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  1. What is it? MOARdV's Avionics Systems (MAS) is a plugin and toolkit designed to provide an immersive IVA experience. It is based on experience developing and maintaining Mihara's RasterPropMonitor mod. For the player, MAS allows for a more immersive experience with better responsiveness. For the prop and IVA designer, MAS is much more capable than RPM, with support for Lua scripting that allows truly complex functionality. What isn't it? MAS is NOT a large collection of ready-to-play IVAs. There are a few retro stock IVAs included in the mod that will give players and IVA designers a taste of what MAS can do. MAS includes Module Manager patches to update the basic RPM props and IVAs from the RPM distribution to use MAS props. What's included for players? MAS includes the Mk1 (Mercury-like), a partial Mk1-3 command pod, and the Mk1 Lander Can as example IVAs. A Module Manager patch will update the example IVAs from the RPM distribution to use MAS, instead. What's not included? MAS dependencies are not bundled with MAS. CKAN? Available. However, please direct any CKAN issues to the CKAN team - I am not involved with maintaining the CKAN data. Download: GitHub releases. Do not use 'Clone or Download' from the code page, unless you intend to compile MAS yourself. What dependencies are required? All of the following are required, but not included: ASET Props (only the ASET Props models / textures are required. You do not need to install RPM to use MAS) ASET Avionics (only the ASET Avionics models / textures are required. You do not need to install RPM to use MAS) Module Manager Recommended Mod: Reviva to allow switching IVAs from within KSP. License? MAS source and DLL are released under the MIT license. MAS includes components with other licenses. Please refer to the License file for more details. MOAR IVA? If you would like to take a look at other IVAs that use MAS, here are a couple. The Rodan IVA includes MAS MFDs: The Flapjack cockpit from Kerbal Flying Saucers includes a MAS-powered glass cockpit: A Bluedog Design Bureau-compatible retro Apollo IVA (and a mostly functional glass cockpit CM): If there are other MAS IVAs that should be included here, please let me know. Documentation? The Mk1 IVA has an Operations Manual to help you find your way around the IVA. The MOARdVPlus Wiki has descriptions of the advanced instruments found in the command pod. Most of the MAS wiki contains info for people configuring props and designing IVAs for MAS. Source? GitHub For IVA Makers: There are already a few hundred props in the MAS catalog, along with several mostly complete MFD designs. What I don't have yet, unfortunately, is good documentation to help you figure out which props are which. Most of the props have names that suggest what they do, but the details are lacking. I plan on documenting the props eventually. There are also quite a few props that have not been imported from RPM - again, I'll get to it eventually. For Prop Makers: Most of the GitHub documentation is information about the features of MAS. There's a lot there, and the props that ship with MAS may help you figure out how to use it. Prop makers who have passing familiarity with Lua will find that MAS is extremely powerful and flexible. If the online documentation is unclear, contact me, and I'll be happy to help you figure it out (and improve the documentation).
  2. This is a continuation of @RangeMachine's awesome set of IVAs. I've paid special attention to the mk1pod IVA - the others are less fleshed out but still might provide a nice alternative if you want to try something new. Parts supported: Stock Mk1 Pod Stock Mk1 Cockpit Stock Mk1 Inline Cockpit Stock Mk2 Inline Cockpit (FreeIva recommended) Stock Mk1 Lander Can Stock Mk2 Lander Can (FreeIva recommended) Making History KV1 Pod ProbeControlRoom BDB Apollo LM & CM SOCK Shuttle Cockpit (FreeIva required) Download & Source Code: https://github.com/JonnyOThan/KSA-IVA-Upgrade/releases. CKAN is recommended. License: CC-BY-SA Dependencies: RasterPropMonitor ASET Props Consolidated ASET Avionics Consolidated ModuleManager FreeIva (Required for SOCK, also for swivel seat in Mk2Inline cockpit) If you have DE_IVAExtension installed or any other mod that adds IVAs for stock pods, I highly recommend installing Reviva to allow you to switch between IVAs for the same parts. For other recommended mods for IVA playing, see the RasterPropMonitor thread. Mk1Pod: Mk1Cockpit: Mk1InlineCockpit: Mk1LanderCan: KV1 Reentry Module (thanks @SingABrightSong) BDB Apollo CM: BDB Apollo LM: Mk2LanderCan: Mk2Inline: SOCK orbiter: Original Thread:
  3. The Ministry of Space (Aeronautics Department) (MAD) proudly presents it's first product! No dependencies, but works well with FAR. Uses stock mk1 IVA. Download Parts: Known bugs: Options: Planned: If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. Licence: LGPLv3
  4. @pizzaoverhead, @Icecovery and I are proud to announce that after 7 long years in the WIP section, FreeIva is finally ready for a full release! FreeIva allows you to get out of your seat in IVA mode and move around your ship - even between parts. You can buckle up in another seat in a distant part to transfer crew, or use a hatch from the inside to go EVA. All stock and DLC crewed parts, docking ports, and many adapters are supported. Controls Right-click to toggle the mouse between free look and pointer. Keys Action Setting Name Y Get out of seat (unbuckle) while on IVA UnbuckleKey W Move forward ForwardKey S Move backward BackwardKey A Strafe left LeftKey D Strafe right RightKey X Toggle Crouch CrouchKey Space Jump JumpKey Q Roll counterclockwise (when in low gravity) RollCCWKey E Roll clockwise (when in low gravity) RollCWKey Left Shift Move upwards UpKey Ctrl Move downwards DownKey F Open or close a hatch that you're looking at OpenHatchKey C Return to original seat Alt-G Toggle gravity Alt-Left-Click Grab or throw prop Left-Click Use prop Dependencies ModuleManager is required. B9PartSwitch is recommended for passable variants of some of the stock parts. Reviva is recommended for even more passable variants of some stock and modded parts. RasterPropMonitor and ASET props are recommended for the stock inline docking ports. CommunityCategoryKit is recommended to see all FreeIVA-supported parts at once. You can also type "freeiva" into the stock search box, but may get some false positives. Download CKAN is recommended. https://github.com/pizzaoverhead/FreeIva/releases https://spacedock.info/mod/3151/FreeIva Compatibility The following sets of parts have full support: All stock and DLC crewed parts and many adaptors Planetside Exploration Technologies. Reviva is recommended. Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux. Reviva is recommended. Buffalo 2 Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - Requires HabTech Props Modded mk3 cockpits: KermanTech, Ultimate Shuttle IVA, and Mk3 Shuttle Mid-Deck Extra Docking Ports SDHI Service Module System Kerbalism Mk2 Expansion . Reviva is recommended. Mk3 Expansion. Reviva is recommended. Near Future Spacecraft, including Vexarp IVA layouts. ASET mk1-2 IVA. Use Reviva to use this IVA inside the mk1-3 pod. Artemis Construction Kit Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit Mark IV Spaceplane System. Reviva is recommended for support in adapter parts. B9 Aerospace Universal Storage II ALCOR pod ProbeControlRoom HabTech2 Feline Utility Rover Tantares Starship Expansion Project KNES Mk3 Mini Expansion Starilex's mk1pod Needle IVA SABS IVAs ReStockPlus Bluedog Design Bureau NeistAir AirplanePlus SXT Kerbonov Warbirds Cockpits OPT Near Future Construction Cold War Aerospace Tundra Exploration Prakasa Aeroworks Exploration Rover System Keridian Dynamics The Martian Malemute Rover Coriolis Space Systems Heisenberg Airships DeepFreeze Near Future Launch Vehicles Lonesome Robots Collection Pathfinder RealChute's stack chute Cormorant Aeronology More coming soon! Planned supported mods are listed here: https://github.com/pizzaoverhead/FreeIva/labels/Mod Support. If you'd like to see something that's not on the list, just let us know! Support/Feedback Here on the forum or https://discord.gg/vBDzZAq3AF. You MUST include your ksp.log file with any bug reports. Legal stuff Source Code: https://github.com/pizzaoverhead/FreeIva License: GPL2 for code, All Rights Reserved for other assets
  5. Hello! @linuxgurugamerhas graciously allowed me to adopt this mod, as it's integral to the RPM/FreeIva/KerbalVR ecosystem and I'm working on big changes to it. PCR was originally created by @Tabakhaseand later @Virindi. Original thread here. (Note: pictured above is the KSA IVA Upgrade variant) ProbeControlRoom adds an IVA for probes, where you can pretend to be Gene Kerman himself. Dependencies ModuleManager RasterPropMonitor or MOARdV's Avionics Systems ToolbarController Changes ProbeControlRoom now spawns civilian Kerbals at each desk Press V to cycle between seats instead of double-clicking You can now use PCR on ships that have crew (they must still have a probe core). Press C to cycle to PCR or use the toolbar button. Prepping for compatibility with FreeIva and KerbalVR Download GitHub SpaceDock CKAN Other Stuff License: CC-BY_NC-SA-3.0 Source code: https://github.com/JonnyOThan/KSP-ProbeControlRoom/ This mod is a continuation of the work of: @Tabakhase, @icedown, @Albert VDS, @MeCripp, @Nils277, @JPLRepo, @Dexter9313, @Z-Key Aerospace, @jlcarneiro, @linuxgurugamer.
  6. 0.3PRE released 12/13/2018! A year ago, when @Sam Hall updated his fantastic Kerbonov mod for 1.2.x, I knew I had to make a 1940s-style RPM IVA. I always loved the KN-2, and I based my cockpit layout heavily on pictures of DC-3 and C-47 cockpits, both from the 1940s and some modernized ones. I decided to kitbash autopilot props, as the DC-3 did historically have a gyroscopic autopilot. Thus began my IVA craze. More Pictures: Airplane Plus MK1 Supersonic cockpit (X-1): Airplane Plus Mk1 Viewer's Cockpit (Bell 204 / Huey): SXT Clyde (insp by Twin Otter / Aero Commander 500): SXT Bonny (insp by Piper Cub) Kerbonov KN-2 Vintage Cockpit (insp by DC-3, An-2): Mk1 Inline Warbird Cockpit (insp by P-51): All the autopilot props are modified versions of ASET props, and require the Pilot Assistant mod to work. The "Vintage" version of the KN-2 does not replace the standard KN-2, but adds a new cockpit using the same model earlier in the tech tree. I plan to make an "Updated" version. For the bomber controls, you need Firespitter's props folder found here, as well as the most recent firespitter.dll, and for the fire extinguisher (nonfunctional), you need Airplane Plus. All other instruments are included or require the ASET Props and Avionics Packs. Obviously you will need the Kerbonov itself, and Raster Prop Monitor as well. IMPORTANT NOTE: I play way too much FSX, so these cockpits are meant to be slightly more realistic than most KSP cockpits. The instruments WILL NOT WORK if you do not connect your battery and have electric charge on your vehicle, and various instruments have a chance to give screwy results if you don't turn on the pitot heat. Changelog: SPACEDOCK DOWNLOAD If you prefer SI units for your instruments, rename warbirdSI.txt in GameData/Galen/WarbirdCockpits to WarbirdSI.cfg THIS is a patch to apply the Mk1Pod Retro IVA I made to the Mk1Pod_v2 introduced with KSP 1.6. Requirements: modulemanager by Sarbian Raster Prop Monitor by Mihara and MOARdV ASET Props and Avionics by alexustas Recommended: Kerbonov by Sam Hall. Required for Vintage KN-2. Firespitter (dll and Props folder) by Snjo and RoverDude. Required for Vintage controls in KN-2 cockpit. Airplane Plus by blackheart612 Near Future Props by Nertea. Adds additional decorative props to Mk2 Inline cockpit and crew cabins. Tiktaalik Dreaming Props by TiktaalikDreaming. Adds additional decorative props to Mk2 Inline cockpit and crew cabins. KAX by keptin and SpannerMonkey SXT Continued by Lack and linuxgurugamer. Speed Unit Changer by Ittito. The readouts on the gauges are in Imperial units (feet and mph rather than meters and m/s), and Speed Unit Changer can make the UI readouts in the same units as well. Contains assets from, and derived from, @alexustas's excellent ASET Avionics and ASET Props assets (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0), as well as a couple from @Mallikas's Aviation Cockpits mods (CC BY 4.0). License for my modified assets and configuration files is https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed.en
  7. MKI Pod 'Needle' Configuration A Starliex product Hello fellow kerbounats! After many weeks of work, and even more weeks of procrastination, with more than 80 custom made props, I'm proud to release the 'Needle' configuration for the MK1 pod ! This configuration goes far and beyond to provide the latest gadgets and knobs to every kerbal pilot, with nice additions such as a phase angle indicator, slope angle, altitude callouts and much much more. Here below are some screenshots of the capsule : Download: Now available on CKAN ! Latest Release (Zip file) : https://gitlab.com/Ailex-/starilex-mk1-iva/-/archive/main/starilex-mk1-iva-main.zip All Releases : https://gitlab.com/Ailex-/starilex-mk1-iva/-/releases/ Source code : https://gitlab.com/Ailex-/starilex-mk1-iva SpaceDock : https://spacedock.info/mod/3113/Starilex Intra-Vehicular Solutions: MKI Pod 'Needle' Installation: Be sure to have installed all the dependencies. Download the zip file and copy the `GameData` folder inside the KSP folder Dependencies: Raster Prop Monitor MOARdV's Avionic System ModuleManager ASET Props ASET Avionics Reviva (Suggested) Reviva support: Reviva is a mod that allows multiple IVAs for the same pod, giving you the option to switch between them in game. Thanks to @610yesnolovely this IVA is supported as well out of the box! (Thank you!) Versions: 1.0 - Initial release [current] License: CC-BY-NC-SA ███
  8. Going Orbital! IVA mission to orbit and back. A mission where we finally make orbit. The second flight in the series, all in IVA view. The rocket is also fully automated, running a custom KoS script that controls the entire flight. https://youtu.be/xOQvS9NcKKI
  9. Retro NASA style Probe Control Room IVA Hi, I've been working on a complete remake of the PCR IVA interior, by giving it a retro style flavour, for the early days a Kerbal space exploration, when we didn't access to all those fancy MFD screens and such... - Current todo : - Better KOS/KPM page, this one is just copied for KPM, and isn't done yet - CRTs big selector knobs : make them not slaved between each other if possible - Try to fix ASET solar panel deployed Alarm indicator - Refine Interior decorations - 1.0 release ? - Investigate RPM Ext cam wankyness - Poke at Vulkan's work on "MAS-sifying" PCRIVAPLUS and maybe incorporate his work if he's willing to contribute ! Or try to do the same later (ASET to MAS patchs/etc) - later : make a high tech version of PCR IVA, with fancy screens, MFD, etc. The same taste as KSA IVA upgrades, but more advanced. - For that, figure out why I can't get MAS to work in PCR : MAS not working properly with Probe Control Room · Issue #372 · MOARdV/AvionicsSystems (github.com) Dependencies : - Module Manager - ASET consolidated Props and avionics - RasterPropMonitor - Probe Control Room Optional but recommended mods : - MirageProps (WIP) : by @MirageDev and me (a tiny bit^^) : adds props to allow maneuver creation from IVA with RPM ! - NearFutureIVAProps : Adds a lot of decorative elements : - TDProps : A few more decorative elements : - KOSPropMonitor : Adds KPM pages integration to the CRTs. Other Mods to complement this mod's IVA experience : - Mechjeb - Astrogrator Links to WIP releases : - TEST github release : Releases · kurgut/PCRIVAPLUS (github.com) Known issues - ASET FDAI GUID MOD (navball vector selector) has sometime the animation not showing ingame, but the prop still works. Save/reload can fix. - ASET ARRT (alt/alt rate tape meter) doesn't work consistently. Save/reload can fix. - Random textures glitches, see : https://github.com/JonnyOThan/RasterPropMonitor/issues/112 Fix for now : rename the extension or delete PropBatching.cfg, in Gamedata/JSI/RasterPropMonitor/ Be aware, this could worsen the performances. License and credits and thank you : - License : (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) - Contains Assets derived from ASET props and avionics mods (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0), and Warbird Cockpit mod by @theonegalen (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0). - A huge and warm thanks to @JonnyOThan for all his precious help in all the IVA modding bits. Pictures (click to enlarge) : - Flight Director desk : - Crash Specialist desk (used for landing) : - CAPCOM desk (used for docking and target related things mainly) : - Other pictures showing new added Near Future props, for decoration (subject to change) : - The mysterious texture glitch I discussed in the todo section (if anyone knows, please tell me : ) ) related issue :https://github.com/JonnyOThan/RasterPropMonitor/issues/112 - Just for reference, this the default look of Probe Control Room, so quite different ^^ If you want to see moving pictures of this mod in action, I'm doing a Career IVA only mode, in a video format which you can find here : - By suggestion, I've made an in-depth overview of this mod and yeah, I covered every single switch, knob or instrument lol Or you can see this as a centralized place for usage of all ASET retro props too ^^ Cheers and happy IVA-ing !
  10. KSP 1.12.x - Reviva - The IVA Revival! KSP Reviva is the IVA Revival! For Kerbals who like to fly first person. Supports multiple IVA mods at once (IVA mods not included). Supports RPM and MAS. Allows IVA internal switch via B9PartSwitch: Allows selecting different IVA on each command module in editor/saves. Allows for on-the-fly IVA switching while in flight. Soon :: CKAN support so you can install Reviva and all the IVA mods you ever wanted. Currently only stock IVA and some popular IVA mods are covered, the intent is to extended the coverage over time. Required Mods Reviva - note that this does not include any other mods below in the download. KSP Forums GitHub Latest Release Download and extract the Reviva-x.x.x.zip file at the root of your KSP installation. SpaceDock - SpaceDock CKAN - Available Curse - Probably never B9PartSwitch ModuleManager RasterPropMonitor (RPM) Recommended Mods DEIVAExtension Optional Mods MOARdV's Avionics System (MAS) ASET Mk1 Cockpit ASET Mk1 Lander Can ASET Mk1-2 Command Pod Warbird Cockpits Ultimate Shuttle IVA ASET IVA for Making History Pods Many more, see Support Progress and Dependency Summary for the full list as more are supported. Some IVA mods require downloading from GitHub, Dropbox or even Zip files in GitHub issues and must be installed in their suggestion locations for Reviva to work correctly (directory names under GameData are very important). Changes 1.0.0 Release - Major Updates by JonnyOThan JonnyOThan is awesome! He's now a co-contributor for Reviva on GitHub, so he has full power and authority to do anything with the mod. This release is mostly due to his hard work to really make this mod shine. Giant refactoring of patches to make it easier to add support for mods and parts Fixed bugs regarding RPM variable persistence and action group memos being lost Fixed bugs that prevented ProbeControlRoom from working properly with Reviva Added Apex and Kermantech options for mk3 cockpit Fixed some configuration bugs 0.8.1 Release - Bug fixing (2nd Jan 2023) Fixes: Added support for AirplanePlus Mk1/0 Caged Inline (same as Mk1 Caged Inline). Note that the part does not fit exactly and has the wrong interior window structure, but is better than nothing. 0.8.0 Release - Bug fixing (16th Dec 2022) Fixes: Fix GitHub Issue 9: Thanks to JonnyOThan: Clone the partInfo so that changes to the internal config don't affect all instances of the same part. Extra fix from Fix GitHub Issue 9, again thanks to JonnyOThan: Fix an issue with internals that don't have crew capacity, exposed by FreeIva. 0.7.7 Release - BDB 1.11 Support (22nd Oct 2022) Adds: Slightly improved support for BDB 1.11 Release. Hermes/Mercury: Added Placeholder (empty) and BDBAlternate (super minimal, non-functional) Vinci/Gemini: Added Placeholder (empty) and BDBAlternate (old FASA, non-functional) Kane/Apollo: Added Placeholder (empty) and BDBRPM (functional RPM variant of non-functional BDB) Sina/LEM: Added Placeholder (empty) and BDB2 (new BDB non-functional IVA), the older BDB remains unchanged for compatibility. NOTES: Previous Reviva 0.7.6, 0.7.5, 0.7.4 will still work fine with BDB 1.11 - though the new non-functional LEM IVA will not be selectable. Currently no LEM variants have IVA switching: ie. no engine cover, Taxi, Lab, Shelter. You get the BDB default only. Similarly any Mercury, Gemini or Apollo variants (eg. Big Gemini or Apollo 5-Crew) do not have IVA switching, BDB default only. 0.7.6 Release - Moar IVA and BDB (24th Sep 2022) Adds: Support for: Starilex Intra-Vehicular Solutions - an excellent retro Mk1 pod. Available for Stock Mk1 and BDB Hermes / Mercury CM. Uses RPM. Max-Ksp MAS IVA Pack - excellent retro Mk1-3 and MEM pods. Available for Stock Mk1-3, Making History MEM, BDB Kane / Apollo, Sina / LEM. Uses MAS. SABS_IVA: MAS-enabled IVA - partial support (it provides a full set of Stock and Making History pods using MAS) for Mk1, Mk2, Mk1-3, MEM and BDB equivalents. Uses MAS. These are work-in-progress, I may add configs for everything else later. Snakeru's Mk2 Pod IVA - excelent retro style Mk2. Available for Stock and BDB Vinci / Gemini. Note that this is a ZIP file in a GitHub issue and is Beta, but to me is the best retro MAS style IVA for the Mk2. 0.7.5 Release - Airplane Plus (28th Apr 2022) Adds: Support for Airplane Plus: Warbirds (Bell Heli, Citation, Old Fighter Inline, X1 Supersonic, B29 Bomber) Warbird Cockpits Airplane Plus IVA Pack (Bell Heli, Bombardier Jet, Cessna, F-18 Fighter, Huey Heli) Airplane Plus IVA Pack Airplane Plus F-16 ASET/RPM for Falcon cockpit Needs to be installed in GameData/AirplanePlusFalcon. 0.7.4 Release - BDB experimental (28th Apr 2022) Adds: Added "Experimental" support for MOARdvPlus BDB Kane (Apollo) CM: MOARdV's Avionics System (MAS) Only covers the standard 3 crew Kane/Apollo CM. Original MOARdVPlus FASA variants still present and unmodified, they're hidden, don't use them as they won't work as well. Reviva MM config changed to support BDB 1.10.x naming Specialized action group switches work (eg. EVA Light) Glass variant also seems to work. Interior model does not match exterior so "Interior Overlay" will not look great. Will improve when BDB updates the interior. Also even more "Experimental", all Mk1-3 IVA interiors also available and seem to be functional, but definitely look even more silly with "Interior Overlay". Will not ever fix this. Fixes: Fix MASFlightComputer support to correctly update config data. This was required to get the MOARdVPlus special action groups to work. Probably helps make other IVA a little more accurate. Updated README.md with more IVAs, and links to completed mods. 0.7.3 Release - Bug fixes (12th Apr 2022) Fixes: Support QuickIVA when loading strait to IVA (GitHub Issue #6) Handle any configuration errors by remaining on same IVA (GitHub Issue #5) 0.7.2 Release - Bug fixes (11th Mar 2022) Fixes: Undocking two of same craft causing crash (GitHub Issue #3) Correctly switch IVA for in-flight craft where multiple similar craft present (GitHub Issue #4) 0.7.1 Release - Stock and Missing History (28th Feb 2022) Support Missing History KV-1, KV-2, KV-3, MK2 command pod and M.E.M. lander. Configurations for Stock, ASET IVA for Making History Pods, and MAS alternatives for Mk2 and M.E.M (the KV pods are meant to be low to medium tech only). 0.7.0 Pre-Release (3rd Feb 2022) Support for RasterPropMonitor (RPM) and/or Avionics System (MAS) IVA. Covers stock command pods, cockpits, landers and cuppola only. Configurations for Stock, RPM, MAS, ASET, DE_IVAExtension, Warbird Cokcpits and Ultimate Shuttle IVA variants. For Players If you like flying in first-person from the in-vehicle crewed cockpit, either in stock or using RPM and/or MAS, then this mod is for you. Features: Allow switching of IVA from stock to different alternates (if needed mods are loaded) using B9PartSwitch This can be done from the editor, and the settings are saved with the ship design. This can also be done live from flight! Use the PAW right-click menu on the command module when not in IVA (yup, not realistic, but this is KSP). This allows for the player to load this mod on existing saves and change IVAs on already flying craft, or to try out different IVA. Without Reviva, only the "last" IVA mod for each command module would be available. Links together stock and modded IVA into one place and provides limited patches to ensure they work in 1.12.x. Note that this mod doesn't include the IVAs, but provides links for recommended or optional IVA mods, plus patches to allow them to run and be switched dynamically. Very low overhead on in-game CPU/GPU performance: command modules get an extra ModuleIVASwitch, and switch detection only happens when changes are made. Note however that all the Internal modules are loaded into memory, so load times will be a little slower, and memory usage a little higher for each IVA pack you install. Don't go too crazy. The best way is to look at all the different IVA mods for a particular command pod or cockpit, try them out and pick one or two. Note that the first option is usually the non-functional stock or original mod IVA, these typically have less performance impact. The different IVA selection does not change the characteristics, mass, cost or other data on the actual command pod: it's all visual for IVA. This means you can change at any time without penalty, by design. Thanks blowfish :: For B9PartSwitch which provides all the clever part switching and UI. Electrocutor :: For ideas in WPF and KSP forum that inspired idea. sarbian :: For Module Manager which provides ways to reconfigure everything. alexustas :: For the amazing ASET IVAs and props. MOARdV, JonnyOThan :: For Raster Prop Monitor (RPM), making IVAs look all fancy. MOARdV :: For Avionics System (MAS), making IVAs look even more fancy. DemonEin :: For DE_IVAExtension which provides decent IVA for all of stock. Honk Hogan :: For IVA_ASET_MAKING_HISTORY which provides decent IVA for Missing History. theonegalen :: For Warbird Cockpits IVA, and forum posts that inspired that this is possible. G'th :: For the Ultimate Shuttle IVA. linuxgurugamer :: For the hopeful adoption of this mod if I wander off in the future. License MIT License - (C) 2022 Harvey Thompson Source Repository on GitHub For More Information See the GitHub README
  11. Have you gotten bored with stock IVAs? Are modded IVAs more your style? Do you want to see some more advanced features that MAS allows? Well, look at this: MOARdVPlus demonstrates the capabilities of MOARdV's Avionics Systems, giving players a chance to play with an IVA that has MOAR switches, buttons, dials, and whatnot. And hopefully to inspire other IVA creators into diving into the capabilities of MAS. The initial release includes a re-imagining of the FASA Apollo command module, updated to be drop-in compatible with the Bluedog Design Bureau Kane / Sarnus launch stack. The FASA Apollo CM, heat shield, parachutes, and parachute covers are included in MOARdVPlus - use BDB parts for the rest! Two IVAs are included in v1.0.0: the RA-01 variant (pictured above) is a fairly complete retro-style IVA. The GA-02 is an incomplete Glass Cockpit version of the Apollo (still under development - use at your own risk - contents will change). DOCUMENTATION: The Wiki on GitHub includes an operator manual for the RA-01. I suggest you at least skim through it. Or just dive in and start mashing buttons, if that's more to your taste. DOWNLOAD: GitHub PREREQUISITES: All of the MAS prerequisites are required to fly MOARdVPlus IVAs. (MAS, ASET Props, ASET Avionics, and Module Manager - not included). LICENSE: MOARdVPlus IVA and prop configs are licensed CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0. The FASA Apollo was released to RO under CC-BY-SA.
  12. ASET IVA for the External Command Seat This is mod idea I had dreamed for so long about, an actual interactive IVA for the stock External Command Seat ! Currently, the only way to see in 1st person view in the ext command seat is with Through the Eyes of a Kerbal mod, but you can't add any props to it (you can but it's janky and will not work well), so I did a little hackery here and there, converted the part to an actual pod-like behavior, and started laying out the props ! For now, this is a low tech orbiter/lander version, but I'd like to make several flavors of this : orbiter/lander high tech (with MFDs and modern style props), plane low and high tech, and a rover high tech. Todo : - Currently there is one drawback with the way this is done : To make this IVA possible, I added a part similar to the ext cmd seat, but without the KerbalSeat module, and replaced it with module command, to make it behave like a normal pod, the Kerbal is then not visible on the external model anymore, but I could go around this by adding a B9partswitch model of a kerbal, for the player to turn on/off at his convenience, I'll see. Alternatively and for now, you can enable the IVA overlay, which is already cool in it self and arguably better, since it will display the props too. - Polish the external appearance (back side) in external view with IVA overlay ON. - Make other versions of this IVA ( and add Reviva support for it) : high tech orbiter/lander ; low/high tech plane (so with instruments and layout specific to planes) ; high tech rover ; MAS high tech ? - look at VR compatibility Dependencies : - Module Manager - ASET consolidated Props and avionics - RasterPropMonitor Optional but recommended mods : - NearFutureIVAProps : Only adds the small post it decorative elements. Links to WIP releases : - Releases · kurgut/ECS_IVA (github.com) License, credits and thank you : - License : (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) - Contains Assets derived from ASET props and avionics mods (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0). - Once again, warm thanks to @JonnyOThan for his help with blender/unity. IVA creation is an obscure matter for the uninitiated for sure ^^ Pictures (click to enlarge) : - Center panel : - Left panel : - Right panel : - External view with IVA overlay ON (design/layout unfinished) : Mun Sunrise Cheers and happy IVA-ing !
  13. Fully automated mission using KoS
  14. Hello! As @MOARdv has stepped away from development of RPM, I'm going to maintain it - at least provide new builds for new KSP versions. I am incredibly grateful for their work which has provided me hundreds of hours of fun. Link to original thread. ***This mod alone does not contain very many IVAs for the current stock command pods. See below for a list of other IVA packs you might want*** DOWNLOAD: From GitHub. IVAs require Module Manager, which is not bundled with this mod. RasterPropMonitor is a plugin and toolkit originally by Mihara that provides functional props within your IVA. It was originally designed for the displays of the ALCOR capsule, but it evolved to add more features and widgets, dragging the Kerbal Space Program into the 21st Century. RPM includes some overrides for stock capsules (and a few mod capsules) to show off what can be done, but there's far more in the plugin than these examples can show. CKAN USERS: As of RPM v0.31.2, installation via CKAN is officially supported. CKAN provides two packages: RasterPropMonitor is the entire mod including the JSI Agency and example IVA overrides. RasterPropMonitor-core only includes the plugin and props for use in other mods. If you install only RasterPropMonitor-core, you must also install some other IVA mods. HOW TO GET HELP: Make sure you've installed Module Manager and followed the installation instructions on GitHub or in the readme file. Then read this post and post a comment on this thread that includes your ksp.log file and screenshots of the problem. If you don't include the entire log file you will probably not get help. Yes, the entire thing. You can compress it first if it's too large. If you have a reproducible bug or suggestions for changes, you are welcome to open an issue on the github issue tracker. Please first use the search feature to see if it's already been reported, and include your log file and screenshots in the issue. DOCUMENTATION: Want to tweak an IVA to your liking? Documentation is on GitHub. RELEASE NOTES: On GitHub. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Also on GitHub. SOURCE CODE: Also on GitHub (notice a theme? ). LICENSE: GNU GPLv3. Props courtesy of alexustas and other contributors, and available under the terms of CC 3.0 BY-NC-SA. Portions of this package are derived from stock textures by Squad and are distributed according to Squad policy of permitting to distribute stock assets with mods if required. TinyPirate's 2-minute-mod review: Add-ons for RasterPropMonitor: Plugins that integrate with RasterPropMonitor, enhancing the IVA experience. Astrogator, for planning transfers between worlds. Docking Port Alignment Indicator, to make IVA docking much, much easier. NavUtilities, providing ILS and HSI in the cockpit. SCANsat, for map views on the MFDs. VesselView, for graphical representations of your craft. ProbeControlRoom for adding a control room IVA to unmanned craft. kOSPropMonitor (requires kOS) - provides an IVA terminal for kOS. Baker Operating System - a full operating system for your rocket (uses kOSPropMonitor and KOS) Chatterer (ASET only) - IVA buttons and indicators for kerbalized radio chatter Engine Ignitor - limited engine restarts Hullcam VDS - more external cameras Plugins RasterPropMonitor can interact with, enhancing the IVA experience even more. Ferram Aerospace Research: for FAR-computed variables, as well as controlling flaps and spoilers from IVA. MechJeb: for all sorts of auto-pilot features and flight information. RealChute: RPM can arm, disarm, deploy, and cut RealChute parachutes (as well as deploying and cutting stock 'chutes). RasterPropMonitor contains example props based on stock internal props. If you want to create a really good looking IVA, you should consider grabbing Alexustas' ASET Props. It implements more of RPM's features than any other mod I've seen. Even better, ASET Avionics provides props for space planes (or any other IVA wanting some aviation-styled props). Reviva by @610yesnolovely is an excellent mod that allows for switching the IVA of a given part between different variants. IVAs for stock pods: KSA IVA Upgrade (includes mk1pod, mk1 lander can, mk1 inline cockpit, and mk1 cockpit) Mk3 Pod IVA Replacement by Apex Mk1 Lander Can by alexustas Mk1-2 Pod by alexustas (Note this is the old one) DE_IVAExtension (all stock pods!) by @DemonEin ASET IVA for Making History pods by @HonkHogan Ultimate Shuttle IVA by @G'th Kermantech-MK3-IVA by @luizopiloto Other IVAs: Mk2Expansion by @SuicidalInsanity Mk3Expansion by @SuicidalInsanity Aerokerbin Industries Modified IVAs by MasseFlieger. The ALCOR capsule and ERS rover by alexustas. CST-100 7-seat crew vehicle by xxhansonmaxx Falcon Command Cockpit cockpit Home Grown Rockets B9 Aerospace by @blowfish Mark IV Spaceplane System by @Nertea OPT Space Plane by @K.Yeon Vexarp IVA (NearFuture pods) by @Vexmae Other suggested mods for IVA playing: Through the Eyes of a Kerbal - 1st-person EVA QuickIVA - force IVA mode FreeIva - Get out of your seat and move around inside your ship MOARDv Avionics System - the successor to RasterPropMonitor Don't see a current IVA project on this list? Let me know. I may have missed it, or I may not have imported it from the original RPM thread. Speaking of which... Mihara had more to say about RPM on the original thread (and I'll edit this post some time down the road to include more of the links and info he had).
  15. BakerOperatingSystem 2.2.0 a Kerbal Operating System Raster Prop Monitor GUI script file! Hello fellow Kerbonauts! Baker Operating System is a single script that runs a GUI I have created to run a large collection of KOS scripts. It is a full autopilot GUI written in Kerbalscript to let the user play the game completely from the IVA perspective exclusively. Everything from Launching to orbit, planning a transfer to a target, executing the maneuvers, landing, collecting science, automatic docking in orbit and much more! I'm SelfAwareMatter and I have been playing KSP for 7 years or so and love the game so very much. It has given me a unique perspective on my own place in the universe and greatly enhanced my ability to understand the world around me. Among the things KSP has inspired me to teach myself, programming with KOS is one. I am a Linux user and building simple boot scripts and editing config files was about the extent of my programming knowledge before playing and learning with KOS. Special thanks to Vulcan for his IVA content and for a bit of code he kicked down, CheersKevin on Youtube for getting me started on writing Kerbal-script code, and the devs of KSP, KOS,RPM, and the modding community in general for contributing to such an awesome game and making it so much more! I am humbled to contribute in anyway I can to the community. If even one nerd gets a kick out of using my system I'll be stoked. What an awesome thing KSP and KOS is! MODS that have been incorporated include- Kerbal Operating System obviously Raster Prop Monitor KOS Prop Monitor Atmosphere Autopilot BD Armory RSVP- the rsvp scripts need to be in your script folder for the transfer planner to work. Hullcamvds Trajectories There is a lot in this 13k lines of code. Some of the programs include- Blackjack! My first game! Its buggy and awesome! RSVP transfer GUI - requires RSVP script files in script folder. They may need to be slightly edited. Automatic Launch System Automatic Landing System Automatic Docking - Docking port to be used on ship must be name tagged "fromname" Engine Control Execute Maneuver Node Robotic Servo Controller Ship systems Resource transfer between docked vessels Circularize Orbit Eccentricity at Apoapsis Circularize Orbit Eccentricity at Periapsis Rover Autopilot Target selector Time-warp Controller Maneuver Node editor with current angle to prograde and angle to retrograde display Science Sensor Controller External Camera Controller Atmosphere Autopilot Weapon systems Moon Transfer Planner Planet Transfer Planner VTOL Automatic Hover I hope everybody has fun with this. I intend to make a youtube video about the script soon showcasing some of its features. I would love if somebody wanted to add something awesome to it. I will continue to work on and update this script. Feedback is totally welcome too. Ive tried to make these programs fairly robust and usable in a lot of different environments and situations but I'm sure bugs will arise I have not worked out in situations I have not tested. I'm sure the way I organize some of the code would give a some programmers fever dreams. I tried to make it as organized and commented as possible. Adding new scripts you may want to incorporate is super easy. Just pack the script you want to run in a function with a call to the bakeros function at the end of the script. That will return to menu selection after the script loop has been stopped. Then just drop it in the list of functions in the script file baker.ks and add the function call to the menuanswer section of the bakeros function you will see at the end of the script. Then it should boot just fine from the selection menu. Any questions shoot me a message in the Discord and ill try to respond quickly. Here ya go!!! I am receiving some great advice on the KOS discord about how to clean up my triggers automatically so the system does not slow over time, and some general ways to clean up some of the code that I will be implementing soon. For now every few scripts its a good idea to use ctrl c and reboot the Baker Operating System script file to reset your triggers. ---Version 2.2.0--- License:MIT Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3052/Baker Operating System v2.1.0 Discord: https://discord.gg/D5PxdeVA Github: https://github.com/SelfAwareMatter/BakerOS Curseforge: https://www.curseforge.com/kerbal/ksp-mods/baker-operating-system-v2-1-0
  16. Hey all, I'm adopting one of the best interactive IVAs ever made: the ALCOR pod. Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/3499/ALCOR Adopted (should be on CKAN soon) License: CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0 Dependencies ModuleManager ASET Props RasterPropMonitor Recommendations FreeIva Original thread:
  17. Hi, I've been messing around lately, and I would like to try applying a texture to an already exsiting IVA : Example : taking the Mark 1 stock comand pod, and replacing its "background interior textures" with ones extracted from a 3D model, like this one : What would be the steps for that ? Note that blender and me do have a pretty spicy relationship (I'm quite new to this, and texture work in general). I guess deleting the stock textures and replacing them with ones, but I'd guess I'd need to convert those 3D model to PNGs ? As it's what I'm seing in most internal folders... Anyways... gonna keep diggin' Thanks for your help !
  18. How Chuck Yeager broke the Sound Barrier - The Complete Mission - KSP RSS/RO - XS-1 flight, October 14th 1947- Hi, I finally finished this project that kept me occupied for some days (weeks? ), a full reproduction of the historic flight of the Bell XS-1, breaking the sound barrier, in RSS/RO : ) 76 years ago, October 14th 1947, Chuck Yeager embarked on his Bell XS-1 "Glamorous Glennis", carried by a B-29 at Muroc airforce base. While having two broken ribs, he, the USAF and NACA marked history with this milestone, crucial in developing technologies and knowledge both for planes and manned space exploration. Embark on the "Glamorous Glennis" with Chuck Yeager, for this historical ride above mach 1, breaking the sound barrier for the first time ! The whole mission was flown from the cockpit, but the video has some external views as well, some archives images and original crew conversations, but from X-1A flight (starting at 5:40, the rest is AI custom generated voices I created to add immersion and make the thing feel more alive). This was definitely a challenging and fun mission to do, as well as learning a lot about the outstanding research and systems from that time ! Yeah I'm just in love with the old days analog era, true pioneers ! Any feedback appreciated (best watched with headphones) Below the video, you'll find a mission report on how it was flown, recorded, many cool and interesting historical details with pictures, ressources, links, and mods used ! : ) Thanks for watching ! First some quick additional details about the video : - As mentioned above, I used the audio archive from the X-1A flight (credit to Retro Space HD), and made the audio match the corresponding parts. After digging and digging, I coudln't find any audio from the 6062 flight, if anyone knows about it, I'd be very interested ! - The chase craft is inspired by a P-80, which I believe was the plane used for this (please confirm if you know : ) ). Turns out it in the end, it looks more like a f3D, but it's ok The cockpit interior of the chase plane isn't historically accurate of course (that's a lazy bit from me). - 5:15 : This is a mistake from me, I'm almost positive the purge fuel exhaust was placed near the engine section, facing rear, not on the belly like here. - 6:14 : From what I red, when released, the mothership/X-1 assembly were slightly pitched down, to avoid stalling on the Bell upon drop. But as I had to record each scene multiple times, to get different angles, I resolved flying it horizontally instead, at the 20 000' drop altitude. This because I needed consistency between the different takes, to have the same background/altitude/angle, and make my life a tad more easy - 7:57 : As mentioned in the video, I'm using VOR (radio) navigation to return to Edwards. I don't know if Chuck did so too, does anybody know about this ? I'd guess he was flying VFR, but he also couldn't see much in this thing (actually much less than here, since this cockpit ingame can have its seat go up/down). Visibility was so poor, how could he fly and even land in that thing ^^ The how(s) (click pictures to enlarge) - After setting up a KSP install where I could get acceptable frames with all those pretty mods (that was almost some sisyphus/impossible task for my config^^), I first built the craft files, then I needed to create a custom IVA for the B-29 cockpit (from Airplane Plus mod), in unity : before after below, I'll maybe release this as a mod at some point, or addional config for Warbirds cockpits mod, by @theonegalen . : ) I worked with reference images, so it's mostly accurate to the real B-29 cockpit. I also tweaked both the X-1 IVA and P-80 chase IVA interiors. (both are from the great Warbird cockpits mod - The P-80 uses the Mk1 inline cockpit WB ASET IVA) - Then I created a custom runway, that I made match the Edwards base one, using Kerbal Konstructs. First I flew the mission in one go, only from the cockpit, with B-29 mothership / Bell XS-1 assembly. After that I recorded all the external shots. - Finally, I needed to have views from the chase plane : that was the tricky (to say the least) bit I used two methods : firt I created another runway next to the main one, spawned the two crafts on each runway, and with the help of Physics Range Extender mod, I made them both take off at the same. Once in the air, I used Atmosphere Autipilot amazing cruise flight controller, to automatically control the B-29, while I was manually flying around with the chase plane. Another solution I used, was simply, in the most kerbal fashion, to strap the P-80 on top of the B-29 assembly, making it a double mothership haha. And yes it could even fly ^^ - The last interesting and funny bob I'd like to mention is the "elevator" that Chuck used to get inside his X-1 cockpit midflight : for that I added a little elevator actuated by robotic parts. I would have the kerbal exit the B-29 cabin by the back. And EVA to the elevator to get in the cabin. Well, I forgot Kerbals on EVA can't walk on parts while under acceleration. This led to Chuck being slapped against a B-29 structural panel, "constrained" and unable to move with a wind of 200 MPH against his back. So change of plans, I redid the thing to be even a contrapti-er (?¿) contraption : I constructed another version of the craft, and put an external command seat on top of a spaghetti assembly of robotic parts that would take the kerbal from the start point, to the elevator, and down with it to the X-1 cabin. (Yeah as you noticed, I carefully hid this horrible thing as much as I could in the video^) The History : I'll add here some interesting facts that hooked my attention ("fascinated me" would be more accurate ) - Two nights before the flight, Yeager broke two ribs when he fell from a horse. He was worried that the injury would remove him from the mission, and hid it from his superiors. On the day of the flight, Yeager was in such pain that he could not seal the X-1's hatch by himself. His pilot friend Jack Ridley, the only one he told about this, rigged up a device, using the end of a broom handle as an extra lever, to allow Yeager to seal the hatch. Just imagine a Nasa test pilot doing the same thing today haha - I find amazing that the mission report by Chuck Yeager himself, only consisted of a single printed typed page. I used this as the good reference for the flying ingame : - Details on the XLR-11 rocket motor and its (very cool) cockpit controls : - For Science ! - The essential Mach meter : - The crucial stabilizer : - Finally, a random collection of bits and bobs - Ressources : - Recommended videos about the X-1 : - Mods used in the video : Thanks for watching and reading ! And happy new year !
  19. Through the Eyes of a Kerbal KSP IVA career mode I love flying in IVA in KSP, it gives it a completly different experience, especially with mods like FreeIVA, awesome IVA mods available out there. So I started a new career, where I attempt to fly missions only from the cockpits and the mission control room, for unmmaned spacecraft. This will be mostly done in a video format (the serie style is new to me, so don't hesitate to provide feedback ) So let's bang our Kerbal head against all those knobs and switches shall we ? : P - Link to a WIP version of this retro-NASA-styled Probe Control Room IVA, used in this serie : - Modlist (will evolve eventually) : - Chapters : Godspeed ! Ep. 1 - Humble Hoppings We discovered female Kerbals are called "Kerbalinas" ? did you know ? : D Next we'll surely get a Kerbal to orbit, and hopefully some probes to the Mun, while continuing developping aircraft tech to break the sound barrier !
  20. 'Mk1 Lander Can' IVA Replacement by ASET ASET company is proud to present the new product — Advanced IVA for 'Mk1 Lander Can' Advanced IVA for 'Mk1 Lander Can' is a full set of instruments for your spacecraft control and aviating inspired by the Golden Era of cosmonautics (1960-1970-ies). Feel yourself a brave pioneer of space. No modern MFD, no advanced electronics! Only analog gauges, made in the style of NASA Moon program. view imgur album Get a new unforgettable experience of flying with such instruments as FDAI, DSKY, X-Pointer and others. brand new interior for the stock LanderCabinSmall brand new set of instruments in NASA-retro style: Flight Director/Attitude Indicator (FDAI) with the dedicated control panel (FDAI GMCP) and switch set. Use the MOARdv’s great manual for this device. Altitude/Range Rate Tapemeter (ARRT) with the two dedicated toggle-switches for turning the devices on and off and for the mode selection (height/vertical speed or distance to target/closing speed), also with the error indicator. Use the MOARdv’s great manual for this device. Thrust-to-Weight Indicator (TW) with the mode switch (current TWR / the maximum possible TWR) X-pointer with the mode and display range selectors, also with the error indicator. Use the MOARdv’s great manual for this device. ASET_DSKY – LCD-display with the keyboard for the important flight information (orbit, orbit of target vessel), a rendezvous with the target, maneuver, timing, Delta V information). Use the MOARdv’s great manual for this device. monochrome CRT-display for the targets’ menu and external cameras’ output full set of the analog indicators (gauges): Speed indicator (ASET_AnalogSpeedIndicator) with mode selector (auto, orbital, surface, relative) Effective acceleration indicator (ASET_AnalogSpeedIndicator) G-force indicator (NASA_G_Units_Indicator) Slope indicator (NASA_Slope_Angl_Indicator) Thrust limit indicator (NASA_Slope_Angl_Indicator) Phase/Ejection/Moon ejection Angle indicator (ASET_PhaseAngleIndicator) with mode selector Impact speed indicator (ImpactSpeedIndicator) with two scales for the current and the minimum possible touchdown speed full set of the vertical single and Edgewise meters (resources, temperature and engine indicators) numerical LCD-display for the current altitude and и surface height numerical LCD-display for the amount of resources on board and mode selector for it gauge for the battery charge gauge for the power supply panel and the power source selector (generator, fuel cell, solar panels and alternator) full set of the mechanical ( aka "barber pole") and warning light indicators ("low charge", "low fuel" etc) full set of the push-buttons (RetroButton) for all basic functions (custom groups, SAS modes etc) New toggle switches in the 'NASA' style ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mods dependency required: Module Manager 2.8+ RasterPropMonitor v0.30.2 ASET_Props v 1.5+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downloads: 'Mk1 Lander Can' IVA Replacement by ASET v 1.1 (Spacedock) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: - Install into “/Gamedata/ASET/" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many thanks to the group of testers for their help with this release @nukeboyt @imerg @StevieC @Plecy75 @ISE @holodmer @chimpbone @Dragon01 @lazar2222 @simtom @Zapo147 @lennie @PhantomC3PO @Chaumas @Mecripp @panarchist @Ghosty141 @Lo Var Lachland @sebseb7 @harrisjosh2711 @Falco01 @>The Amazing Spy< Special thanks to @MOARdV, @Mihara, @DennyTX , @nukeboyt , @Dragon01 and @linuxgurugamer for their help and support with the mods development. And all the forum users who support and motivate me to keep working on my mods. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like what I do? Want to directly support development? Consider donating via Patreon or Paypal! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Mk1 Lander Can' IVA Replacement by ASET" by Alexustas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changelog: 26/11/2017 - v1.1 *All switches changed to new modular ones. *Changed instrument layout.
  21. Hi, This video tutorial will cover how to do a manual ascent to rendez-vous, in IVA (from the cockpit) ! : ) This part can be quite tricky, and almost as hard as an IVA landing, when done right ! This part assumes you already know all the bits & bobs covered in the previous tutorials, which you can find below : Feedback and questions always welcome ! Cheers
  22. I'm adopting another great IVA mod - @dsonbill's kOSPropMonitor. This wonderful mod adds a kOS terminal to RasterPropMonitor screens. There's no functional changes in this version, except that I'm going to fix the zip file issues that have prevented this from being updated on CKAN. Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/3473/kOSPropMonitor-Adopted (coming soon to CKAN) License: GPLv3 Source Code: https://github.com/jonnyothan/kospropmonitor Original thread here:
  23. Hi ! Today, we continue this tutorial serie for a Moon landing, fully manual from the start of the powered descent to touchdown, all from the cockpit (IVA). This is one of the trickiest part of IVA flying, but one of the most rewarding for sure ! Link to the previous/next parts of those retro-IVA tutorials : Cheers
  24. Continuation of the previous episode, which was about rendez-vous, this ones covers old manual docking, instruments only ! Which involves the usage of that bloody X-pointer instrument... Looks overwhelming at first, but in the end allows for very precise and smooth dockings to be made, and is also so damn rewarding and fun ! Link to the previous/following parts of those retro-IVA tutorials : Questions/feedback welcome Cheers
  25. Hi ! This is the continuation of the first part of the tutorial serie (spoiler below) about flying retro styled IVA spacecrafts, this one will focus on the DSKY usage, as well as a rendez-vous guide, instruments only ! Previous/following tutorial parts : Feel free to ask any questions or provide feedback : ) Cheers
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