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Vehicle just disassembles if hit (collision bug)


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Reported Version: v0.1.3 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 Home v.22H2 | CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.59 GHz | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 TI | RAM16,0 GB

It seems something is up with the "glue" that keeps things together in space. Collision is bugged that's for sure.


things just start falling a part once they get hit by something else. Dropped fuel tank for example:


Edited by Anth12
made more precise
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Reported Version: v0.1.3.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 | CPU: 13600kf | GPU: RX6800 | RAM32GB


When decoupling, all parts on one side suddenly lose cohesion. Doesn't always happen depending on some circumstances?
Seems pretty reproducable though.

The parts are still part of the ship!

I have attached a video showing the issue, and (hopefully) all the savegame files for the save used in the video. I didn't see instructions on how to include a save.



Included Attachments:

KerbalSpaceProgram2_2023_07.01-11_18.mp4 [Go to 49 Seconds for the bug in action]


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1 hour ago, Anth12 said:

@Phin Merged yours with this one. Same bug.
Also added instructions to the developers to find the exact point in the video where the problem happens.
So weird seeing parts do that to other parts.

First time i saw the bug was when I was docking. I was lazy and docked at a off angle - with 150% docking range you can be pretty lazy at times. But this time the port just sucked itself to the other port, and then was pushed the second it takes for the game to realize that you have docked.

When i wanted to film the bug I exaggerated the off angle to show it.. and thats when I filmed my drone just plowing through the station. - I have yet to try this happen again. But I have had a lot of undocking related disassemble bugs. 

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Its appreciated getting all these bug reports relating to crafts just deciding to have their parts go their separate ways.
Hopefully they are all related to the same root cause making it easier to fix.

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1 hour ago, Anth12 said:

Its appreciated getting all these bug reports relating to crafts just deciding to have their parts go their separate ways.
Hopefully they are all related to the same root cause making it easier to fix.

Do you want me to link my other "parts go their seperate ways" posts here?

I have always encountered the bugs different ways, so I've given them seperate posts. 

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These are my two other bug reports on something similar. But achieved in different ways. - which was why I decided to give them each their report. I dont have a lot of knowledge about how/why a bug happens... So i figured I would make different reports - Does it make more sense to just update it here?


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3 hours ago, BechMeister said:

These are my two other bug reports on something similar. But achieved in different ways. - which was why I decided to give them each their report. I dont have a lot of knowledge about how/why a bug happens... So i figured I would make different reports - Does it make more sense to just update it here?

Thank you, but because of the way bug reports are handled, it would work better for the dev team if we keep them separate in this case.

They could be all directly related, or they could all have their own separate fixes.



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@Anth12 I have a new theory - I have played a while now and not encountered the bug. How ever I encountered it again yesterday. It seems the bug happens when you have 3+ vehicles close to each other and you swap between them to maneuver them. I am not certain... But thinking back all the cases I've had, its happened when I had 3-4+ objects/vehicles next to each other and swapping between them.

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Reported Version: v0.1.3.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel i9 9900K | GPU: Nvidia 3070ti | RAM32GB  

Disassembly After Undocking:

Steps to Replicate:

  1. Load quicksave_34.json
  2. Press 1 to Undock.
  3. If it doesn't happen return to 1.

Craft File:

Additional Information:
Inconsistent but keep at it until it happens.

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Above merged bug report I did looks like the same bug, but the active vessel is the one that is falling apart instead of around the other way with your video.
Only one craft in scene before undocking.

Did you undock from the same craft that you collided with later into your video?

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1 hour ago, Anth12 said:


Did you undock from the same craft that you collided with later into your video?

Correct - The drone undocked from this movie:

On 6/24/2023 at 2:22 PM, BechMeister said:


is crashing into the same vehicle it undocked from. 


I dont know if the number of vehicles has anything to do with it - or the change between vehicle using "[" - I have in general been quick saving/quick loading every time I've undocked the drones from the station to handle "cargo" because of a bug that shows orbit speed + target speed in target speed and the only way, as of now, that makes me show correct target speed after a undocking the drone from the station is a quick save/quick load. Which may be why I have not encountered the bug as much. 

But yesterday when I re-encountered the bug it was similar to this bug report:


As the station started to fall a part while I was docking new parts to another adjacent structure - which required me to shuffle though the active vehicles with "[" 


I hope it make sense... Its a bit difficult to explain short and precise xD - and I was not filming yesterday.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/27/2023 at 2:21 AM, Anth12 said:

@BechMeister@Phin I recommend turning off vsync. See if that stops it.


I tried without vsync, made no difference in my case, same complete loss of cohesion on parts :)
To be clear, turned off vsync, restarted the game to make sure, then loaded the same save and it still acts the same.

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6 hours ago, Phin said:

I tried without vsync, made no difference in my case, same complete loss of cohesion on parts :)
To be clear, turned off vsync, restarted the game to make sure, then loaded the same save and it still acts the same.

Thanks for retesting it with vsync off.

I used your save file. That happens 100% of the time. And it might be different to what I thought. It needs a double undock to happen. And it didn't happen if I undocked the huge tank instead.

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