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Non-standard file handling results in cumbersome UX


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Reported Version: v0.1.3 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: N/A | GPU: N/A | RAMN/A


The experience of creating and saving crafts is non-standard and cumbersome.

Image 1 is below - I have dropped a part, and changed the name of the vessel and am about to click Save. I've provided the name I want to use. At this point, since I have given it the name, and there is nothing on screen indicating even the existence of "workspaces" I fully expect this to be a toast saying "craft saved." But we move on ...



Image 2 is below - OK, no save yet, more UI first. Here I change the workspace name from the default. I guess I get another chance to make sure that's the vessel name I want, ok.

I cannot explain why I am seeing the text "SELECT TO OVERWRITE" in big blue letters at this point.

Anyway, we click Save.




Image 3 is below - Still no sign of whatever that "workspace" thing was. But now I have added another part, and am going to click the Save button.


In the standard document model, the one we've all grown up with on every single brand of computer and OS, at this point I am fully justified to expect no user interface when I click Save. Why? Because this is the same thing I just saved, and I just gave you all the information about it already.


Image 4 is below. 

I'm being shown all the same info I just entered (and saved?), plus now there's a thumbnail of the old version of my ship. 

So I click Save, because YES this is the thing I just saved PLEASE SAVE IT...



Image 5 is below. I conclude that the thing in the editor is completely disassociated from whatever is on disk.



This is the model that has been proven to work for a lot of years:

  1. New document
  2. Modify document
  3. Save document, must supply name and location
  4. Modify document
  5. Save document - no UI is presented. The permanent copy of the document has been updated to reflect the editor's contents without making the user click anything else.

Save As is a different operation, and should present the opportunity to change the name/location of the file. During Save As, if you select the original file so as to overwrite it, you should be presented with an overwrite confirmation.

You have made Save behave like Save As, but they are not the same operation.

Yes of course after being unpleasantly surprised by this UX, you figure out that they want you to click on the thumbnail of your old ship ... Why? I clicked Save, just save the same thing.

I'm advocating for anything that leaves basic document interactions alone. Frankly, I have no suggestions considering where the UI is today. I honestly think the UI needs a serious rethinking in order to support both craft and workspaces.

Somehow, some way, please make saving an existing document a one click operation.



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Edited by Anth12
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  On 6/27/2023 at 10:58 PM, OrbitalManeuvers said:

you figure out that they want you to click on the thumbnail of your old ship


... wait... are you saying if I click on the old ship thumbnail it doesn't prompt me... because I've put like a hundred frustrating hours into KSP2... with so much of it spent rebuilding and overwriting crafts due to construction glitches with big rockets... and I never worked this out... so if this is indeed what is meant to be done... it is a ludicrously unintuitive user interface for craft save/load. 


Also this is still an issue in 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 (so it needs more bug tags)

Edited by TechDragon
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Agreed! For me, it's worse when the game Autosaves. Doesn't save in the original workspace, but creates a whole new copy of it. That means I need to constantly save to stop too many Autosaves. It feels very annoying! :(

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It's very cathartic to see exactly, step by step, why this is frustrating. I've tried conceptually analogizing Workspaces and Vehicles to what 3D modeling software like Maya would refer to as Scenes and Objects. However, I can't figure out a way to make it not feel counterintuitive. Because, after all, I don't really care about the junk I have floating around my rocket in the VAB. When I save my file, I only care about the main vehicle, not the subassemblies I'm working on to the side. When I launch, I'm not launching a Workspace. I'm launching a Vehicle. So why not have the Vehicle be the thing I'm saving?

Also, even in the Maya analogy I've tried to make, I'm still confused why, when you go to save, you're asked to save a Workspace name and a Vehicle name. I might get it if it asked you to name each independent subassembly, but it doesn't do that. So what is actual the difference between the name of the Workspace and the name of the Vehicle?

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Try this:

  1. Go into the VAB and instantiate a command pod. The (incredibly dumb) text of "Fly Safe" appears in the VEHICLE edit box
  2. Click the New button. "Are you sure you want to delete your existing vehicle build?" - click OK
  3. Click a command pod again to start another new craft and now the text "New Workspace" appears in the VEHICLE edit box

Is it a vehicle or a workspace? What is the default untitled name?

I find it objectionable to use the text "Fly Safe" for an untitled craft. The default name should clearly indicate that it's NOT a permanent name, it should remain "Untitled" or some derivative thereof. This cutesy name is misleading - I didn't pick it, it's not consistent, and it should be CLEARY untitled. 

This morning I also spent some time trying to build a CSM and a lander in the same "workspace" ... I don't even have words for how broken this is, and MONTHS in it remains untouched.

It's as if no one there is using this software - even though they're somehow having so much fun with multiplayer in the office. Maybe they skipped the craft building process? Because anyone using this, especially a developer, should know immediately how broken this model is.


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