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Through the Eyes of a Kerbal - KSP IVA career mode


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Through the Eyes of a Kerbal

KSP IVA career mode

I love flying in IVA in KSP, it gives it a completly different experience, especially with mods like FreeIVA, awesome IVA mods available out there.

So I started a new career, where I attempt to fly missions only from the cockpits and the mission control room, for unmmaned spacecraft. :) 

This will be mostly done in a video format (the serie style is new to me, so don't hesitate to provide feedback :) )

So let's bang our Kerbal head against all those knobs and switches shall we ? : P


- Link to a WIP version of this retro-NASA-styled Probe Control Room IVA, used in this serie :


- Modlist (will evolve eventually) :


If you want the full thing, there it is now : ) -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xtVD2BPWOw8acLo2BAr44NEXdSlGh02tqDkjlHKzkyw/edit?usp=drive_link
Below, the most relevant thingies :
- IVA stuff and related : 

Through the eyes of a Kerbal
Probe Control Room (with custom made retro style IVA)
De_Iva extensions / KSA IVA upgrades / Warbird cockpits / Starilex IVA / Ultimate shuttle IVA / SABS IVA
Scansat / Mechjeb / DPAI / Astrogrator / NavUtil / Chatterer / RSE / VesselView
Airplane plus
Planetside Exploration Tech

Gameplay : 
TACLS / TAC self destruct / persistent rotation / Engines have less ISP in atmosphere patch /  WYG! / Kerbal Launch Failures
Exploration plus / PWP / Tourism contracts / Station contracts
+ visuals and utility/QOL stuff


- Chapters : 

Godspeed ! :) 

Ep. 1 - Humble Hoppings

We discovered female Kerbals are called "Kerbalinas" ? did you know ? : D

Next we'll surely get a Kerbal to orbit, and hopefully some probes to the Mun, while continuing developping aircraft tech to break the sound barrier !

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16 minutes ago, Sten89 said:

Are you going to release the analog probe control room for download?

Yeah it's planned, but it's not ready yet ! I need to tweak some things, like eventually actual wall monitor instead of absurdly scaling those CRTs ^^
Also figuring out how to organize props for a release, since I'm using quite a few assets from different mods.
I'm quite busy until end of december, so I'd say early 2024 ! :) 
And welcome to the forum too !

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Ep. 2 - Plane shenanigans & First Kerbal in Orbit (and back : ) )

Today's menu : :) 


barnstorming shenanigans


Speed, altitude record, and first test of an actual ILS approach at KSC runway :D 


Breaking the sound barrier (featuring me getting lost in the clouds, not finding the runway, and making a hopefully non-explosive emergency landing haha)


First Kerbal into Orbit


And first spacewalk ! what a view < 3


Cheers !

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Ep. 3 - Failures, scanning & first Mun flyby

First catastrophic failures due to a flight director error (me lol), more engine failures, first kerbin scientific satellite, showcase of the MirageDev's Maneuver props in action (still WIP), and the first live images from the Mun, as we flyby it : )
This involved some interesting challenges, as how to align my solar panels properly to the Sun, a transfer to the Mun in IVA. Also guessing the correct orientation for the spacecraft, and the camera, to get images from the Mun, and see it coming live on the displays was quite satisfying ! :) 
(I'm also working on making the first steps towards a first WIP release of the retro PCR IVA)

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Ep. 4 - First NOT-so-Graceful Mun landing

After some plane shenanigans, and mun scanning, I attempted the first unmaned Munar landing !
The grace of this execution is certainly a quality that the landing pilot will have to work on... :D 

I also released a test version of this Retro-NASA-styled Probe Control IVA, available on the first post of this thread. : ) @Sten89


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  • 3 weeks later...

Ep. 5 - Fly me to the Mun


After the excitement provoked by the first unmanned landing, sparks started in engineer brains back at the KSC, this added with the pressure from the press, and 1 month later, tada, Doksov-1 is on the pad, ready for the first Kerbal-ed Mun landing ! Scientists insisted that crucial parts such as manned rendez-vous or reentry from the Mun should be done first for safety, or even testing the new launch vehicle, Saucisson-01... But Jeb insisted as usual, saying "just give me a big abort button I can smash if somehting goes wrong", and voilà.

Jeb and Bill are assigned to this historic flight, tho Bill is a bit unhappy about that, he might even try to....



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  • 11 months later...

Ep. 6 - What does Minmus taste like ?


After the success of our recent Kerbaled Mun landing, the Space Komitee was very eager to finally have answer to the most ancient question of all Kerbalkind : what does Minmus taste like ? Is it made of dust ? Of ice ? Of mint ? Can we turn it into a giant glorious ISRU bulk Icecream Factory ?
We shall see : )


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  • 2 months later...

Ep. 7 - Space Station !


After the recent success on minmus, we sent the Kurveyor II probe to map its surface, and serve as a com relay in the Minmus vicinity. We then launched our first space station !
I'm now wrapping my head around building a mk2 space shuttle with the parts I have available, because they have the cooooolest IVAs, and I can't wait to watch Kerbin from inside the cupola on the station ! :) 


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