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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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Anyone having problems with the new update? I have been trying for an hour to fly any rockets even the default stock ones and every time my throttle cutoff after a few seconds and can't control anything.

Are you switching too map view at all? I know of a big that causes all controls to cease working whenever map view is loaded, and it is often blamed on other mods. It is when the bolderco visual enhancements are used with also the boulder I active memory reduction mod. Hope that fixes.

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Yeah, It was RemoteTech2 causing the issue. I'm using the latest MechJeb as they advised but it's not working.

Are you including the 500km/dipole omni antenna on your craft because the built in probe antenna's only have a range of 3km (so engine/control would cut off at that height)?

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I've only included the GigaDish and the throttle cutoff at around 3000 meters. But I didn't activate the antenna yet. Also it happened with stock ships that didn't have any mod.

That sounds like your problem, at 3km the built in probe antenna goes out of range from mission control and your probe (and ability to control your rocket) turns off. If you have RT2 installed, then every ship which doesn't have a pilot in a command pod will be effected.

You need an antenna to retain contact during the ascent period from 3km to 70km, the basic dipole (500km range) is good for this, as it won't break off in atmosphere (and defaults to on).

Once you leave the atmosphere (70km) you can open your larger communications device and target it at mission control with it breaking off.

[Edit] This isn't Kethane related, so we should probably continue discourse about RT2 in it's own thread

Edited by NoMrBond
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That sounds like your problem, at 3km the built in probe antenna goes out of range from mission control and your probe (and ability to control your rocket) turns off. If you have RT2 installed, then every ship which doesn't have a pilot in a command pod will be effected.

You need an antenna to retain contact during the ascent period from 3km to 70km, the basic dipole (500km range) is good for this, as it won't break off in atmosphere (and defaults to on).

Once you leave the atmosphere (70km) you can open your larger communications device and target it at mission control with it breaking off.

[Edit] This isn't Kethane related, so we should probably continue discourse about RT2 in it's own thread

Yeah, you are right I'll follow up the tutorials but I didn't think it would affect all the ships even those without the RT2 parts.


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Nothing, that is how it works. It only scans when the active vessel. Work around for this horrible limitation is changing the detection time to a very low number (like .000001) so very high time compression can be used without skipping.
How is this done? Is there a line in the config file, or must I simply spam detectors?
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Its possible to scan without interuption on fastest time warp without changing the scanner configs at all....just use more scanners.

For those of you having issues scanning or new to kethane its worth reading the wiki, to understand the mechanics of the scanners and grid.

Also, unlike a ISA or SCANsat map, you should never need to fill the kethane map to 100%. Once I first get to a planet Ill only have 5-6 hexes wide around the equator for awhile(usually several years)...till I get bigger operations going. For small drop mining and refueling ships in transit you wanna keep to equitorial deposits anyway.

Kethane provides rather easy access to huge amounts of fuel just about anywhere in the Kerbol SoI....think of the scannning mechanics as a way to balance that =)

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Kethane provides rather easy access to huge amounts of fuel just about anywhere in the Kerbol SoI....think of the scannning mechanics as a way to balance that =)

Unless, as in my current 0.23 Career save, all the best Kethane deposits on low-gravity bodies seem to be under steep slopes or outright mountains. Argh. :)

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Unless, as in my current 0.23 Career save, all the best Kethane deposits on low-gravity bodies seem to be under steep slopes or outright mountains. Argh. :)

Yea..it happens....

Heres what ya can do. If you have to land in a crap LZ for mining send a probe first. Land the probe in your intended LZ, a very small light probe, just enough to land, will be able to put down on some severe terrain. Two things the probe will let ya do.

First is you can get a ground level view of the area, possibly adjust your LZ a bit. Secondly it will let you eyeball the grade of the slope or other terrain in your LZ. If you have to land on a 20deg slope then build your actual mining lander with offset landing legs, so the lander comes out strait on said slope.

For the later Infernal Robotics does wonders. Not only makes it easy to build stable offset landers, but allows for adjustment once your down.

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Please help me, i have not works Kethane mod ;.;

There is map:


And there is vessel:


Why kethane not extracting?

What have I done wrong?

What version of Kethane are you using? There was a bug in version 0.8.3 that was fixed in version 0.8.4

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Question: How does mining work?

Explination: I've discovered two rather large Kethane deposits in Kerbins southern Hemisphere and I want to mine and process them (potentially for use as a secondary lauch site) and i was curious if i needed one miner per hex, or if i needed one miner per deposit.

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Question: How does mining work?

Explination: I've discovered two rather large Kethane deposits in Kerbins southern Hemisphere and I want to mine and process them (potentially for use as a secondary lauch site) and i was curious if i needed one miner per hex, or if i needed one miner per deposit.

It depends on how fast you want to mine the Kethane, but the minimum is one miner per deposit

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Question: How does mining work?

Explination: I've discovered two rather large Kethane deposits in Kerbins southern Hemisphere and I want to mine and process them (potentially for use as a secondary lauch site) and i was curious if i needed one miner per hex, or if i needed one miner per deposit.

Hex's don't matter. Any hex touching another hex is part of the same deposit and you can plonk a miner down on any of the hex's to draw from the collective deposit.

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From the part.cfg files:[TABLE=width: 500]



[TD]1m converter




[TD]2m converter





















































































So, yes, it looks this way to me, too. But that's ok, because the 2m converter also helps to keep everyone warm. ;)

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Is anyone else here having problems with the Kethane scan grid overlay?

Here's my issue:

If I am controlling a scanning satellite, whenever I turn off the scan grid overlay and then switch which vessel I'm controlling, when I open map view while controlling the new ship, the UI window that is used to toggle the grid visibility is all messed up.


The Kethane UI is in the lower left corner if you're having trouble finding it. I would probably miss it if I hadn't taken the screenshot myself.

Whenever I see the messed up UI window, the debug console will fill with NullRefrenceException spam from the "MapOverlay" part of the Kethane plugin. If I exit map view, the NRE spam stops.

Here's the line from the debug console that shows up when this happens:

AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'MapOverlay' from assembly 'Kethane'

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/ea95e74f6e5f192d/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 54)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Kethane.MapOverlay.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

and here's what I found in output_log.txt to match

(Filename: Line: -1)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Kethane.MapOverlay.controlWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

- not sure which end of that message the "(Filename: Line: -1)" bit goes on, it occurs on both sides in the file. I would like to provide my full output_log.txt, but unfortunately I am unable to do so.

After the UI window becomes broken, simply restarting KSP won't fix it. Instead, I have to exit KSP, open GameData/Kethane/settings.cfg, and manually re-set the "ShowOverlay =" line from "False" to "True". However, that only fixes it temporarily, and I can reliably make it happen on-demand by controlling a vessel with a scanner on it, going to map view, turning off the scan visibility, then switching to another vessel.

As far as I have observed, this issue does not affect anything beyond the Kethane add-on.

Kethane is the most recent addition to my KSP install, I didn't encounter any bugs before installing Kethane, and I'm not adding any more addons before I get the existing stuff to work as intended.

Install details:

KSP version = 0.23.0

Running at "half-res" texture settings to help prevent "out of memory" crashes, even tho I wasn't crashing at "full res". (better safe than sorry)

Installed add-ons that use plugins:

  • [*=1]Kethane 0.8.4
    [*=1]MechJeb 2 v2.1.1.0
    [*=1]Editor Extensions 0.6
    [*=1]KJR v1.0
    [*=1]KAS v0.4.5
    [*=1]Near Future Propulsion Pack (using low-res texture pack)
    [*=1]Tarsier Space Tech v
    [*=1]TweakableEverything v
    [*=1]WarpUnlocker v
    [*=1]ModuleManager 1.5.6
    [*=1]PorkWorks habitat modules
    [*=1]LTech v1.9
    [*=1]Firespitter (plugin only)
    [*=1]FusTek_Sumghai (plugin only)

Hopefully, this post has enough details to pinpoint what exactly is malfunctioning here.

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From the part.cfg files:[TABLE=width: 500]



[TD]1m converter




[TD]2m converter





















































































So, yes, it looks this way to me, too. But that's ok, because the 2m converter also helps to keep everyone warm. ;)

...Umm. What.

So the descriptions explicitly call the 1m converter inefficient and the 2m converter efficient... when in fact the only fuel type the 2m converter is actually noticably more efficient with is monopropellant? Oxidizer and Xenon are worse, and liquid fuel is just a minor (ca. 6%) improvement. That just doesn't seem right.

Is it safe for me to edit the part configs if I currently have no converter parts deployed/in flight anywhere? I reckon that upping the power draw a bit on the 2m one in order to boost its efficiency so it can at least match and maybe slightly exceed the 1m one seems fair enough.

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