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Shadow Inc: Exploration Division (Big News - good & bad)


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Bad News first:

I will be removing the rover parts that are in the size and shape of the rover cockpit on the request of Intercept. 
Please do not get mad at intercept, I was dumb and did not understand how blender worked at the time and was learning how to use it.
The parts was built using the rover cockpit and have bits copied from it. 



And finally the good news:
I have been working on some new rover parts.

They will have 3 sizes
R1 - Small, similar to the games rover size
R2 - Medium, similar to the jump from MK2 to MK3
R3 - Large, Used to build huge rovers will fit R1 size and maybe R2

Also have been working on articulating parts and the scanner part.

An update will be posted some time today along with the removal of the old versions. 

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