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KSP 2: The Kraken Still Lives (video by Matt Lowne)


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1 hour ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

Him saying, "Oh no! It's a disaster!" sums up my experience. 

Also - the myriad 'little frustrations' of  KSP2 seem to still be in the game. 


Not every mission I’ve attempted has been ruined by orbital decay or other major game breaking bugs z But every one has had the “death by a thousand cuts” style bugs that KSP2 has.

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11 hours ago, moeggz said:

“death by a thousand cuts” style bugs that KSP2 has.

I have some 80+ published KSP2 videos. Many are shorts, some are longer. Some are interplanetary but none come from a long running save.

The thousand cuts analogy is perfect for this game right now.

I want to make more content- I'd like to do more cinematic stuff and some tutorials. But at this point there are a few things slowing me down...

  1. I have some 80+ vids already; It's safe to say I enjoy the game and have had a time with what's available.
  2. My latest plans have been bogged down with lagging performance with larger ships, and when you play to make content this reduces the amount of takes
  3. Speaking of takes... bugs lead to several more takes than I have time for lately. Especially with lagging performance. Some bugs have even ended a particular recording session, leading to a loss of that muse.

I want to load the game up- I did yesterday... but the camera was bugged to be slow, like the capture commands were leaking, and I realized I was going to need yet another new save file to get some clean play. I'm ready to wait for that new campaign.

For now I'm stepping back and waiting at least for the orbital decay bug to be fixed. I'd also like to be able to expect crafts I undock from to remain in the orbit I left them in, or for surface vessels to not be ejected once I'm 100m away.

It's great that Mr. Lowne has summed it up for the larger audience- A simple Mun mission is fraught with struggles, even for experienced players. I particularly enjoyed that he stuck with it and finished the mission. The game is a hot mess, but I hope that one thing is cleared up: The game is playable. Not zen, not polished, not immersive, not fun for everyone- Just playable.

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