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Reentry Heating Effects with Chris 'Mortoc' Mortonson - KSP 2 Dev Chat


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  On 9/5/2023 at 5:17 PM, DancZer said:

Re-watching the video I noticed something. The object or more like the air in front of the object should be bright? Only the trail? Basically there is nothing bright in the front where the compression and the plasma is created. This plasma then goes around the body and shows as a trail, but I think there should be in the front too, isn't it? 


That's true but remember. This is work in progress. I'm sure that the glow that should accumulate at the source of the compression will come with the new thermal system. Adding it with that makes more sense to me.

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I know I'm late, but I only just saw the dev chat on the way to work today. I just wanted to say, I suggested something like this to Dakota not long ago, and while I'm not sure it was my advice that led to this video, I'm really happy to see it. It was informative, showed some new material, and let us get an inside look into what the dev was thinking and how they were approaching the problem at hand. I thoroughly enjoyed it and hope we'll get to see more things like this in the future! :D

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Agreed. Insights like that are fantastic. Not only are they generally interesting to watch (including the differences to KSP1 and what tradeoffs/benefits occur), but it also shows that this game is in active development and juicy features are very much in the oven just waiting to be well done.

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  On 9/1/2023 at 5:12 PM, MechBFP said:

Ya the bigger mountains are nice for sure, I also particularly like the gold thingy at the end (asteroid maybe?). The re-entry effects are looking nice too, but I'll wait to see what those are like in game for my GPU.


maybe a Psyche kinda asteroid

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Will the reentry effects work the same as the rocket exhausts? In low pressure environment it will be like in the dev chat, but on higher pressure the trail end would move inward? I wonder what parameters are available for the engine beside the length, direction and color. 

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