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[1.12.5] SIMPLEX Station Parts 1.5 and SIMPLEX Station Part Habs 1.5


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SIMPLEX Station Parts and SIMPELX Station Parts Habs

A set of stock based station trusses

SIMPLEX Station Parts: Download from Spacedock

SIMPLEX Station Parts Habs: Download from SpaceDock

All require:
Module Manager (not included).
ReStock, ReStockPlus. (not included).

License for each is CC-BY-NC-SA

These Parts are built using stock models (with a ReStockPlus model as well).  Designed to be a a simple stockish alternative the NearFutureConstruction mod.  See below regarding the Habs.

In 1.5 the Station Plate is a new addition that is provide for colony style builds, the Launch Tower parts for creating a stockish visual crew access tower.

In 1.4 Inline parachutes, the smaller hubs and smaller extensions can now be stored in a cargo container. 

The Medium Trusses are a good size for placing the large static solar panels on the side

Parts include:

  • Ground Station Plate - a 20m diameter plate with top 4 + 1  and below 1 nodes for placing 2.5 or even 3.75 (just) parts with sections to attach 4x launch clamps for great stability
  • Launch Towers - for visual purposes/ in game lore
    - Stock (ReStock) launch clamp granted an attachment node
    - Added Stockish Launch Tower parts
    - 16m x 1.25m tower
    - 32m x 1.875m tower
    - 64m x 2.5m tower
    - Placeable Crew Exit section (surface attach to tower)
    - Placeable Crew Gantry (repurposed foldable radiator)
  • Inline 0.625m and 1.25mm parachute
  • An empty truss hub (6 nodes)
  • 4 way, 3 way, angled 2 way crew passable hubs (6 nodes)
  • Station Trusses at the same length as the 1.25 long LFO tank
    - Empty
    - Crew passable 
    - LFO
    - Supplies
  • Medium Station Trusses at the same length as the 1.875 long and medium LFO tanks together
    - Empty
  • - Crew passable
  • - LFO
    - Ore
    - Supplies
  • Large Station Hub with 6x 2.5m nodes
  • With SIMPLEX Resources:
    - Ore Truss is replaced by Trusses for the SimplexOres
    - MetalParts and CustomParts appear

Supplies include Monopropellant and EC.  With Kerbalism Simplex these also include Air and BadAir.




New Station Parts Habs:
In the spirit of being stingy with a computer's RAM, this addon redistributes some files from other mods which hold the same share-a-like licence:

Adds in:

Edited by theJesuit
Update 1.5 and Station Parts Habs
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I'll hopefully get some time to screenshot in the next few days.

There is also an issue which i thought i had fixed with the Ore Truss.

I'm going to add a MetalPart and CustomPart truss for Simplex Resources, or RocketPart with CRP.

Also updating all my Tech Trees, and assigning better stock tree nodes.

It may be possible to arrange a non ReStock verison as well.    But I'm not sure about this yet.

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I did have some time this morning to work on this more.  (Still no screenshots I know).

Looking seriously at getting rid of the ReStock dependency (why as it looks so much better) i did the following:

The Ore Truss uses the Restock 1.875 ore tanks.  I've changed that to be the regular 1.25 tanks stretched to fit.

The LFO Trusses use the ReStock round tank ends.  These make nice spheres, but tanks tend to have flattened round ends for the pressure tanks, not spherical ones it seems.  So in looking for a solution, Ive been trying out using the Stayputnik model and squishing it.  The colour matching isnt great, but the benefit is that has a good round end when  RestockPlus isnt installed.

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On 6/13/2023 at 8:44 PM, theJesuit said:

I did have some time this morning to work on this more.  (Still no screenshots I know).

Good luck ! Lightweight mods like that nicely use existing textures are always welcome :) 

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On 6/14/2023 at 6:44 AM, theJesuit said:

Looking seriously at getting rid of the ReStock dependency (why as it looks so much better) i did the following:

Okay, so the ends that I have used, even though the models are in ReStock, the actual part s are ReStockPlus, so they don't have an equivalent in stock.  This means I am going to keep the ReStock/ ReStockPlus 

Which is a shame as I have spent a reasonable amount of time working with the Stayputnik!

However, I have tidied up the cfg files somewhat.

  • The side attachments are all standardised
  • There is now entry costs and costs for all parts
  • Science unlocks are now General Construction for the Station Trusses and Advanced Construction for the Med-Trusses
  • MetalParts and CustomPart trusses (in Med-Truss only) will only appear with SimplexResources
  • Still exploring  a Large Station Truss.  


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I'm ready for release, but I'm having a issue with placing into the TechTrees with some of the parts replicating within the TechTree nodes.  I may release anyway this evening NZ time - before Strange New Worlds drops for me!

I'm not sure about the large trusses.  I looked at scaling up the cubic octo strut 9x which creates a octagonal structure which is 5m in diameter - so good for those size 4 tanks and skipping the 3.75 meter size.  This may be a longer term consideration as I am unsure how I intend it to be used, or how the ends would come back into standard connections.  Other possibilities include having multiple nodes,  or a sandwich style with a thinner central truss to allow other parts to be able to attached within the truss itself    The ReStock has the end truss lines which don't quite correspond to other truss parts that I've scaled up.

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Glad to see screenshots finally. Did you use the old welding mod as a starting point for creating the parts? If so can you share some details about what it took to make it work? I used it all the time back in day to keep part counts down, but when I tried to get it working in 1.12.5 the other day but wasn't able to.

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3 hours ago, BLUAV8R said:

Glad to see screenshots finally. Did you use the old welding mod as a starting point for creating the parts? If so can you share some details about what it took to make it work? I used it all the time back in day to keep part counts down, but when I tried to get it working in 1.12.5 the other day but wasn't able to.

Why yes!  I did use Ubio Welding in the latest KSP1.

I think you need LinuxGuruGamer's Click through Blocker and Toolbar Controller as well but for the welder mod..


https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/UbioWeldContinuum/releases use the UbioWeldContinuum- download

https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSPe/releases use the KSPe- download

https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/ModuleManager/releases use the ModuleManager- download.

the third one is a module manger fork.  Don't use the regular Module Manager that has the version number. that comes bundled with everything else.  Delete it.  Lisias' version I don't think does everything but it does load MM patches for textures and restock etc, and has extra has the tweaks to make the Ubio work.

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Looking at an update soon. 

I'm remaking the crew hubs using stretched models of the radial attachment points rather than the structural fuselage.

There will be two more hubs, a crew T intersection and a crew L intersection.

I think I'll also put in crewed trusses as well.

There will also be a 2.5m hub as well.  This will be a little different, but using the Restock 1.875m radial attachment point gave me the idea for the changes above.

I'm still considering a payload bay truss.  This wouldn't be 5m in diameter, but would function well to hold lander craft within a stack in a vacuum, and allow for those craft like a space plane to be able to sit through the centre of mass.

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On 7/1/2023 at 8:56 PM, theJesuit said:

I'm still considering a payload bay truss.  This wouldn't be 5m in diameter, but would function well to hold lander craft within a stack in a vacuum, and allow for those craft like a space plane to be able to sit through the centre of mass

The payload truss is having some conceptual issues.  I though scaling the octo strut up so that the squares sat nicely to have a cross of internal connection points of 1.25m spacing.  I found x9 scale too big but 7.25 to be right.  So that's the base.  I then thought a structure that was as tall as the tallest 3.75 round tank, but the side scaffolds gave me some pause.  Using multiple models  is complicated with the texture variants and so many of the structural parts have awesome texture and model variations so as not to be practical.

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Carrying on from above, I'm considering using a  combination of the small adapter truss to .625 that I have already used rescaled.  Using these mixed to create a nice truss scaffold.  But this is a longer work in progress for after next update.

The crew pathway trusses are done and look pretty good IMHO.  I'm now in the process of properly standardising the titles and descriptions and such - no breaking of saves :) but I'm using localisation for this and aligning with the Community Part Titles mod.


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Hi everyone,

One part I've wanted for a  LONG time is an inline parachute.  Ideally one that was hollow to fit bweteen the Mk1-3 capsule and a 1.25 docking port.  But alas, the closest is the Ven's Stock Revamp with the its docking port and parachute combo.  But i don't want the lot.

So in the same manner as the trusses I'm trying a few different techniques.

Tried with stretched separtors with the radial parachute.  That was a nope.  The top attach node seems off

I tried simply putting the parachute modules in the docking port using the welder.  That was a nope.  Chute part is too big and resizing the base part causes the chutes to be funny shapes.

I've got a couple more variations to try before I give up.


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I think i nailed it.  I was concerned about creating a 0.625m one, but scaling won the day!  

These are a single slightly squashed cone canopies.

The smaller one is 0.625m round to nicely cope with the mk1 and 2 seater stock command pods.  It has the same deployed drag as the mk-16 chute.

The larger one is a 1.25m round to sit on top of a mk1-3 pod.  Single large round canopy but same deployed drag as the mk16-xl parachute.

Update this evening then.

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Bimo1D said:

Hey! Here's a russian translate for your mod!

Thank you!  I'll download and add it in over the next few days.

I've also been considering using the procedural fairings to create a crew loading tower of sorts, or parts to create one. I'm going to spend some time today and tomorrow looking into this.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/6/2023 at 11:45 PM, theJesuit said:

I've also been considering using the procedural fairings to create a crew loading tower of sorts, or parts to create one. I'm going to spend some time today and tomorrow looking into this.

Very cool idea! Good luck with that!

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  • 6 months later...

I'm having difficulty landing a full 1.875 RareOre container safely from  kerbin orbit.  It detaches and sinks on water, and can't slow fast enough on land.

I'm thinking of adding two larger inline paractutes... 1.875m inline parachute and drogue.  For industrial use really. Higher tolerance for safe deployment.  Latish game availability.  A buoyancy mod may also work, but that means another mod to install for a single use case.

The tower didn't work out months ago.  The issue was a wanted to create an attachment node on the launch clamp but for some reason it didnt stick.



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A couple of likes on the post above.

I had a revelation last night for landing the medium RareOre container - loaded up with 800 RareOre it is just over 29 tons!  on water it separates from the other parts and sinks, and on land I couldn't seem to get the drogues to release early enough to slow down for the standard parachutes.

So I tried with two Airbrakes.  It slowed enough.  Then I tried with an open Service Bay from orbit.  It seemed to slow enough again.  So... really there is no need for the industrial parachutes? I'm on the fence now with them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

An update with some new parts is just about ready to go.  Soon.

This update will include a Stock (ReStock) Launchclamp with an attachment node.  Why? I wanted a stockish launch tower for crew.  Visual appeal only really.  Additionally, three towers of 16m, 32m, 64m to sit alongside your rocket, a crew exit and an extendable gantry.  All reuseing  Stock and ReStock Plus parts.

Basically 3 parts to give a stockish crew access tower.  All pieces are very low mass so as not to adversly impact max mass on launchpads.

The gantry is the most annoying, basically a wider extendible radiator without the heat transfer capabilities.

Also, station base plate for landed bases with nodules to connect launchclamps to when constructed with Extraplanetary Launchpads. For 4x 2.5m parts.


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Almost ready to go.

I have FINALLY worked out why I couldn't MM patch the attachment node of the in game LaunchClamp.  I now have! One less part to have to ship :) and now all launch clamps will have attachment nodes.

I have designed a Centrifuge type part.  I don't like inflatable centrifuges due to Framerate issues, and also, I still have no idea how centrifuges would not leak air constantly at the connection point to the rest of the ship.  It makes more sense to me to have a centrifuge part that is enclosed in a small, none rotating sheath.  I'm just waiting on permission to borrow an internal from another mod oldy but goodie (a small concession to pay for framerate).  The part is really for gameplay, it doesn't rotate unfortunately.

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