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Sunset, atmospheric scattering and lighting

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So three points on graphics that I would like that they would be improved, all linked to the sunset (example on kerbin but might be relevant for other atmospheric planets).

Firstly, the atmospheric scattering. The sun stays exactly the same color at every stage (just the background colors that change) and doesn't scatter away:


What's weird is that we got something quite good in the pre-alpha previews:


Secondly, the ground lighting is not always great (especially on kerbin):


Why the ground is white? Grass doesn't reflect the sun like that and where is the orange projection of the sunset?

Thirdly, same complaint but for clouds:


I see the potential of this picture (the atmospheric color is quite good if we omit the sun) but what is a bummer is that clouds are just darker at sunset, they should have an orange color projected on them.

One IRL picture to grasp what I mean (and want):


I do believe that with the introduction of HDRP (https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/214806-developer-insights-18-graphics-of-early-access-ksp2/) it will improve, at least I hope. So I create this post to know if it bothers other people too and to show that we have an interest in that. Even if I understand it's something that might cost performance.


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That pre alpha image looks incredible.    Sort of reminds me of the pre alpha footage of explosions from 2019 when they showed those off in a Dev update. They looked incredible vs what’s in game now.  :/    I hope in the near future they can implement that stuff back into the game. Im sure it was likely a performance related issue.  But now that the game is starting to run much better maybe they can start to add some more eye candy. 

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Atmospheric scattering also needs to apply shades to crafts and buildings during sun rises/sets, like how they do in ksp 1 with scatterer installed.  The orange hue on crafts during those times are really beautiful and immersive; I would love to see them included in the game at some point

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So much this. I've long been bothered by it but wasn't sure how to explain it, thank you for putting it into words.

The white specular glare from the runway and terrain at sunset is what bothers me most about this.

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This is by far my biggest (and, ignoring some minor things, only) complaint about the graphics so far. Maybe I'm spoiled from something like Red Dead 2, but I also think getting atmospheric scattering working should be a major focus in a game about planets. How light scatters in the atmosphere tells a story about what kind of atmosphere the body has (or doesn't have).

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