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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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  Majiir said:
Kethane can be transferred without fuel lines, much like MonoPropellant. (They use the same flow mode internally.) LiquidFuel and Oxidizer must be connected somehow, either directly or by fuel line (from converter to tank).

does that mean the fuel line thing is now fixed?

in the past i've always had to run fuel lines from the fuel tank to the converter to get fuel flow (i.e. arrows to the the converter, treat it like an "engine")

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warmadmax: you will still have to run the fuel lines if the tanks and the converter are in different stacks. That's just how LFO works in KSP. The converter works by consuming negative amounts of fuel This is a base KSP limitation that kethane has to work with.

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thought that might still be the case still taniwha,

arrows to the converter still :wink:

i.e. fuel lines from fueltank to converter, NOT from converter to fueltank

Thanks for the great work on Kethane Majiir :D looking forward to playing with it again in 20.2 :D

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Of course the simplest way to avoid this "problem" is to build a converter sandwich, with a fuel tank and a Kethane tank as the bread.

I always put the Fuel tank on top. I don't know about the other way around.

Edited by Gus
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Majiir, I'm not sure, but the kethane deposits appear to be biased towards the poles. I've read the code and can't figure out your generation method. If you pick a latitude and a longitude at random you will get this bias (because the lines of longitude converge).

Again, I don't know if there really is a problem.



I found this in your Plugin/Deposit.cs file.

Vector3 Pos = new Vector3(UnityEngine.Random.Range(R, Width - R), 0, UnityEngine.Random.Range(R, Height - R));


Width = 2.0f * (float)Math.PI * (float)CBody.Radius;

Height = Width / 2.0f;

From this it looks like you will indeed get a higher density of kerthane sites the closer to the pole you get.

A number of techniques for generating non-biased distributions on the surface of a sphere are described here:


Of course, you may have actually wanted more kethane deposits in the cold polar regions.



Edited by Gus
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So I would like to try this out but im confussed, "The MMI Satellite and Payload Packs can still be" do I NEED to use these parts or are they just extra? If I need them why are they not in the download link in the first thread?

Never mind! :sealed:

Anyone know a good tutorial for this? :P And can I put this in my Mods map? KSP/Gamedata/mods

Scott Manley, like allways thank you. Last question remains. Cant play atm so if this question gets a answer before I can I would love it :)

Edited by XerZin
scrolling and reading
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  XerZin said:
Anyone know a good tutorial for this? :P And can I put this in my Mods map? KSP/Gamedata/mods

Scott Manley, like allways thank you. Last question remains. Cant play atm so if this question gets a answer before I can I would love it :)

Actually you should probably not have your folders set up that way. Changing the file structure can break some of the newer mods. :wink:

As for tutorials, a search for "kethane" on youtube will get you tons of video how to's etc.

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there is no production Kethane. auger drill - dust goes out from under him, and the fuel level in the tank is not growing. version of game[0.20.2.x],mod version [0.4.4]

//(google translate used)

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  OmenRa said:
there is no production Kethane. auger drill - dust goes out from under him, and the fuel level in the tank is not growing. version of game[0.20.2.x],mod version [0.4.4]

//(google translate used)

Hate to ask, and I mean no offence...but are you sure your drill is over a deposit? Also keep an eye on your power, these drills are very power hungry and even one can kill a ships batteries kinda fast if its not built to handle the pull of the drill.

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may I suggest a 1.25m (small sized) kethane tank?

also re additional mass, maybe there could be a over 100 percent conversion rate, except it only works in atmosphere (with built-in or outside air intakes and stuff). This will by quite a bit more efficient (maybe 130-150 percent?) and will encourage the establishment of mining bases on duna and laythe or orbital refinery ships around eve and jool that can dip down into atmos to refine and come back up again

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  gunnyfreak said:
may I suggest a 1.25m (small sized) kethane tank?

also re additional mass, maybe there could be a over 100 percent conversion rate, except it only works in atmosphere (with built-in or outside air intakes and stuff). This will by quite a bit more efficient (maybe 130-150 percent?) and will encourage the establishment of mining bases on duna and laythe or orbital refinery ships around eve and jool that can dip down into atmos to refine and come back up again

there is a small tank the 'KE-TM30' is 1.25m tank, in my VAB menu its right next to the kethane bypass engine

also, go look at your kethane scan of duna.....all the encouragement I need to make a base there =P

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  OmenRa said:
there is no production Kethane. auger drill - dust goes out from under him, and the fuel level in the tank is not growing. version of game[0.20.2.x],mod version [0.4.4]

//(google translate used)

Took a while for it to sink in that I wasn't over a deposit. I was at the time at 53 N 27 E and should have been at 53 S 27 W. Might pay to check you are not doing the same

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  Orphican said:
Actually you should probably not have your folders set up that way. Changing the file structure can break some of the newer mods. :wink:

As for tutorials, a search for "kethane" on youtube will get you tons of video how to's etc.

Well I did the youtube search and most uploads are more then a year old. I guess I will change back the way I have this mod, works with the others :)

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Thank you all for helping me! issue resolved reinstalling! (I copied the old maps from the old version to save time - spent twice as much on the solution and a new scan)


google translate used

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So I decided tonight to find out which method is quickest in refining Kethane into the three primary materials, Liquid Fuel, Oxidizer and Mono Propellant. The goals were simple. Find out which method took the shortest time by either refining all three at once, or, refine one fuel type at a time.

I started a brand new game as I was just learning about how this mod works since Scott Manleys video is a bit old, but I got the gist. I'm pondering on doing a tutorial on the process of getting this stuff done. (I have a decent screen capture setup that isn't FRAPs, and it encodes video very well and very compact, but I'm having issues finding a decent video editor that doesn't blow the video up to massive sizes. My wife has a copy of Adobe Premier from school that I've been using, but its output looks like crap and I've not figured out why it takes a 30gig input video and blows it up to 10x the size for lower video quality. If anyone can, to keep this thread on topic, can you fire me a PM with suggestions on a decent video editor and maybe a basic rundown on how it works?)

I first built my scanning probe. Simple rocket, single large scanner, up she went and in orbit, and in 20 minutes at 50x speed, I had a pretty decent map of what laid around on the Mun.

Next, I built my all-in-one refinery. Large refinery, quad drills, 16000L tank, quad engined beast in a wide Skycrane configuration but is a permanent fixture, with quad small RCS tanks, and the Lazor System and I think about 24 yellow lazors to transfer stuff efficiently, and a tonne of RTGs. I then CHEATED my way to the Mun with it as I couldn't be bothered to build the rocket underneath (I'll test that out later), and got it landed. Found out that this thing sucks back electricity like nobodies business, so redesigned the electrical system by adding I think 48 stock RTGs. STILL not enough, but it was close, and it gave me an opportunity to build another ship, which I'll explain later. In the third version of this rocket, I also threw on a small Kethane scanner so I could keep an eye on how much fuel is left at the site.

Once the refinery landed, I built a fuel tank that would take the refined gases up to orbit. Its just a large orange tank, two large RCS tanks stapled and duct taped to the ends, quad motor setup again (I kind of like the Skycrane setup), NO Lazor system this time, but might be added later. Since I didn't have anything to dock to, I skipped on the docking ports. I'll work that out later as well. As I said, I just wanted to learn about how this all works.

I landed the gas tank near the refinery, and got to work. Learned how the process works, found out about the inefficiency factor when refining the three fuels at once, etc. The first go, I found out about how this thing drinks Electricity, so back to the space center to build a "UPS" system.

The UPS has 13 round batteries, 8 stock large solar panels, 4 oriented to point horizontally, 4 vertical, again with the skycrane setup, LAZOR system with a ring of yellow lazors around the neck of each fuel tank on the skycrane, no RTGs. Landed it, now the refinery has enough electricity while its day time to do this experiment. The UPS does start to deplete, but never hit zero during this process. I'm pondering on loading this thing up with RTGs instead of the solar panels so I can have a constant power source at any time. I'm on the fence.

That was yesterday.

TODAY, with my remembering the mention somewhere in this thread about how the inefficiencies of the refinery work, I decided to put a stopwatch against it. The results are rather interesting, and possibly might end up getting the refinery nerfed. heh

So, the first go was refine all fuels individually. I filled up the 16000L tank with Kethane, and dumped all the other existing fuel. Pulled out my Android, loaded the stop watch, turned on each refining process one at a time. I found that the total time it took was about 12 minutes.

Second go was to refine all fuels at the same time. So again, dumped the fuel to be refined to, filled the Kethane tank, made sure the electricity was flowing. Started all three processes at the same time, brought the efficiency down to about 43 or 47% or whatever. Time elapsed was about 8.5 minutes.

So, ladies and gents, the lesson here is that even though the time it takes to refine individual fuels is much faster, and uses less electricity, if you need to fill up the three types of gas, its best time wise to overheat the refinery and fill the three main fuel types all at once.

After I get my Pizza, I'm going to retry this test and see if it all lines up. It should, in theory, but who knows. :]

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