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Part Rotation In Flight?

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So we know that robotics aren't in KSP2, and according to Nate they won't be.  Which I struggle with, considering how awesome they are for ship design in KSP1.

Anyhow, I'm not here to complain about this.  I'm here to ask if it's possible in some way to simulate robotics while in flight?  Is there a way to rotate parts after you've left the VAB?  I've tried attaching parts to the grid fins, as well as trying to attach parts to the cargo bays.  In both of these cases, you can't attach parts where you'd like to in order to simulate the movement of parts.  And I'm out of ideas at this point.

Anyone know of a way to do this?  As an example, I want to have a strut pointing skyward when I launch, but then rotate it 90 degrees after getting to orbit so that it is now perpendicular to the central column of the rocket.

Start like this:  ||

End like this: |_

Is this possible yet?  Or do I need to make multiple launches to get all the parts into orbit to make a square out of struts?

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