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Active Vessel Pulls Craft Close by into a Weird Suborbital Orbit When in Timewarp.


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Reported Version: v0.1.3 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 4700G | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti | RAM16GB (16384MB)


Tried launching a small ship using a new recoverable (spacex style) launch vehicle, suborbital trajectory (ap 92k, pe 61k) with the ship boosting itself into orbit (ap 92k, pe 75k).  Controlled the launcher all the way down, landed decently but fell over (very spacex style)(bad terrain didn't help) and I recovered it. Went directly to the tracking center and saw that the ship had left in orbit was in a widely different trajectory (ap 427k, pe -235k) and already at an altitude of 404k (first two screenshots). I looked at the map occasionally when landing the launcher and didn't notice anything unusual with the ship then, so I'm assuming the velocity of the craft was locked in while on rails for orbit but the recovery of the launch vehicle made the orbit simulation freak out, as the numbers roughly add up to the same velocity. Forgot to screenshot the map view but the orbit was very circular.

Third and fourth screenshots are after loading a quicksave and boosting to the same periapsis as the previous one, hoping to replicate the bug.  Failed to replicate the bug due to another landing failure (even more spacex), where the probe core of the launch vehicle exploded upon impact after toppling over. Opened the tracking center and saw that the ship was in the orbit I left it in, but when I pressed M to leave the tracking station (idk why you can press M to leave) the fallen over launch vehicle started flying away by itself (SAS bug? Shown in attached video) until I sped up time and it disappeared immediately, somehow removing the orbiting space ship too. Not entirely sure if it's the same bug in different clothes or two unrelated bugs.

Did also discover a few other bugs I've not seen before during the same flight, will post reports for those as well.


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42 minutes ago, TripleStaff said:

Tried launching a small ship using a new recoverable (spacex style) launch vehicle, suborbital trajectory (ap 92k, pe 61k) with the ship boosting itself into orbit (ap 92k, pe 75k).  Controlled the launcher all the way down, landed decently but fell over (very spacex style)(bad terrain didn't help) and I recovered it. Went directly to the tracking center and saw that the ship had left in orbit was in a widely different trajectory (ap 427k, pe -235k) and already at an altitude of 404k (first two screenshots). I looked at the map occasionally when landing the launcher and didn't notice anything unusual with the ship then, so I'm assuming the velocity of the craft was locked in while on rails for orbit but the recovery of the launch vehicle made the orbit simulation freak out, as the numbers roughly add up to the same velocity. Forgot to screenshot the map view but the orbit was very circular.

This is most likely a  timewarp bug that pulls another craft with it. I will have to figure out which bug report to merge that with and pull it from the archive.


44 minutes ago, TripleStaff said:

Third and fourth screenshots are after loading a quicksave and boosting to the same periapsis as the previous one, hoping to replicate the bug.  Failed to replicate the bug due to another landing failure (even more spacex), where the probe core of the launch vehicle exploded upon impact after toppling over. Opened the tracking center and saw that the ship was in the orbit I left it in, but when I pressed M to leave the tracking station (idk why you can press M to leave) the fallen over launch vehicle started flying away by itself (SAS bug? Shown in attached video) until I sped up time and it disappeared immediately, somehow removing the orbiting space ship too. Not entirely sure if it's the same bug in different clothes or two unrelated bugs.

Wow. Thats something to behold. That has to be a different issue. So the develops can see it on a search of the bug reports is there any ay you can resubmit that as a new bug report? And a save file would be good if you have one.

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12 hours ago, Anth12 said:

This is most likely a  timewarp bug that pulls another craft with it. I will have to figure out which bug report to merge that with and pull it from the archive.

I've had that happen before but then you could see the trajectory of the other craft change during warp, here it just jumped.


12 hours ago, Anth12 said:

Wow. Thats something to behold. That has to be a different issue. So the develops can see it on a search of the bug reports is there any ay you can resubmit that as a new bug report? And a save file would be good if you have one.

I'll resubmit it, gonna see if I have a save file for it, since I quickloaded almost immediately after it happened, since the orbiting craft was gone too. 


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Had similar bug (0.1.3) . Craft change the orbit itself.

  1.  I started a Rocket that had a cargo (2 separate AI command modules, medium docking ports, SSTO rocket + STATION CORE)
  2. Was able to separate them.
  3. Deployed XXL solar panels on STATION CORE and switched back to SSTO rocket.
  4. Started fast-forward time warp to reach destination where I would start deorbiting
    During that my STATION CORE changed the orbit itself from almost identical to a very weird one that coused him later to crush into Kerbin:

Had something similar in v 0.1.2 but after autosave (cannot promise though that it did not happened during time-skip).


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22 minutes ago, b905 said:

Started fast-forward time warp to reach destination where I would start deorbiting
During that my STATION CORE changed the orbit itself from almost identical to a very weird one that coused him later to crush into Kerbin

Did the orbit gradually change during warp? Cuz that's a known bug. For me it looked normal on the map until suddenly it wasn't.

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Reported Version: v0.1.3.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor | GPU: NVIDIA GeFore RTX 3060 | RAM15.93 GB


The severity of this bug is minor, but it happens so often to me that it makes certain tasks like establishing relay networks near impossibilities.

Sometimes, but not always, when I detach one part of my ship from another, the part that is no longer actively controlled will follow the other orbiting craft around in its orbit. By this I mean, the other ship acts like its burning radially out to stay on some kind of line with my ship.

The attached screenshot shows a poor example. But in essence, both the purple craft, and the one which I am controlling were in the same orbit plus or minus a few meters, before the purple one seemed to "accelerate" radially from kerbin leading it to its present course. It then stopped "accelerating" and is now stuck on that course.


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3 hours ago, Winter54b said:

Reported Version: v0.1.3.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor | GPU: NVIDIA GeFore RTX 3060 | RAM15.93 GB


The severity of this bug is minor, but it happens so often to me that it makes certain tasks like establishing relay networks near impossibilities.

Sometimes, but not always, when I detach one part of my ship from another, the part that is no longer actively controlled will follow the other orbiting craft around in its orbit. By this I mean, the other ship acts like its burning radially out to stay on some kind of line with my ship.

The attached screenshot shows a poor example. But in essence, both the purple craft, and the one which I am controlling were in the same orbit plus or minus a few meters, before the purple one seemed to "accelerate" radially from kerbin leading it to its present course. It then stopped "accelerating" and is now stuck on that course.


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That happened to me. I don't know which piece of debris was all of a sudden on eccentric suborbital trajectory because I was busy setting up a rendezvous with another ship, but what's shown in the screenshot definitely occured. I wasn't doing anything to the first stage, it was just 3 stacks of 1.25m tanks and engines welded together.

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9 hours ago, Anth12 said:

@TripleStaffCouldn't find this bug report with its current title so I needed to change it.

@Winter54bMerged your bug report into this one.

Thank you. Also I was timewarping during all of these events. I didn't feel like waiting thirty minutes to check this nor did I think it would change it.

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3 hours ago, Winter54b said:

Thank you. Also I was timewarping during all of these events. I didn't feel like waiting thirty minutes to check this nor did I think it would change it.

Yeah. I have never seen that weird trajectory without timewarp being involved.

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Reported Version: v0.1.3.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 Home | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2400G | GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6700 | RAM32GB


Steps to reproduce (using the attached craft file):

1: Launch into orbit, about 100km and roughly circular. Once you're in orbit, you should have the core of the station, with the last bit of the launch vehicle (with the 8 parachutes on it). Screenshot #1 shows this from the map.

2: Stage, and then use '['to flip to the launch vehicle. Hit 'T' to enable SAS, and rotate to point retrograde. Screenshot #2 shows this in progress.

3: In screenshot #3 (post-separation), both craft are still in a 100km circular orbit. All fine.

4: Hit the gas for a bit to put the launch vehicle into a collision course with the atmosphere (screenshot #4). Getting PE down to 20km is enough.

5: Screenshot #5: the map view shows that the orbits are fine - launcher is going down, but the station is still in orbit (screenshot shows a collision with the planet instead of 20km PE, but that doesn't seem to matter).

6: Once the station is 500m away, hit the timewarp button a few times (2 or 3). Keep timewarping until the station is 5km away, then cancel timewarp.

7: If you check the map view at this point, the station is _still_ on a circular orbit.

8: Timewarp again. The station will start riding up in the sky, as it gets further way. Once it gets towards about 10km away, stop timewarp. By this time, you should have seen a "station is on collision course" warning.

9: Screenshot #7: Checking the map view, our launch vehicle is still on its way to the surface, but also the space station core has left its 100km circular orbit, and is now on a highly eccentric... deorbit.

I've reproduced this (with similar craft) many times. The corruption of the station's orbit seems to be caused by a transition into timewarp, then out, and then in again. A single timewarp does not seem to trigger the bug.

The screenshots attached are from a different time I reproduced the bug. On this last run (without screenshots) I tried to be as specific as possible with the timings.


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@Forrey Unfortunately only one picture can be sent at a time.

The bug reporting form attachments can actually do anything. The categories are more suggestions. You could have uploaded screenshots via a zip file.

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2 hours ago, Anth12 said:

@Forrey Unfortunately only one picture can be sent at a time.

The bug reporting form attachments can actually do anything. The categories are more suggestions. You could have uploaded screenshots via a zip file.

Drat. Good to know, thanks. It seems only the last image (showing the broken space station orbit) has been preserved. I probably didn't really need all those screenshots anyway - it's the instructions that are important, and those should be easy to reproduce.

However, including the saved game would help. I have it (at a position where you can jump straight into step [2] above), but I don't see how to attach it, now that the bug has been posted. Please let me know if there's some way to share it.

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2 hours ago, Forrey said:

Drat. Good to know, thanks. It seems only the last image (showing the broken space station orbit) has been preserved. I probably didn't really need all those screenshots anyway - it's the instructions that are important, and those should be easy to reproduce.

However, including the saved game would help. I have it (at a position where you can jump straight into step [2] above), but I don't see how to attach it, now that the bug has been posted. Please let me know if there's some way to share it.

The files that are uploaded need to remain selected.
So if one were to select Screenshots and then selected Video which unselects Screenshots then Screenshots would not upload.

One has to use Ctrl or Shift to have multiple ones stay up.

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There was a similar bug in an earlier version and this is still happening.  

I've placed a modified KSS station in orbit at 150km.  After launching a separate vessel, docking (once!) and then re-entering if you warp to a position to re-enter towards the KSC, the station in stable orbit basically shoots up to a dramatically high Ap and the Pe drops to (below) the ground.  I've been able to replicate this several times.

I thought there was a fix for this kraken that incorrectly generated dV for craft in orbit.  however, it seems to be back

Btw, i tried to leave a kerbal on the station and that didn't make a difference.   

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On 7/3/2023 at 9:36 PM, Forrey said:

Drat. Good to know, thanks. It seems only the last image (showing the broken space station orbit) has been preserved. I probably didn't really need all those screenshots anyway - it's the instructions that are important, and those should be easy to reproduce.

Imgur is a pretty simple way to add images to posts, a bit more work but ends up looking great. Even lets you hide them in a spoiler (the eye symbol) like this: 


You can even add text!

The instructions are as you say the most important part, and they are great, well done! Needing to warp twice explains my issues with replicating it despite having experienced it several times. 

Have you tried switching between the crafts between the timewarps? I.e. stage separation, retrograde burn, warp, switch to station, then warp again.

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Im also facing this.
It looks like that decoupled ship reference object to orbit around goes from kerbin (or maybe something else) to decoupled main ship.
Then if i do timewarp, then it happens.

A quickfix is that if i go to KSC and go back to main ship to descent to kerbin, i can timewarp with no problems at all

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Note that it is not necessary to dock or decouple in order to provoke this behaviour. I've seen the same bug after merely rendezvousing two craft, and then de-orbiting one of them (using several timewarps).

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  • 1 month later...

Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel Core i7 9750H | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 | RAM16 GB


My previous craft stage starts to change its orbit if next stage engines are activated, but previous stage was turned off and became a junk. I recorded this on video, where you can see how its elliptical orbit transforms to hyperbola and stage leaves Kerbin sphere of influence

Way to reproduce this bug:
Launch attached craft on elliptical orbit, separate stage with "Terrier" and necessarily activate last stage with LV-1 "Ant" engines, without this stage's orbit doesn't decay!

Theory: Because bug appears if engines on craft are turned on, than it can be connected with game work during timewarp while engines are on. Maybe game somehow hold not only controlled craft, but others in physic radius zone and they moves together. I didn't check assumption, will try to turn on timewarp and watch how stage behaves not on map screen. Also need to check do all details cause this bug or certain ones?

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Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel Core i7 9750H | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 | RAM16 GB


I found when active vessel pulls inactive craft. Firstly I left some fuel on my previous stage and activated engines on last stage, than I did timewarp and previous stage was pulled. Its orbit changed significally and you can see its abnormal behaviour even if you don't turn on map. In the second case I burned all fuel on stage and repeated steps from prevoius test, and stage stopped to behave weirdly!

I believe that remaining fuel somehow can cause this bug

I recorded two videos and attached save

Video Evidence:

Save File:


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