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[0.21] Hooligan Labs - Airship, Submarines and More

Hooligan Labs

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Wow, KSPort uploaded my new mod instantly! It used to take 4 weeks for a new mod! :0.0:

In order to make the vessel properly sink without exploding I strip off every stock partBuoyancy in the vessel and put on my custom plugin in its place. New update: Changed when the "lead ballast" is set to after this process. This may prevent extra lead ballasts from cropping up.

Download from this link!

Suggestion: HydroThruster

I believe that the B9 pack includes a really nice air-based RCS. Underwater, KSP currently considers you as being in air (thus the Firespitter propeller working fine). This could be a great alternative in the meantime, I will have to try it.


Gonna give this a good run...bet its 1000 times better than my best test =)

That sub in the pic looks mean! Love it!!

We are just getting started. :cool:

I've basically been pulling my hair out for two days trying to figure out why your blimps won't play nice with InfiniteDice's carrier parts.

I believe it is because of the way InfiniteDice tried to make it so kerbals could walk on the deck, etc. It might spam that it is always in the water or something similar.

Try deleting any plugins that are not related to animation from the .cfg files of the carrier parts?

So, the movetowater part doesn't work for me...

Let's ask Snjo to take another look at that, I'll give him an idea I have.

I found that Caterpillar tracks and Rollcage wheels refused to function, and even stock landing gear didn't work.

Very interesting, I'm guessing there is an issue with my plugin and wheel colliders. I will investigate. Thanks for the report!

I was also unable to adjust the ballast control without it resetting itself to zero.

Try the latest download on KSPort, linked above.

Dear Mister Hooligan Dude :P

That's new. :cool:

You should make something like the pads that lift the ships in the Matrix.

Imagine the possibilities with this sort of smaller antigrav unit!

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I believe it is because of the way InfiniteDice tried to make it so kerbals could walk on the deck, etc. It might spam that it is always in the water or something similar.

It would only spam if he was EVA as a kerbal, and is code linked to the con tower. So long as he doesn't use that he's fine. My animations and the arrestor system he is trying to use all use code from the dlls, so he'll lose all that if he ditches the dlls. If he uses that new dll, so long as he doesn't try to fly the hull, bow or stern he'll be fine.

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I'm a huge nerd and I don't know what that means... Something like the gravity beams in Deep Space?

Uhm, no. This is the System, that makes ships in star wars hover and land without getting harmed by there mass...and i used the wrong word lol...

it is called a REPULSOR :D

Sorry m(

Edit choked me to use words in a senseful order...

Suspensors are situated in the dune universe, iirc. They help fat People like the well-known Baron Vladimir Harkonnen to move :o

Sorry again :D

Edited by Tyren
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After launch boats usually go to the water. There is a check when that happens the first time to make sure the boat does this safely. What you are likely fighting is my soft landing code. I'm testing a version of the code now, slightly modified to remove that on non-hull parts.


Sorry it's a crappy link but just replace the dll in the BoatPartsR3/Plugins/ with that one. Then see how it works :)

Worked like a mother-effing charm. The Macross III is on shakeout trials now. Having some issues with the winches now, but I think it'll be ok. After 2 days of slamming my head on the keyboard, this is absolutely beautiful.

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Worked like a mother-effing charm. The Macross III is on shakeout trials now. Having some issues with the winches now, but I think it'll be ok. After 2 days of slamming my head on the keyboard, this is absolutely beautiful.

Awesome! Post some pics and a needed mod list and i'll get it up on the wiki for you!

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It would only spam if he was EVA as a kerbal, and is code linked to the con tower... so long as he doesn't try to fly the hull, bow or stern he'll be fine.

That would be a great thing to add to the Airship Wiki FAQ!

The only thing i cant do is get the water launch system to plonk me in the water, gawddayum :o (it loads with me in the water then the screen goes black and puts me on land)

Yes, I think it is on some kind of timer. I'll ask Snjo.

it is called a REPULSOR :D

Suspensors are situated in the dune universe, iirc. They help fat People like the well-known Baron Vladimir Harkonnen to move :o

Oh! Again, just copy my airship plugin from the cfg onto your favorite part. :)

I do know that ahappydude somehow found a way to strap balloons too a kerbonaut... it was fantastic.

Come on folks! We need some more airships to post up on the wiki!

J, can you add each of the Airships to Other Planets (Eve, Laythe, Duna, Jool) to the airship wiki? You can get shots from my videos... or take them there yourself. A walkthrough for each might help too. :)

Worked like a mother-effing charm. The Macross III is on shakeout trials now. Having some issues with the winches now, but I think it'll be ok. After 2 days of slamming my head on the keyboard, this is absolutely beautiful.

Post screens! :D

Hey does the new sub part need ModuleManager? (Please say no...)

No, just copy the contents of the folder in the zip to your Kerbal Space Program folder. The same level as you see GameData, Ships, etc.

I have heard that ModuleManager may not work with my mods anyway.

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J, can you add each of the Airships to Other Planets (Eve, Laythe, Duna, Jool) to the airship wiki? You can get shots from my videos... or take them there yourself. A walkthrough for each might help too. :)

I'll do what I can and I have two BIG bugs to report with your new sub mod.

First: Having it and the airships completely disables the airship parts.

Second: Having the ballast parts is causing it to automatically fire off all my stages when it loads the ship. It loads and the engines are started and decouplers have been fired.

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First: Having it and the airships completely disables the airship parts.


Second: Having the ballast parts is causing it to automatically fire off all my stages when it loads the ship. It loads and the engines are started and decouplers have been fired.

It must be because it activates all parts. I can try removing that.

It must have been quite a surprise on the launch pad though. :D

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Well I ended up finding both bugs at the same time. My water launch part doesn't work and so i decided to stick on an airship envelope, float over to the water, then ditch the airship part. Loaded the new craft and my airship envelope had detached, was not being effected by physics, AND my engine was started. >.<

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Well I ended up finding both bugs at the same time. My water launch part doesn't work and so i decided to stick on an airship envelope, float over to the water, then ditch the airship part. Loaded the new craft and my airship envelope had detached, was not being effected by physics, AND my engine was started. >.<

I'll temporarily disable downloads from KSPort until I fix those major issues.

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Also when i load up your sub which i have mangled to work with a sort of transporter that dumps it in the sea manually, it auto stages the decoupler holding it to the transport vehicle so i can't use use it. Is this a bug or am i doing something wrong?

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GUI is not working. Only fuction, that works is that ship with mod part can go under water.

Can you share what the output of the debug log is? Either hit Alt + F2 and send me a screen shot, or share some relevant part of the output log found in a subfolder of Kerbal Space Program.

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Landed my first probe on Eve! Granted I wanted it to remain airborn but the game wouldn't let me save it that way. >.> But here it is!


Landed with a Dodec, some science tools, antennas, and an OCTO core.

Power from three small RTG HexCans

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Landed my first probe on Eve! Granted I wanted it to remain airborn but the game wouldn't let me save it that way. >.> But here it is!

Landed with a Dodec, some science tools, antennas, and an OCTO core.

Power from three small RTG HexCans

Use KAS hook or anchor to save midair.

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Reopened the submarine download! Should be much improved. Thanks so much to all the testers, you have let me think all day about how to fix this and jam out some code!

Here are some pictures and a trusty new download link!





Version log:


- B9 based minisub included!

- Automatic activation removed.

- Wheels now work. No longer automatically adds this module to wheeled parts.

- Much improved "lead envelope" detection. Controls should be much more reliable.

Landed with a Dodec, some science tools, antennas, and an OCTO core.

Power from three small RTG HexCans

Nicely done! You can test to see if it floats on Kerbin. Since Eve has a thicker atmosphere it would definitely float there.

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