 3:36 PM, SilverWolf said:

I have taken the additional steps of disabling hyperthreading in Bios; disabling thread optimization in my Nvidia control panel, and setting the game's processor affinity to cores 0-5 (my performance cores; setting affinity to my efficiency cores resulted in seconds per frame vice frames per second.)  Unfortunately, we're still not stable over here.


Humm.... So your problem should be something else, and my initial guess was wrong.


  On 11/17/2024 at 3:36 PM, SilverWolf said:

We did, however, get a Unity crash, finally.  Here are the logs and crash dump.


Or perhaps not! :0.0:

Anyway, your rig ran for more time this time, you managed to start a flight:

[LOG 08:02:03.295] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From FLIGHT to FLIGHT =====================

and the rig worked for about 20 minutes, this is the last entry in your KSP.log:

[LOG 08:23:54.874] [FlightGlobals]: Active Vessel is in atmosphere. Cannot save.

Again, instakill. Nothing more is logged on KSP.log, the mono runtime just ceased to exists.

Problem... The Player.log couldn't dump the stack!!

========== OUTPUTTING STACK TRACE ==================

RtlLookupFunctionEntry returned NULL function. Aborting stack walk.
<Missing stacktrace information>

========== END OF STACKTRACE ===========

This was a first. But the error.log brought some light to this mess:

Unknown caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
  in module Unknown at 0033:00000000.
<yada yada yada>

Write to location 0000028B00000000 caused an access violation.

RDI:    0x0000028e1c482540  RSI: 0x0000028c6e650000  RAX:   0x000000f7233ac2b0
RBX:    0x0000028e18269c60  RCX: 0x0000000043131100  RDX:   0x000000f7233abf60
RIP:    0x0000028b00000000  RBP: 0x000000f7233ac450  SegCs: 0x000000f700000033
EFlags: 0x0000000000010206  RSP: 0x000000f7233ac210  SegSs: 0x000000f70000002b
R8:     0x0000028c59ed2000  R9:  0x0000028c6e650000  R10:   0x000000f7233abf70
R11:    0x0000028c6ba57bc0  R12: 0x0000000000000000  R13:   0x00000000ffffffff
R14:    0x0000000000000001  R15: 0x0000028f43131100

<yada yada yada>

Stack Trace of Crashed Thread 19276:
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'The specified module could not be found.' (Address: 0000028B00000000)
ERROR: SymGetModuleInfo64, GetLastError: 'A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed.' (Address: 0000028B00000000)
0x0000028B00000000 ((<unknown>)) (function-name not available)
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'The specified module could not be found.' (Address: 000000F7233AC220)
ERROR: SymGetModuleInfo64, GetLastError: 'A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed.' (Address: 000000F7233AC220)
0x000000F7233AC220 ((<unknown>)) (function-name not available)
0x0000028C4E202B5B (UnityEngine.CoreModule) UnityEngine.Mathf.Lerp()
0x0000028B685C97EA (ModularFlightIntegrator) ModularFI.ModularFlightIntegrator.UpdateAerodynamics()

This is somewhat stunning because.... how in hell the game crashed trying to load a DLL after 20 minutes of gameplay? :blink:

Anyway... I don't know if ModularFlightIntegrator is the screaming victim or the perpretator, but it's involved for sure.

Additionally, there's this thing:

Module 1
Image Base: 0x00400000  Image Size: 0x0001e000
File Size:  107368      File Time:  2007-04-04_215422
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® DirectX for Windows®
   FileDesc:   Microsoft Common Controller API
   FileVer:    9.18.944.0
   ProdVer:    9.18.944.0

And this DLL signature is the exact one that screwed @JoE Smash's life (I'm pretty sure you had read it already), and this is what solved his problem:

  On 7/28/2018 at 11:54 PM, JoE Smash said:


Go to your Windows/system32 folder and find xinput1_3.dll and copy it.

Go to your KerbalSpaceProgram/KSP_x64_Data/Plugins folder and delete, rename, or relocate the copy of xinput1_3.dll that is already in that folder.

Copy the copy from your Windows/System32 folder to the plugins folder I just directed you to.

This also seems to fix the issue and you do not have to mess with your Windows files....which is never smart....


I suggest to rename the Plugin's one to xinput1_3.dll_org instead of removing it, so you can easily undo the change if things don't get better.

If things don't improve by trying the DLL stunt, undo the changes and remove ModularFlightIntegrator (and anything that depends from it) to see what happens.

If removing the MFI your rig is fine again, then we will need to buy a bigger shovel before digging (I found someone telling that it may be related to locked inputs?), as I found a lot of complains about crashes involving it.

=== == = POST EDIT = == ===

Just to err to the safe side, I checked the MFI version you have installed, and it's the latest:

ModularFlightIntegrator v1.0.0.0 / v1.2.10.0

Checking the code, I found that this 1.2.10 version solved a problem related to Principia and FAR:


And you have FAR installed:

FerramAerospaceResearch v0.16.1.2

And I think it's exactly this one:


Make a copy of your entire rig, and on the copy remove FAR and see what happens.

Chances are that we have a regression between FAR and MFI...

Edited by Lisias
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Just unloaded everything, again, two failed-starts right out of the gate.

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I think it's time to start defining "scorched earth," in this context, because it may be time to just burn the world down and begin from dust.

Edit:  My wife is the smart one in the house; she's the software engineer.  She's wondering if Microsoft didn't deprecate something in a library update.  Do we know what versions of .net this thing required?

Edit2:  Not sure what scorched earth it supposed to look like, but I know what I did.  Deleted absolutely everything related to KSP, including everything in appdata.  Even saves (fml.)

Edit3:  Oooh!  A unity crash and a pristine fresh install!  Logs and Dump  Hmm, I find it curious that xinput1_3 is mentioned, as it's not even in the directory....

Edit4:  This happened as I pressed the stage button.  Shakes head...

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Edited by SilverWolf
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  On 11/18/2024 at 2:44 PM, SilverWolf said:

Just unloaded everything, again, two failed-starts right out of the gate.

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I think it's time to start defining "scorched earth," in this context, because it may be time to just burn the world down and begin from dust.

Edit:  My wife is the smart one in the house; she's the software engineer.  She's wondering if Microsoft didn't deprecate something in a library update.  Do we know what versions of .net this thing required?

Edit2:  Not sure what scorched earth it supposed to look like, but I know what I did.  Deleted absolutely everything related to KSP, including everything in appdata.  Even saves (fml.)

Edit3:  Oooh!  A unity crash and a pristine fresh install!  Logs and Dump  Hmm, I find it curious that xinput1_3 is mentioned, as it's not even in the directory....

Edit4:  This happened as I pressed the stage button.  Shakes head...

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Is it just KSP on the fritz or are other programs having issues?

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  On 11/18/2024 at 2:44 PM, SilverWolf said:

Edit3:  Oooh!  A unity crash and a pristine fresh install!  Logs and Dump  Hmm, I find it curious that xinput1_3 is mentioned, as it's not even in the directory....


Perhaps it's time to consider something related to hardware? At least your CPU isn't one of the Alter Lake ones that are prone to fry themselves out of the blue, but perhaps you need to clean up some fans? Perhaps replace some thermal paste?

=== == POST EDIT = == ===

I was wrong. The Raptor Lake (13th and 14th Gen) line are the ones prone to frying themselves out of the blue!

Sorry, dude... You may have a fried CPU. I suggest to do some diagnosing related to it.

Edited by Lisias
damn. :(
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  On 11/18/2024 at 4:43 PM, Lisias said:

Perhaps it's time to consider something related to hardware? At least your CPU isn't one of the Alter Lake ones that are prone to fry themselves out of the blue, but perhaps you need to clean up some fans? Perhaps replace some thermal paste?


Yeah, that CPU is what made this thread in the first place.

If other programs are symptomatic too, it could be the CPU

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  On 11/18/2024 at 4:55 PM, SilverWolf said:

I contacted MSI, and they doubled-down that laptop CPUs were not affected.  I ran Intel's diagnostic tools, and everything passed.


Try the GPU diagnostics too. Just in case.  I don't have word of any congenital problems on the RTX-4090 mobile, but at this point I'm prone to believe even on the Xmas Bunny.

Assuming there's nothing wrong on the GPU neither, my next suspect would be the nvidia driver. I found a lot of people complaining about in the last months. One of the most common suggestions was to use something called "DDU Tool for a clean installation of the Nvidia Graphics driver from MSI website".

This failing, then the only remaining suspect is Windows itself. Are you running Windows 11 or 10? The most common "fix" for gaming issues on Windows 11 is... Rolling back to 10...


  On 11/18/2024 at 4:55 PM, SilverWolf said:

How do I proceed from this?


It may depend of your religion, at this point... :/

Humm... Did you tested the RAM? Using something like MemTest86?

Edited by Lisias
Better phrasing.
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  On 11/18/2024 at 5:18 PM, Lisias said:

Try the GPU diagnostics too. Just in case.  I don't have word of any congenital problems on the RTX-4090 mobile, but at this point I'm prone to believe even on the Xmas Bunny.

Assuming there's nothing wrong on the GPU neither, my next suspect would be the nvidia driver. I found a lot of people complaining about in the last months. One of the most common suggestions was to use something called "DDU Tool for a clean installation of the Nvidia Graphics driver from MSI website".

This failing, then the only remaining suspect is Windows itself. Are you running Windows 11 or 10? The most common "fix" for gaming issues on Windows 11 is... Rolling back to 10...


It may depend of your religion, at this point... :/

Humm... Did you tested the RAM? Using something like MemTest86?


Another reason I dual boot Ubuntu Cinnamon and windows 10

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  On 11/18/2024 at 6:00 PM, SilverWolf said:

In response to the other inquiry, No, KSP is the only application I'm having problems with.


I tempted to accuse the nvidia driver for this. Try to run KSP on OpenGL and see what happens. use "-force-opengl" on the command line:


Then try D3D9, and finally D3D11 (that is the default AFAIK).

Changes in the game behaviour by using these different settings is, surelly, related to the GPU device driver.

Confirming this, you will probably have to rollback the nvidia driver to the one in use last time KSP worked fine.

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OGL and D3D still failed with PQS NREs, right on startup.  Going to run stress tests with OCCT today.  Maybe clean my garage.  Should start thinking bout aerating my lawn.  Yeah.  Should do that.

I don't know, boys.  Mt. Everest over here...

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