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Subvessel falling apart upon main vessel destruction [and/or when main vessel gets over a distance of 2.5km in atmosphere]


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Reported Version: v0.1.3 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six Core | GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 | RAM32.0 GB


Severity: Med - Can reproduce consistently. Not game breaking or crash-inducing, but makes some missions difficult/impossible.

Bug Description: When decoupling a smaller vessel from a larger main vessel and having the main vessel crash/be damaged, the smaller vessel seems to fall apart at every attachment point, including fuel tanks, engines, and crew capsules. Only tested in Kerbin's atmosophere.

Video of bug attatched.


Included Attachments:


Edited by Anth12
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I had this happen recently with my Jool 5 ship. It happened when I decoupled from the parts manager on a decoupler that had been placed in paired symmetry. Removing the symmetry seemed to remove the issue, but I did not yet try to recreate it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ah I’ll be honest I hadn’t noticed the weird rolling until you pointed it out. I assume you mean the whole craft rolling in flight? At first I thought you meant rolling on its wheels. Once you pointed it out I did notice that it likes to just roll over but I’m used to the wacky things I build being wildly un-aerodynamic so didn’t even think about it.

However… I did accidentally find what I think might be another bug while looking at that. I think this is an entirely separate issue to what we previously talked about but it has similar symptoms, and I’ve only been able to reproduce it on the craft files related to this bug. (both my original and the one you sent me reproduce it)

-Launch ship from the same file (seems to work on my original and the one you fixed)
-Get the main plan part in the air (I cheat and move the liquid engine staging so its easier)
-Light the liquid engine on the plane part if you haven’t already
-Once the main plane part is flying get up above the clouds
-Cut thrust and stage, ejecting the ejector thing
-Use the brackets keys to switch focus to the ejector seat
-Wait for the original craft to get about 3k away, then observe, the ejector seat disintegrates.

Note that the disintegration doesn’t seem to break parts. It looks more like a parenting/hierarchy bug with the local positions just drifting apart randomly, but it still thinks it's all connected.

I tried taking the whole rocket sled part off and launching with just that to make things easier, but couldn’t reproduce it on the simpler craft, but I can reproduce it 5/5 times in a row using the full rocket sled > plane > ejector setup.

I’d have just created this as a separate ticket except that it may or may not be related to the previous bug since so far the repro depends on the same craft file.

Oh. It's also worth noting that I tried to see if it happened in reverse. Like, if I ejected the escape pod but then stayed with the plane. I couldn't tell if the pod fell apart because it was too far away, but the plane definitely did not. However, at about the distance that the pod normally fell apart, that's when the plane ran out of velocity, started falling, and flipped over. The movement and rotation suspiciously mimicked what happens to the escape pod when it flies apart, so I highly suspect that the parts of the pod are somehow still connected to the plane in spite of being decoupled.

I know there have been a bunch of bugs with staged parts not disconnecting from their ships properly, but I was under the impression that those had been fixed in this build? Not sure if I'm mistaken about that, or if this is something new, or the ghost of a bug that won't die. :0.0:

Anth12: Split from another bug report. Added the following:
Video Evidence:
Start from 45 seconds. Note disassembly of small craft when parent craft is at approximately 2.5km

Craft File:

Edited by Anth12
Added Craft File from other post.
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Definitely not related to the strut bug.
I moved your comment to here where its much more likely to be seen by the developers.
And uploaded your video to the KSP Forum servers.

Great Video by the way.

Edited by Anth12
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